
Faculty of Information Technology Caulfield

PG Student/Staff Meeting No. 1 Semester225 August 2014





Staff: Christina Branton, Michael Morgan, Maria Indrawan-Santiago, Steve Wright, Rob Meredith, Nandita Bhattacharjee, Phu Dung Le

Students: Sneha, Vicky,Georg

Apologies: Terrance, Joze Kuzic, Michelle Ketchen




Summer units: There is an approved list of elective units. The offerings for the summer are limited. The students were wondering if they could do FIT5152 but it is not on the list.

Rob: Yes they can. It should be on the list.


  • Project Management test: Last semester the questions were overlapping for all tutorials and some students told their friends the questions. This semester the questions were the same for the two Thursday tutorials which followed one after the other at 8 and 9 pm, the test for the three tutorials following day was varied from the day before but not from each other. Gaps between tutorial times resulted in some students being aware of the questions before the test.

Michael will follow up with the lecturer to make it equitable for all students. Currently there is a working party looking at all assessment.

  • The tutorials are one hour long, students feel that this is shorter than they need.

FIT5136 Software engineering

  • The lecturer and tutor received good feedback

FIT5137 Database analysis and processing

  • Students are complaining regarding the test. The concepts are still not clear,
  • There is lots of tutorial material. Students are having to do a lot of study at home.
  • The questions and content is good.

Maria: Students are expected to do 12 hours of study per unit. This fits within that timeframe.

Action item: Maria to ask David Tanier to clarify the students’ expectations regarding hours of self study..


  • B3.50: some of the computers are broken, and in
  • B3.44 the projector doesn’t work.

Maria suggested that in each lab there is a written procedure for how/who to notify if there is a fault.

FIT5046 Mobile and distributed computing systems

  • A student reported that the lecture and tutorials could have a better relationship to each other.

Maria will check with the lecturer

Project Management

FIT5195 Business intelligence and data warehousing

The lecturer is good (Steve Remington)

FIT5131 Programming foundations

Eddie Leung – good communication, he brings his own slides to the tutorial to help explain the key points of the lecture

Michael asked general questions


  • It is hard to find a space to study, the library is full.
  • Computers in T1.31 don’t load quickly
  • Steve Remington uses his own computer and there sometimes is not the appropriate cable for this to happen. The cable is not standard throughout the campus.

Content of course:

  • so far so good

FIT5046 Mobile and distributed computing systems

  • Some students find it is lots of work if they do not have a Java background

Project Management

  • Volume of assessment in Project Management Group assignments: not everyone does their equal share of the work