PMHS Name______

Social Psychology

AIM: Applying class theories to the life of Frank Abagnale, Jr.

1. What is the behavioral approach and give two ways this can explain why Frank commits the fraud that he does.

BEHAVIORAL (define):



2. Frank’s mom has an affair, and he somewhat catches her in the act. They both pretend nothing happened. Which defense mechanism is this? (circle)

a) Regression; b) Repression; c) Reaction Formation; d) Displacement


3. Frank’s mom was nervous about him finding out she had an affair; she knows this would be totally unacceptable to her husband. She asks Frank if he will tell his dad and showers him with attention, food, and money. What defense mechanism is this?

a) Regression; b) Repression; c) Reaction Formation; d) Displacement


4. Frank was angry at his mom for having an affair. Instead of telling his mom he is upset with her for having an affair, he gets mad at her for smoking cigarettes. What defense mechanism is this?

a) Regression; b) Repression; c) Reaction Formation; d) Displacement


5. Throughout the film write at least one other instance of a defense mechanism and explain why.

6. Considering the psychoanalytic approach, what rules the start of Frank’s deception? A) Id; B) Ego; C) Superego

Explain why…

7. Give one example how the sociocultural approach explains Frank’s motives (race, gender, economic expectations, religion, society’s expectations)

8. Again, using the psychoanalytic approach, give two instances where this would explain why Frank does what he does:



9. Using neurobiological, humanistic OR cognitive, write ONE way Frank could learn to stop lying. (Eventually he does…see the real Frank pictured below)

Neurobiological * Humanistic * Cognitive (circle choice)

Explain the approach and one way it could help him stop.


10. Frank Abagnale, Jr. once said, “People only know what you tell them.” Considering this statement, answer the following:

a) Is Frank a high or low self-monitor? Why?

b) What would Frank’s Johari window look like and why? (At least show which window would be biggest or smallest and why.)