CCLHDN Board Call Agenda

Thursday, January 17, 2013


1-866-795-0204 Passcode 9691236#

2012-13 Voting Board MembersCommittee Chairs

NiaomiHrepich, PresidentConference– Colleen Ogle

Laurie Green, President-ElectCommunications– Nori Grossmann

Laura Brainin-Rodriguez, TreasurerPartnerships– Leslie Beckstrom

Denise Kirnig, Membership Secretary

Terri-Fields Hosler, Past-President

Time / Agenda Issue / Purpose / Discussion Lead / Decision /Action Steps
1:30 / Roll Call
1:35 / Committee Reports:
Conference & Training
Partnerships / Update/
Discussion / Colleen
Leslie /
  • Conference: Final stages of recruiting speakers and roundtable facilitators. Melody asked if there were any other group or organization to invite to the CCLHDN annual conference. Colleen suggested inviting the CHDP nutritionists and/or the program directors. Action: Melody will see if she can find a state contact for CHDP. Melody will check in with hotel on status of room block.
  • Communications: Rebecca reported that the January CCLHDN newsletter edition was distributed. Rebecca asked to send newsletter article suggestions for upcoming July newsletter.
  • Partnerships: The Partnership committee is responsible for new member outreach. In cases where a county joins but doesn’t ID the primary member, it’s unclear how to follow up with outreach. Action: Will send letter when the voting member has been identified.

1:55 / Staff Reports:
Logo Design
SOW Obj. 5
Bylaws-review of process / Update/ Discussion / Rebecca
Melody /
  • Rebecca reported on the status of the new CCLHDN logo. The designer sent back a couple of near-final designs. The Communication Committee will meet and make their recommendation to the Board week of 1/21.
  • Rebecca reported on Objective 5 in the Network SOW which states that CCLHDN is responsible for representing CCLHDN to statewide groups on at least 8 occasions. Please send agendas to Rebecca from any meetings that the CCLHDN was represented. Meetings that were identified included: CCLHO meetings, Network meeting, CHEAC (Terri) and it was suggested if needed to contact Naomi Butler about the climate control meeting. Action: Rebecca agreed to contact Naomi Butler about the climate control meeting and representing CCLHDN.
  • Melody reported on status of the bylaws. Action: Melody will send a draft survey to the board for comment on 1/18/13. She asked that the board send their comments to her by 1/23.
  • The meeting schedule was discussed 2nd Thurs might work better. Action: Rebecca will send doodle to try to find a different day that suits all board members.

2:10 / President Report:
  • Nominating committee
  • Retreat- March 18, 2013, other summer dates
  • Business Meeting- March 20th
  • CCLHDN paying for Board Members
/ Update/ Discussion / Niaomi / Niaomi reviewed the following:
  • Nominating Committee: asked for comments about establishing a Nominating Committee for new Board recruitment. Came up with three possible CCLHDN members that Board felt would make a good Nominating Committee. Action: Niaomi agreed to call these three members to ask if they wanted to serve on the Nominating Committee and add to the next agenda to continue to discuss. Board agreed the process would be to send out an email to the membership describing the recruitment process, vacant board positions recruiting for and request for nominations. Nominations would be potentially submitted on the website by answering some questions about qualifications. The Nomination Committee would review and compose a ballot. Action: Laurie will discuss with Rebecca about feasibility of using website for nominations. Laurie will develop questions.
  • Retreat: Asked about setting up a face-to-face meeting on March 18, 2013 late afternoon to close out projects the current Board is working on. The Board agreed to meet on March 18, 2013 3:00-5:30pm. Action: Niaomi will find a meeting room. She also asked Board about a Summer Board retreat, and the Board agreed. The new and past Board members would attend to discuss focus of coming year.
  • Business Meeting: Niaomi proposed a draft agenda for the Annual Business Meeting. Board agreed on the agenda. Action: Niaomi will finalize the Annual Business meeting agenda and send to the Conference Planning Committee.
  • CCLHDN Reimbursement for Board Expenses to attend Annual Conference: It was agreed that any needed expenses the Board needs to attend the Annual CCLHDN conference could be reimbursed by submitting the CCLHDN Expense Reimbursement Form with receipts.

2:30 / Officer Reports:
President-Elect Report
Treasurer Report
Membership Report
Past President / Updates / Laurie
Terri /
  • Laurie, President-Elected, reported that she has been working on a toolkit for a Nomination Committee.
  • Laura, Treasurer, reported that she meet with the Accountant who entered expenditures and invoices in QuickBooks for the period October 2011 to October 2012. A few small discrepancies were found and Laura is working on clearing these up. Laura will submit documents to the accountant that files the CCLHDN taxes. Laura also reported that the Network has paid the 3rd and 4th quarter invoices and now caught up on paying invoices. Will review and approve 1st quarter invoice by the next week.
  • Denise, Membership Secretary, reported that to date 20 counties have paid their CCLHDN membership dues. The goal is 40 and last year 30 counties paid their CCLHDN membership dues. Denise also reviewed a request she received from the Center for Civic Partnerships requesting CCLHDN members mailing addresses. The Board decided to request that the Center for Civic Partnerships compose an email about their report, CCLHDN will forward this to members and members can contact Center for Civic Partnerships if they want a copy. Action: Denise will communicate this to the Center for Civic Partnerships.
  • Terri, Past President, reported that the NEOP Operations December meeting was cancelled. Another meeting has been scheduled with the following items on the agenda: what does the federal SNAP-Ed funding cuts mean at the local and state level, what to do with carry over funds and progress on working with small counties. Terri thinks this group might be disbanded and a new group started. Laura, Laurie and Niaomi are interested in representing CCLHDN on this new group. Action: Terri will email any pertinent news to Board after the meeting. Terri also reported on the Chronic Disease Framework progress and CDPH is still unclear about embracing the frameworks recommendations. It is planned to take one of the 2-day CTG conference on April 23-24 to discuss the framework. Hoping CDPH will do something grand in the Fall in regards to the framework. Terri also let the Board know that NEOP received a Breastfeeding Support grant for local health department to work with community partners to increase breastfeeding rates.

2:50 / Review completed items from June 11-12 Board Planning Meeting / Update / Niaomi / Niaomi reviewed status on items Board members are working on.
2:55 / Action Item Review, Next meeting agenda / Niaomi / Action items are highlighted in red in the minutes. Next meeting agenda items were reviewed.