8th Grade Math Syllabus


Welcome to Bonaire Middle School and to 8th grade math! Through the 8th grade curriculum, the students will demonstrate higher order thinking skills through challenging activities. Your experience in this class will be filled with strategies useful in all math classes, present and future, and throughout life. I hope you are eager to take on the many new challenges this class will offer. To make sure you have a successful year in math, here are some guidelines and procedures you will need to follow.

Rules—as easy as BMS: *Be prepared to learn.*Make good choices*Show respect

Agendas: Each student will receive an agenda free of charge. If you lose your agenda, it will cost $5 to replace. Agendas will be used for recording the “essential questions/ standards” and “homework”, hall passes, and as a means of communication between school and home.


Please feel free to contact me by phone or email.

Mrs. Stephanie Ramage

Room 801 BMS # 929-6235

(Use this code to access my webpage or log on to the BMS webpage to find it there)

Grading System:

Tests (35%) Quizzes and projects (30%) Homework (10%) Daily activities (25%). Finals (20%)


Homework is due the next school day, unless told otherwise. Every student starts with a 100% and keeps that grade unless they do not do their homework. It is my policy that students with no homework will complete the homework in class the next day for a grade of 50. Go for the 100 and do your homework the night it is assigned.


1 Binder (1 or 2 in.), Dividers for binder for 4-5 sections, One spiral notebook

(I recommend the Mead Five Star w 100 pages, it has a pocket and a durable cover, pages will NOT be torn out of this notebook), Pencils, Notebook Paper, Graph Paper, Crayons, Markers or Colored Pencils, Scotch Tape and/or glue stick (whatever you prefer to use)


·  You will need a binder that you can easily organize your contents into four sections: warm-ups, classwork/notes/examples, homework, quizzes/tests.

·  You will also need one spiral notebook which will be used as an interactive notebook throughout the year for Math class only.

Textbook/Workbook: A class set of textbooks and workbooks are used during class as needed and students will receive a workbook which may be written in throughout the year. The replacement cost of lost workbooks is $5.00


I will be available for after school tutoring on Monday of each week until 3:30. Mrs. Black another 8th grade math teacher is available on Tuesdays. Mrs. Knowland, another 8th grade math teacher will be available on Wednesdays. Students should be picked up at the bus ramp (west side parking lot).

Classroom Wish List : Copy paper, graph paper, tissue, spiral notebooks, glue sticks, scotch tape, and individually wrapped candy for student rewards. J

Please sign and have your child sign that you have read and understand the Math syllabus for the 2014-2015 academic school year. Please keep the top sheet for you to refer to throughout the year.

Student Name:______

Student Signature:______

Parent Signature:______

Contact information:

Phone number (s) ______



E-mail: ______

Please add anything that you would like for me to know about your child. ______