Prairie View United Methodist Church

P.O. Box 143

Oelrichs, SD 57763


MAY 2015



Greeters: Ron Trent; Jim Ginsbach

Ushers: Megan Sanders; Charles & Julie Buckingham

Liturgist: Cathy Nelson

Acolytes: Koryn Hughson

Children’s Time: Pastor Morris Nelson

Special Music: Bethany Whitney

Accompanists: Cindy Trent; Ron & Sue Olofson; Lois Putnam

Fellowship Hosts: Kari Sanders; Randy & Kathy Meyers

Media: Devon Trent; Rita Bell; Linda Colson; Glen & Darla Elshire



Greeters: Anna Speaect

Ushers: Rickenbach Family

Liturgist: Grace Rickenbach

Acolytes: Kyle Sanders; Caleb Rickenbach

Children’s Time: Colleen Bowker; Pam Myers

Accompanists: Cindy Trent; Ron & Sue Olofson; Lois Putnam

Fellowship Hosts: Marv & Linda Colson; Diane Emick

Media: Devon Trent; Rita Bell; Linda Colson; Glen & Darla Elshire

Flowers: Merlin & Patty Dawson


Greeters: Steve & Colleen Alexander

Ushers: Pam Myers; Todd Heck


Acolytes: Kris Tubbs

Children’s Time:

Accompanists: Cindy Trent; Ron & Sue Olofson; Lois Putnam

Fellowship Hosts: Patti Schommer; Rachelle Christman

Media: Devon Trent; Rita Bell; Linda Colson; Glen & Darla Elshire

Flowers: Ginger Carlson; Judy Hofer


Greeters: Dollie Spencer; Helen Anderson


Liturgist: Debra Frahm


Children’s Time:

Accompanists: Cindy Trent; Ron & Sue Olofson; Lois Putnam

Fellowship Hosts: Debra Frahm

Media: Devon Trent; Rita Bell; Linda Colson; Glen & Darla Elshire


WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS for May 31 ______

Greeters: Jim & Harriett Ginsbach; Leona Dryden



Acolytes: Megan Sanders; Rachel Rickenbach

Children’s Time: Colleen Bowker

Accompanists: Cindy Trent; Ron & Sue Olofson; Lois Putnam

Potluck Hosts:

Media: Devon Trent; Rita Bell; Linda Colson; Glen & Darla Elshire



May 3: Kari Sanders; Norma Greenough

May 10: Mindy Rickenbach; Kari Sanders

May 17: Val Nathan; Debra Frahm; Robin Tierney

May 24: Becky Rickardson; Val Nathan

Lectionary Readings for May 2015

3rd – Cathy Nelson 10th – Grace Rickenbach

Acts 8:26-40 Acts 10:44-48

Psalm 22:25-31 Psalm 98

1 John 4:7-21 1 John 5:1-6

John 15:1-8 John 15:9-17

17th - 24th – Debra Frahm

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 Acts 2:1-21

Psalm 1 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b

1 John 5:9-13 Romans 8:22-27

John 17:6-19 John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

31st –

Isaiah 6:1-8

Psalm 29

Romans 8:12-17

John 3:1-17

Administrative Assistant Office Hours: 8:00am – 12:30pm

Wednesday, May 6th and Thursday, May 7th

Wednesday, May 13th and Thursday, May 14th

Wednesday, May 20th and Thursday, May 21st

Wednesday, May 27th and Thursday, May 28th

Contact numbers for interim Pastor Morris are 745-3073 or 890-1696.

Be sure to check out our website at

Like our Facebook page at

Join the Youth Group page at

Do you have photos that have been taken at the Prairie View UMC? Please e-mail them to the Administrative Assistant at for submission on the church’s website and Facebook page.


I love this time of year because I can be in my garden and in the fruit orchard. The plum trees are blooming, and the pear and apple trees are just starting to bloom. The peach and cherry trees will be blooming in the very near future, though I hope they wait awhile longer; there might be another freeze yet before the summer takes a firm grip on the temperatures. This year I’ve transplanted my grape vines, and I’m anxious to see the first buds of growth appearing on the vines. That will mean that they survived the move to new ground. And I’m watching a few peach trees closely because I grafted a couple of different peach varieties onto some root stock. So this spring is special for me as I look for new life among the trees and vines.

The Bible recognizes the hope and promise of new life, as well as the wonder of life and love. In the Song of Solomon, we read, “Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom- there I will give you my love.” Song of Solomon 7:12

In the Song of Solomon, God is personified as a lover anxiously looking for and waiting to be with his ‘love’. The object of God’s love is us … you and me … the church universal. In God’s eternal world, God’s eternal love for us is always fresh and ardent, just like a lover seeking his love in the blooming, spring gardens.

We all grow chronologically older, and our affections mature for those we love. Our love may not be the wild, passionate love that we once felt, yet we still love in a deep, deep manner. However, God’s love for us never becomes less ardent, less demanding, nor less passionate. And no human love can be deeper or more stable than God’s love for us.

So, as we move through spring, enjoying the blossoms and the freshness of new life, know that God loves you passionately and is seeking you to be his. In his Son, Jesus Christ, he yearns to give us fresh, vibrant life. Could there possibly be a better love than that?

-  Pastor Morris

Nurture & Outreach.

A fundraiser for Meghan Logue was being planned for April 19th. This fundraiser will no longer be held on April 19th. A new date for the event will soon be announced.

