Principal’s Report

Presented on 29 March 2017

Malin Stone Principal

Vision- Skills for Life

Strategic Results

Assurance report on Strategic Goals NAG’s 1-7

GOAL 1 - NAG 1 (Curriculum and Student Achievement)
1.  To provide effective teaching, based upon each student’s need supported by e-learning, fostering high achievement.
2.  To monitor and raise student achievement in literacy and numeracy.
3.  To provide opportunities for technologies to be used to enhance learning / Effective Teaching
●  Ist March Roll currently 38 (10 Maori, 1 French, 27 NZ European students)
Information Communication Technology (E Learning)
●  Students are all set up and ready to go on Google Docs
Monitoring Literacy and Numeracy
●  All testing has been completed for the beginning of the year statistics- Teachers are planning based on data gathered
Special Needs/ Gifted and Talented:
●  We have no special funding at this point in time. Jo has put an application in to the RTLB Service for a group of students in Room 2. This may or may not generate Learning Support Funding (LSF)
Providing Opportunities to use technologies to enhance learning
●  I have contacted the team who put in our new wireless system and they have boosted the wireless signal strength. It works in the staffroom, the hall (R4) and the old office but only just.
Learning Support
●  A register of those receiving Learning Support has been put in place
●  A Special Needs and Gifted and Talented Register has been put in place
Reading Recovery
●  We have two students being taught in Reading Recovery at present and there is a third who will be taught when one of the others is discontinued. We are delighted that this is happening.
CoL Update
●  I attended the Cross Sector Forum in Auckland on 10th March which was very interesting. Over 300 people attended to discuss Communities of Learning (Kahui Ako) and the tools that the Ministry of Education were providing to assist with helping to make these work.
●  There is a huge emphasis on consulting right across the community; students, family, extended family, secondary education and tertiary providers through to business providers.
●  I have sent out application forms for Principal assistants and received only one application.
●  Kaye Twyford my expert partner will be down on 7th April and we will conduct a meeting with all Col Principals. There is much to be discussed. A copy of the agenda for the meeting is attached.
NAG 2 (Self Review)
1.  Maintain systems to self-review and monitor effectiveness of programmes and staff development / Health and Safety
●  All screws on the fence have been ground and in the meantime the fence around the pool is safe.
●  Mike Jones has done a great job on the picnic bench replacement they are craftsmanship standard.
Staff Appraisal
●  All teaching and support staff appraisals for 2016 have been completed and all staff have new job descriptions. Teaching and support staff have been consulted with school and individual goals set for teaching staff.
Principal Appraisal
●  There is a meeting for BoT’s coming up on Principal Appraisal. Goals have already been set through the strategic plan.
Strategic Planning
●  Report in Strategic Goal 1
Maori Initiative
●  We are no longer using the online Te Reo programme, Amelia and Sue are delivering the programme as set in our curriculum. Amelia has sourced a free online language programme which the senior students are enthusiastic about.
Professional Development
●  PBL – The first meeting was held here at GVS while I was away at Leadership Camp. We are putting together a behavioural plan for PBL that is specific for our school
●  Solo continues to be taught in classroom programmes, we need to reschedule our parent evening to discuss way of improving student thinking skills.
●  Staff will attend a workshop tomorrow March 30th for Oral Language skills run by Sheena Cameron 4-7.30pm at Kaiapoi North School.
●  I attended the seminar on ‘Improving Boys Literacy Skills’ by Joseph Driessen and we are currently working through the information during our staff meetings.
●  I have also attended two seminars on Mentoring Provisionally Registered Teachers in order to ascertain the new requirements for helping Amelia gain full registration. Amelia attended camp and is developing a good relationship with the students.
Curriculum- Health and PE
●  We have yet to begin our Health and PE curriculum review.
NAG 3 (Personnel)
1.  To ensure a high quality, well led team of staff. Attracting, retaining and developing the best personnel resource available to support the central purpose of the school.
2.  To always act in the manner of a good employer / Appointment Procedure
●  I have contacted the Education council and Amelia needs to have a 0.5 teaching component over two years in order to become fully registered. She is not interested in teaching full time because of her family but is committed to Greta Valley School and is willing to sign a contract for two years should we support the extra 0.1 teaching component. The 0.1 can be funded by the board of trustees, it does not need to specifically be funded by the MOE. The 0.1 is an entitlement for the principal to use as seen fit, it could be for meetings with her to discuss teaching, programmes of work, dealing with new situations as they arise and keeping her portfolio of evidence up to date. The cost to the board for the remainder of the year would be approximately $3,800.00
Policy Review
●  There is a process in place for recording annual, domestic, sick and bereavement leave. Requests are made to Novopay for type of leave required.
NAG 4 and 5 (Finance, property and health and safety.)
1.  To maximise the effectiveness of our school
2.  To maintain a stimulating and safe working environment
3.  Ensuring the Physical and Emotional safety of students and staff is paramount / Finance report
●  Attached
●  The 10 Year Property Plan is in place and was updated last year.
●  In our 5YA the roof on the old admin block will be replaced during the term 1 holidays
●  The Room 2 upgrade will take place in the Term 2 holidays
●  There are no maintenance issues for 2017
●  The schoolhouse gardens are very well kept. Juanita is doing a great job there.
●  The pool fence needs new iron down the field side.
Health and safety
●  The Risk Management, medicines, minor and moderate injury and illness policies and procedures have been checked and updated.
GOAL 6 # NAG 6 (Legislation and Administration)
1 To meet all relevant statute, regulation and reporting requirements at all times / Legislative Requirements
●  All documentation required to be into the MOE by the 1st of March has been completed and uploaded to the MOE portal- Roll Return, Charter, Annual Plan, Analysis of Variance and National Standards data.
Length of School Year
●  The school will be open the specified number of days required for 2017 which is 194 days or 388 half days.
Terms are as follows;
Term 1 30 January – 13th April 106 half days
Term 2 1 May – 7th July 96 half days
Term 3 24 July – 29th Sept 100 half days
Term 4 16 Oct – 15th Dec 86 Half days
Audited accounts
●  Megan is currently working on the audited accounts a new agent for the auditor has raised several questions for us to follow up on
●  The process for reporting to parents is in place and will be presented at this meeting.
Teacher Registration and Vetting
●  All teachers are currently fully registered Ange is the only support staff member who doesn’t have a Police Vets at present.
Goal 7- (Community Involvement)
1.  Effectively communicate and collaborate with the community and work in partnership.
2.  To protect Greta Valley School’s identity as a place that is safe, fun, family orientated with wide open spaces and a rural flavour. / ●  The ‘Reading Together’ Programme has been a great success. Well done to Sue having enticed 14 parents out to the last meeting.
●  Google Apps for Education is coming closer.

