El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council

3769 B San Pablo Dam Road, ES, 94803 -Meetings 2nd Wednesday of Month

7:00 pm El Sobrante Library 4191 Appian Way, El Sobrante

Barbara Pendergrass, Chair; Marilynne Mellander, Secretary; Hope Scott, Treasurer;

Members: Erica Peng, Wendi Gosliner, Charles Marino, Tom Owens

DRAFT Minutes of Regular Meeting held Dec. 14, 2005

NOTE: “El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council” abbreviated as “ESMAC”

throughout minutes; El Sobrante Valley Planning& Zoning is “P & Z”; Board of Supervisors abbreviated as “Board”

Meeting called to order at 7:00PM. Present were Barbara Pendergrass, Marilynne Mellander, Tom Mason, Wendi Gosliner, Charles Marino and Tom Owens. Barbara Pendergrass asked public attendee, Jim Mellander, to lead the Pledge.

Minutes : Corrections made to October minutes; Tom Owens moved minutes be approved w/changes: M,S,P.

Treasurer’s Report: Hope Scott not present; Barbara Pendergrass announced she was absent due to the death of her husband.

Barbara Pendergrass read Board resolution recognizing resignation of Ruby Molinari and Tom Mason and congratulated Charles Marino and Tom Owens as new regular members.


P.1: No report as Lt. Gordon not present

P.2 - Terrance Cheung informed the ESMAC of the need to pay for business cards blanks. Marilynne Mellander moved the ESMAC expend money for business card blanks; motion died.

It was decided to put item on consent calender of next month’s agenda.

P.3 - Wendi Gosliner made presentation of 12/5/05 special ad hoc ESMAC land use subcommittee. The consensus was that there was a need for the existence of such a committee and it should be a permanent committee to provide an interface for the voters on P&Z matters. Marilynne Mellander read her letter to the ESMAC, information item #10.12, regarding the ESMAC land use subcommittee and suggestions for P & Z information to come to ESMAC. Questions from ESMAC members and public ensued.

Erica Peng arrived at 7:30PM


SD.1 - ESMAC minutes format: Wendi Gosliner moved item be passed as written; Tom Owens amended motion that corrected minutes be given to webmaster for posting on ESMAC website: M,S,P with 2 Nays.

SD.2 - Land Use Subcommittee recommendations: Erica Peng read these recommendations which were Sec. III of the Oct. 26, 2005 Special MAC Committee meeting minutes in agenda packet. Concerns from ESMAC members and members of the public ensued. Erica Peng moved that recommendations be accepted as written: M,S,P w/ 1 Nay.

SD.3 - Letter to Sheriff Rupf: Marilynne Mellander read the letter and moved it be accepted as written. Wendi Gosliner suggested several changes to the letter. Public comment ensued. Tom Owens moved the first instance of the word “gang” be changed to “group”; M, S, P w/?Nay?. Marilynne Mellander moved to send the letter as amended: M,S,P w/2 Nays. Public comment and questions ensued with an explanation from Terrance Cheung about the resident deputy program.

SD.4 - Develop summary of events for past year: Barbara Pendergrass solicited input from ESMAC members

Marilynne Mellander – Developed a set of Bylaws

Wendi Gosliner – ESMAC participated in El Sobrante stroll and community cleanup day

Barbara Pendergrass – Set up email list for mailing out ESMAC agendas, made and donated T shirts for El Sobrante stroll

Eleanor Loynd – support for SPAWNERS work and Library

Tom Owens – worked on getting bus turnout on Dam Rd.

SD.5 – Brainstorm10 priorities for upcoming year:

Charles Marino – work on meeting format

Barbara Pendergrass – support for SPAWNERS, children’s reading garden and bus turnout on Dam Rd. (? Hard to hear)

Marilynne Mellander – write letter using Freedom of Information act to Community Development regarding General Plan and redevelopment plan; recommendations to Board on structure of ESMAC; take a stand on the redevelopment and general plans

Wendi Gosliner – work on ESMAC website, outreach, connection to community groups; finalize Bylaws; work with R9 to prioritize ?, set up committees to more proactively handle school and crime prevention issues; collect community data, demographics, etc.; looking at ways to get services through assessment districts, grants, etc.

Erica Peng – draft of a master plan for community, ?, clarify subcommittee and working groups with community members ?

Unknown person – Clarify potential closing of Kennedy Grove main entrance

Unknown person – wanted a park in El Sobrante


Marilynne Mellander asked for details about items 10.2 and 10.9


11.2 – EBMUD report: Michelle of EBMUD gave report and handed out Construction Notice dated Dec. 12, 2005. Two maintenance upgrades to start next week at Sobrante Water Treatment Plant on Amend Rd. 1) starting 3rd week of Dec. 2005 upgrade vacuum systems in large basins 2) in early 2006 replace the clear well roof. She reported an EIR is currently being drafted for the Dam upgrade and access road through neighborhood if main entrance is closed to Kennedy Grove is being addressed; EIR will be sent to ESMAC for comments.

11.3 – P & Z Report: Eleanor Loynd gave report and handed out information packets for all ESMAC members. She pointed out that next P&Z meeting will be rescheduled to 1/18/06. She also took suggestions for more information from P&Z and answered suggestions. Barbara Pendergrass to bring minutes, correspondence list, and be liaison for ESMAC.

11.4 – Traffic/Transportation: No report

11.5 – ES Chamber of Commerce: Barbara Pendergrass reported on successful Mechanics Bank mixer

11.6- Grants/Fundraising: Charles Marino sent Barbara Pendergrass (?) re: two areas discussed in 2003, Charles Marino to send ? HARD TO HEAR

11.7– ESMAC/Sheriff: Barbara Pendergrass reported Sheriff’s annex is being manned

11.8– Fire District: Marilynne Mellander gave report on December 2005 meeting; reported on Fire Dist. brush clearance standards

11.9– CSA R9: No report as Hope

11.10 - WCAPWG: Ruby Molinari will be attending meetings in future and either handing in a report or coming in to give report in person; Marilynne Mellander asked about non-ESMAC members giving standing committee reports; Terrance Cheung advised these committees may be given different terminology such as “Community Liaisons”

11.11 - Library: Barbara Pendergrass reported first Friday Jan. 2006 Book Sale will have $2/bag sale

11.12 - MAC Outreach: Tom Owens reported he is working on the website and is trying to contact County Counsel for restrictions; Terrance Cheung advised he should instead contact Dist. 1 office; Marilynne Mellander voiced concerns about newspaper notice of ESMAC notices

11.13 - ES Cleanup: This item will be on the March ESMAC agenda

11.14 - ES Stroll: Not report, may be on March or April 2006 ESMAC agenda

11.15– Boys and Girls Club: Recent robbery in parking lot was reported; $500 reward

11.16 - ES Coordinating Council: No meeting scheduled

11.17 - DeAnza Safety Committee: Eleanor Loynd reported these meetings are every 2 weeks with school board member Karen Pfeiffer on Wednesdays 3-5PM in DeAnza Library


12.1 - Tom Owens and Marilynne Mellander asked about DeAnza Safety Committee meeting. Terrance Cheung reported there are 2 ESMAC alternate member seats open and prospective candidates should forward him their resume. The alternate members should be within the service area of the ESMAC.


13.1 – Barbara Pendergrass solicited recommendations for upcoming agenda speakers


Bob Joyce commented

Meeting adjourned at 9:21PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Marilynne L. Mellander

Secretary, ESMAC