Faculty of Economics and Informatics in Wilno, University of Bialystok

Stationary Studies in Economics II

Course Code: 1000-ES2-1HME
Language: English
Course description: optional course
Lecturer: Dr hab. Jarosław Wołkonowski, Professor of University of Białystok
Semester: 3 / Number of hours: 45
Lecture: 15, practical exercises - 30
Courses to be completed before enrollment to the course: - Micro, Macroeconomics, Economic history
Substantive content
Lectures: / Number of Hours
1. The idea of natural order. The birth of economics. Theoretical system: A. Smith, D. Ricardo, J. S. Mill, T. Malthus. / 1
2. Marxist Economics. Marx theory of production relations and property. / 1
3. The revival of classical economics. Subjective-marginal stream. / 1
4. Institutionalism and neoinstitutionalism. Veblen and his successor. / 1
5. The economic system of J.M. Keynes. Demand theory of national income. / 1
6. New macroeconomics. / 1
7. Monetarism. / 1
8. New Keyns school. / 1
9. Chicago School / 1
10.Teoria of property rights. / 1
11. The theory of public choice. / 1
12. Ordoliberalism. Social market economy. / 1
13. Polish economic thought of the Second Polish Republic and contemporary. / 1
14. The social teaching of the church. The idea of labor, capital and market economy in Encyclicals. / 1
15. Theories of selected Nobel laureates in economics. / 1
Fundamentals and objectives of the subject of study
Familiarization of students with the essence of a new direction of thought in economics, economic policy and the role of the state.
Aim of the course:
The History of Economic Thoughts is a student's understanding of the premise of economic concepts, their main content and the mechanism of evolution of views on economic issues.In addition, the aim is to stimulate the student's need for knowledge and creative criticism.
Teaching methods:
Lecture: traditional lecture, application of multimedia technologies.
W. Stankiewicz, Historia myśli ekonomicznej, Warszawa 2007.
R. Bartkowiak, Historia myśli ekonomicznej, Warszawa 2008.
Scientific articles on the achievements of Nobel laureates from the economy.
Terms and conditions of course credit
Lecture - from the first half of the lecture test, with the second half of the lecture - an oral examination, according to the schedule of the examination session
Practical exercises: / Number of Hours
1. The idea of natural order. The birth of economics. Theoretical system: A. Smith, D. Ricardo, J. S. Mill, T. Malthus. / 2
2. Marxist Economics. Marx theory of production relations and property. / 2
3. The revival of classical economics. Subjective-marginal stream. / 2
4. Institutionalism and neoinstitutionalism. Veblen and his successor. / 2
5. The economic system of J.M. Keynes. Demand theory of national income. / 2
6. New macroeconomics. / 2
7. Monetarism. / 2
8. New Keyns school. / 2
9. Chicago School / 2
10.Teoria of property rights. / 2
11. The theory of public choice. / 2
12. Ordoliberalism. Social market economy. / 2
13. Polish economic thought of the Second Polish Republic and contemporary. / 2
14. The social teaching of the church. The idea of labor, capital and market economy in Encyclicals. / 2
15. Theories of selected Nobel laureates in economics. / 2
Conditions and the order of test in the subject of training
Practical classes - the student's activity in practical classes and an abstract-presentation on the new directions of economic thought of the winner of the Nobel Prize.
W. Stankiewicz, Historia myśli ekonomicznej, Warszawa 2007.
R. Bartkowiak, Historia myśli ekonomicznej, Warszawa 2008.
Scientific articles on the achievements of Nobel laureates from the economy.
Conditions and the order of test in the subject of training:
Practical classes - the student's activity in practical classes and an abstract-presentation on the new directions of economic thought of the winner of the Nobel Prize.