
Village of OrchardPark

Board of Trustees

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Orchard Park was held on Monday, February 9, 2015 in the Municipal Center, 4295 South Buffalo Street, Orchard Park, New York. Mayor Rood called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Members present:Others present:

Mayor David A. RoodDir. Of Public Works Andrew J. Slotman

Trustee Francis T. HogenkampBuilding Inspector Jeffrey Sweet

Trustee Joseph R. WalesClerk-Treasurer Mary Beth Jensen

Trustee Jo Ann Litwin

Trustee Matthew J. Hartung

Mayor Rood made the following announcement:

“Fire exits are located at the rear in the Board Room and at the doorway to the lobby. In the event of a fire, you will be notified by announcement on the public address system. If notified, please move in a calm and orderly fashion to the nearest exit.”

Moved by Trustee Hogenkamp, seconded by Trustee Hartung that the minutes of January 26, 2015 be approved as received.

On the question:5 voting “Aye”0 voting “Nay”Carried

Moved by Mayor Rood, seconded by Trustee Litwin that the vouchers numbering 11681 to 11706 in Abstract #12 of 2014-2015 in the amount of $39,948.49 be paid as presented.

On the question:5 voting “Aye”0 voting “Nay”Carried

Comments from the floor of items not on the agenda:

Dave Schuster (5358 S Freeman Rd) congratulated Trustee Hartung on his appointment.

Moved by Mayor Rood, seconded by Trustee Litwin that the reports of the Village Justice, Acting Village Justice, and Water Department for the month of February 2015 be received and filed.

On the question:5 voting “Aye”0 voting “Nay”Carried

  • Building Inspector Sweet reminded residents that the Village encourages recycling and anyone interested in a second or larger recycle cart should contact the Village office.
  • Director of Public Works Slotman reported that the snow banks are getting high and some may be hazardous.
  • Trustee Wales had nothing to report.
  • Trustee Hartung had nothing to report.
  • Trustee Hogenkamp had nothing to report.
  • Trustee Litwin had nothing to report.
  • Clerk Treasurer Jensen had nothing to report.
  • Mayor Rood read a letter from Mark Poloncarz thanking the Village for their CDBG submittal. The Village’s request for ADA Parking Improvements was denied; the Rural Transit Service project was approved.

Moved by Trustee Hogenkamp, seconded by Trustee Litwin that Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Stressinger be authorized to attend the Municipal Clerk’s Institute at Cornell July 12-16, 2015, with all expenses incidental to the school to be paid by the Village.

On the question:5 voting “Aye”0 voting “Nay”Carried

Moved by Trustee Wales, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp that

WHEREAS, Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature enacted the Property Tax Freeze Credit to provide property tax refunds to homeowners as part of the 2014-2015 State Budget; and

WHEREAS, the new law encourages local governments to generate long-term tax-relief for taxpayers by sharing services, consolidating or merging, and demonstrating and implementing operational efficiencies; and

WHEREAS, in year one of the program, which is 2015 for local governments, homeowners will receive the Freeze Credit if their local government stays within the property tax cap; and

WHEREAS, in year two of the program, which is 2016 for local governments, homeowners will receive the Freeze Credit for property taxes from any taxing jurisdiction in which the homeowner resides that stays within the property tax cap and puts forward a State-approved Government Efficiency Plan demonstrating savings equivalent to one percent of their property tax levies in each of the following three years; and

WHEREAS, while local governments may take a variety of approaches to develop their Government Efficiency Plans, the State has strongly encouraged they convene and facilitate a process to develop and submit county-wide Government Efficiency Plans; and

WHEREAS, as exemplified in the recent establishment of the Buffalo Erie Niagara Land Improvement Corporation in 2012, this community has a history of receiving recognition by the State for demonstrating successful regional collaborations involving many municipalities; and

WHEREAS, Erie County has offered to coordinate the development of such Government Efficiency Plans as the ‘lead agency’ on behalf of all other interested municipalities; and

WHEREAS, the Village of Orchard Park is interested in intergovernmental cooperation with Erie County and other municipalities in submitting a county-wide Government Efficiency Plan and desires to memorialize its intention to participate in a coordinated Plan to allow its homeowners to receive the Freeze Credit.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOVED that the Village of Orchard Park seeks to ensure that Village homeowners will receive the Freeze Credit as part of this new State law; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village of Orchard Park has no intention of exceeding its property tax cap for fiscal year 2015 and memorializes that it has no intention of exceeding the cap for fiscal year 2016, which if exceeded would disqualify the Village from participation in the Property Tax Cap Freeze Credit Program; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village of Orchard Park Board of Trustees does hereby express its support for, and participation in an Erie County-wide Government Efficiency Plan; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board urges the New York State Division of the Budget to approve Erie County’s coordinated Government Efficiency Plan with local governments with the understanding that the Village of Orchard Park has played an active role in the identification of preexisting and implementation of new shared services, consolidations or merges, and operational efficiencies within the Village of Orchard Park for inclusion in the county-wide plan; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Erie County Executive; the Commissioner of the Department of Environment and Planning; the County Comptroller; the County Attorney; the Director of the Division of Budget and Management; and the Association of Erie County Governments.

On the question:5 voting “Aye”0 voting “Nay”Carried

Mayor Rood appointed Stephen Bray to the Village Planning Board to fill the vacancy left by Matthew Hartung’s resignation, for the remainder of the term until April 2016.

Moved by TrusteeHartung, seconded by TrusteeLitwin to approve the Mayor’s appointment.

On the question:5 voting “Aye”0 voting “Nay”Carried

The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 23, 2015.

Moved by Trustee Wales, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp to adjourn 7:15 pm.

On the question:5 voting “Aye”0 voting “Nay”Carried

Respectfully submitted

Mary Beth Jensen

Village Clerk-Treasurer