Compliance Checklist

●  All SUE reports are checked by myself, Megan and Rachel and signed: Our banked staffing stands at

$1203.00 in the positive as at the end of the last pay period.

●  Significant events/successes

●  The senior school camp was a great success enabling students to challenge themselves and improve their outdoor education knowledge

●  Wyatt and Horton were great ambassadors for the school at Leadership Camp at the Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre. Both boys excelled in problem solving skills

●  We had a record number of students in the Zone Swimming Sports

●  The hockey team are achieving great success at present

●  The softball team did extremely well in the competition at Amuri and the Tee Ball was also a success.

Upcoming events

●  Final ‘Reading Together’ workshop for parents

●  Yachting for Seniors– Monday 3rd April

●  Easter EOT– 14th April

Professional development

March –

I attended the Communities of Learning (Kahui Ako) Cross Community Forum in Auckland

I have attended two PRT Mentoring Days organised through the Otago University

I have attended a seminar on ‘Improving Boys Literacy’ with Joseph Driessen. I am sharing that information with the staff in our staff meetings

All teaching staff will attend a workshop on Oral Language Skills in Kaiapoi North School this coming Thursday 30th March

Malin J Stone

Wish List 2017

Ipads / Chrome Books– Ultimate goal – 1Device per student

Resurfacing of rough court – Lines repainted on courts and around school-

More PV Panels to produce more power -

Technology or Woodwork Room -

A school notice board on the road side –

Convert Room 4 into a multi-purpose room/hall –

Pool fencing upgrade –

New heating in library/ staff room and Room 4 including heat pumps with inverters-

Spaces for studying instead of old desks where computers are-

Bark chip in senior adventure playground

C:\Users\Malin\Documents\Administration\BOT\Principal's Reports 2017\Principal's Report 15th Feb 2017.doc