This will be a free will offering to help with medical and travel for the Logue family.

Anyone wishing to help please contact a committee member. We are planning as of now for this to be a beef dinner with potato, salad and dessert.

We will be having a flag presentation & memorial to families of loved ones deceased in the past year on Sunday, May 24th.

(Baby Blankets made for Hospital)

(Cloth donated to Wrapped in Love)

Trustees Committee Minutes.

Date: 26 March, 2015

Called to order at: 7:05 By: Terry Stombaugh


Terry Stombaugh, Steve Alexander & Carl Sanders

Old Business:

·  The UM brand sold for $1,650.00 at the Philip Sale. Our net was $1,534 which will go to the Parsonage.

·  Smithwick church sale is completed

·  A brief discussion on Parsonage funding and lenders was held.

·  Still waiting on a proposal and quote for the Parsonage insurance

New Business:

·  A decision was made to have a new flush valve installed in the men’s restroom. The old one will be cleaned and saved for reuse.

·  A discussion on replacing the 15 bulbs in the Narthex with LED bulbs.

Motion to adjourn by: Carl

Second by: Steve

Meeting adjourned at: 7:35

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Alexander

United Methodist Women.

Happy "Mother's Day" to all women! As a woman you have influenced a child in someway during your life, whether you are a mother or not.As UMW ladies our mission is women and children. The current major concerns of UMW are mother's prenatal health, care of all women and children, human trafficking,andtheworld's natural resources.
Our UMWconference offers education on these issues along withothers. In July, UMW offers a women's university experience at Dakota WesleyanUniversity at Mitchell, SD called "mission u." The dates formission "u" are July 9-12th. PVUMW with pay for half of the$125.00 cost for first timers. Contact Diane Westby if you are interested is going to this fulfilling event. A ride may be available for you at no cost also. Come learn more about what UMW is about. It is about YOU.
The next evening meeting will be May 20th at 7pm at the church with Helen Anderson leading the program on Women of Welcome with Cathy Nelson as hostess. We hopeyou will join us for education and fellowship.

Prayer Request Cards: Need a special prayer? “Pray Without Ceasing” cards are available at the back of the sanctuary for your use. Complete a card and place it in the offering plate and we will be sure to pray for you or your request.

Welcome Visitor Cards: If you bring a guest(s) to a church service, please encourage them to complete a “Welcome Visitor” card located by the guest book in the Narthex. We would like to send them a “Thank You” for visiting Prairie View UMC.

May Birthdays

3 Westley Greenough 4 Dollie Spencer

6 Sophia Nathan 7 Kyle Sanders

9 Adam Rickenbach 13 Debra Frahm

18 Kristopher Tubbs 18 Jan Ortloff

20 Kelsey (Anderson) Tischner 22 Leona Brown

22 Ron Trent 30 Cindy Trent

31 Paul David Tierney

May Anniversaries

1 Ed & Colleen Bowker 23 Bob & Jacquie Pinnt

15 Mick & Edie Jenniges 28 Dave & Avis Jennings

18 Orval & Debbie Frahm

If you would like to add your name to this list, please contact the church office by email: or call 424-2080.

Worship attendance in April totaled 522, averaging 87. Sunday Worship Offerings in April were $7,921.74, averaging $1,980.44. Amount needed each month: $10,800.

Very Important Reminders

If you know of someone who needs a pastoral visit, be sure to let Pastor Morris know.

Please have items for the newsletter either emailed or in writing to the office by 12:30 pm on June 3rd, for distribution on June 4th. All email communications can be sent to the church email address:

PVUMC May Events:

Sat. May. 2 First Saturday Breakfast 7:30am – 9:30am

Sun. May. 3 Worship 10am Communion; Youth Group 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Wed. May. 6 Administrative Assistant Office Hours 8:00am – 12:30pm

Thur. May. 7 Administrative Assistant Office Hours 8:00am – 12:30pm;

United Churches National Day of Prayer Breakfast 7am;

Women’s Bible Study 7pm

Sun. May. 10 Worship 10am Choir; Mother’s Day

Tue. May. 12 Women’s Bible Study 9:30am

Wed. May. 13 Administrative Assistant Office Hours 8:00am – 12:30pm;

Wrapped in Love 10am; SPRC 6pm; Committees 7pm;

Administrative Council 7:30pm

Thur. May. 14 Administrative Assistant Office Hours 8:00am – 12:30pm

Sun. May. 17 Worship 10am; Meghan Logue Benefit following Worship;

Youth Group 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Wed. May. 20 Administrative Assistant Office Hours 8:00am – 12:30pm;

United Methodist Women 7pm

Thur. May. 21 Administrative Assistant Office Hours 8:00am – 12:30pm;

Women’s Bible Study 7pm

Sun. May. 24 Worship 10am; Flag Presentation & Memorial following Worship

Tue. May. 26 Women’s Bible Study 9:30am

Wed. May. 27 Administrative Assistant Office Hours 8:00am – 12:30pm;

Trustees 7pm

Thur. May. 28 Administrative Assistant Office Hours 8:00am – 12:30pm

Sun. May. 31 Worship 10am Praise Team; Potluck following Worship

Wed. June. 3 Administrative Assistant Office Hours 8:00am – 12:30pm;

Newsletter Deadline

Thurs. June. 4 Administrative Assistant Office Hours 8:00am – 12:30pm;

Newsletter Distribution