Disabled Students Programs and Services
Adaptive Computer Technology (ACT)
The ACT is the DSPS hub of support devices and also houses low-vision aids for visually impaired students, as well as specialized equipment for hearing impaired students. Students may request tutorial assistance or check out specialized equipment at the central counter.
Some of the adaptive technology includes:
- Computers: Pentium 4, 512 Mgs of RAM, 80 Gig Hard Drives, 3D Video Card, CD Writer/DVD Player (for media books and captioned academic video)
- Adjustable Tables
- Trac ball Mouse
- 21” Monitors
- Ergonomic Keyboards
- Left and Right Handed Keyboards
- Kurzweil Machine
- Braille Keyboard
- Large Print Keyboards
- Screen Magnifier
- Magnifying Wands
- Magnifying Sheets
- Scanners
- Digital and Analog Recorders
Some of the adaptive and learning software includes:
- Alge-Blaster
2.Captain’s Log
- Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Critical Concepts Manager
- Dragon Dictate Naturally Speaking
- Inspiration
- JAWS for windows
- The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain
- Math Blaster
- Math Blaster Mystery
- Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
- Omni 1000 and Omni 3000
- The Oregon Trail
- Parrot Software
- Precision Writing
- Reading For Critical Thinking
- Russian 6-Pak
- Spell It Deluxe
- Text Help
- Ultimate Phonics
- Ultimate Word Attack
- WYNN Software
- Reading Edge
- Zoom Text Xtra
Student Rights and Responsibilities with Adaptive Technology
DSPS student responsibilities (Title V # 56010)
1. Student will provide DSPS with the information, documentation, and/or forms (medical, educational, etc.) deemed necessary by DSPS professionals to verify the disability.
2. Student will meet with a DSPS professional to complete a Student Educational Contract (SEC) and then meet with the professional once annually to update the SEC.
3. Student will be responsible to make measurable progress towards my declared educational and career goals and meet academic standards established by VVC.
4. Student will be responsible in following VVC procedures for academic accommodations. Student will comply with the student code of conduct adopted by Victor Valley Community College. Additionally student will utilize loaned equipment in a responsible manner. If loaned equipment is lost or stolen students will be placed on hold to bring in loaned equipment or pay DSPS program for replacement(s) to continue service to other DSPS students. (Example: loss of Digital and Analog Recorder $50.00 or greater)
5. Student will utilize the Disabled Student Programs and Services in a responsible manner and understand the consequences of failing to do so as outlined in the following policy:
If the student fails to be responsible in his/her use of DSPS services or fails to adhere to the written policies and procedures pertaining to each service a DSPS professional will notify the student in writing that he/she is failing to comply with the rules for responsible use of DSPS services and that if the student continues to fail to meet the requirement, services may be suspended. The student will be invited to discuss the issue in a meeting with a professional. A written notice will be sent to the student before any action is taken to suspend services. The written notice would afford the student an opportunity to appeal the decision following the VVC accommodation grievance procedure.