
Curriculum Vitae


personal information
Name andsurname / Tea Mihelj
Academic title / PhD
Year and institution
of PhD obtained / 2015, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science
Address / Bijenička cesta 54, Zagreb
Phone / +3851 4571 211
Fax / +3851 4680 245
E-mail /
Personal web page /

Citizenship / Croatian
Date and place of birth / April 23rd 1985
work experience[1]
Date (from – until) / May 1st 2015- Present
Institution / Ruđer Bošković Institute,
Department of Physical Chemistry
Laboratory for Biocolloids and Surface Chemistry (previously named Laboratory for Synthesis and Processes of Self-assembling of Organic Molecules)
Position / Senior ResearchAssistant
Work field / Physical Chemistry
Precipitation, Lyotropic and Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Mesophases, Physicochemical Properties of Catanionic and Bio-Surfactants, Different Metalloamphiphiles and Host-guest Complexes with Surfactants, Solid Phase Transitions of Crystals, Novel Hybrid Membranes and Hydrogels, “Environmental-friendly” Amphiphiles
Date (from – until) / October 1st 2009- April 30th 2015
Institution / Ruđer Bošković Institute,
Department of Physical Chemistry
Laboratory for Synthesis and Processes of Self-assembling of Organic Molecules
Position / Research Assistant
Work field / Physical Chemistry
Solid Phase Transitions of Crystals, Lyotropic and Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Mesophases, Physicochemical Properties of Catanionic Surfactants, Metalloamphiphiles and Host-guest Complexes with Surfactants, Novel Hybrid Membranes and Hydrogels
Date / December 11th 2009- April 17th 2015
Place / Zagreb
Institution / University of Zagreb, Faculty of Sciences
Title of qualification awarded
Title of qualification awarded
Institution / PhD in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) awarded
July 15th 2004- July 1st 2009
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology
MSc in Food Technology, Study of Food Engineering
2000- 2004
Comprehensive School “Lucijan Vranjanin”, linguistic course
Subjects and skills covered
Subjects and skills covered
Year / 2012
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Library educational seminars – KEKS: "Make the perfect presentation"
-new and valuable tools for making the presentation
- introduction to new kind of presentation: the Prezzi platform
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Library educational seminars – KEKS: “Zotero or How to find your way in a bunch of documents”
-learn how to collect and organize the references within the program
-learn how to citate and make the bibliography with the program
Place / Zagreb
Institution / University of Zagreb, Doctoral Studies and Programmes Office
Subject and skills covered
Place / Workshop for PhD students “Writing Effectively about your Research”
-learn the importance of taking into account readers' background when writing an article
-convincing the audience of the importance and usefulness of your study
-defending (and improving) the work in the face of doctoral tribunals and journal reviewer
-organizing ideas effectively in the different parts of an article so that readers will understand and appreciate the work
-scientific English: verb tenses, connecting phrases, active voice and simple language, making comparisons

InstitutionUniversity of Zagreb, Doctoral Studies and Programmes Office

Subject and skills covered Workshop for PhD students “Speaking Effectively about Your Research”

-how to deliver clear and compelling oral research presentations

-using the body and voice effectively in a talk
-designing slides that are easy to read and to understand
-performing an effective "walk through" of complex slides
-designing a talk so that your voice and your slides collaborate, rather than compete


Place Zagreb

InstitutionUniversity of Zagreb, Faculty of Science

Subject and skills covered 10th International Symposium and Summer School of Bioanalysis- Workshop in Crystallography

-theory and experiment in single crystal X-ray diffraction

Year / 2008

Place Zagreb

Institution PLIVA HRVATSKA d.o.o., Pliva- research and development, Biotechnology department

Subject and skills covered Professional practise

-biosythesis, isolation and purification of biomolecules

Year 2007

Place Zagreb

Institution Franck d.d.

Subject and skills covered Professional practise

-organoleptic analyses of raw and processed coffee

-process of treatement of coffee and peanuts

Year 1993- 2000

Place Zagreb

Institution SOVA

Subject and skills covered English course

Mother tongue / Croatian
Speaking / fluent
Writing / fluent
Reading / fluent
other foreign languages[3]
Speaking / intermediate
Writing / intermediate
Reading / intermediate
research and other projects
(chronologically; leader and associates; funding source)
Jan. 2016 – Present: team member in the project ”Ammonia borane and its derivatives for solid-state hydrogen storage", Croatia – Serbia Cooperation in Science and Technology (Principle investigators Biliškov, Croatia and Grbović-Novaković, Serbia)
Oct. 2014 – Present: team member in the project “Bioinspired materials - Formation Mechanisms and Interaction” (HRZZ-5055), supported by Croatian Science Foundation (Principle investigator Damir Kralj)
2007 – 2014: team member in the project “Surface active agents, processes in solution and at the interfaces“ (098-0982915-2949), funded by Ministry of Science Education and Sports of Republic of Croatia (Principle investigator 2007 – 2010 Nada Filipović-Vinceković, 2010 – 2014 Maja Dutour Sikirić)
(chronologically; undergraduate, graduate , postgraduate study programmes
mentorship of defended doctoral and master dissertations
and training of young researchers and scientists
visits to foreign research and education institutions
(chronologically; only visits longer than 3 months)
awards and recognitions
2015:Ruđer Bošković Institute director's annual award for publication with high impact factor
2010:Listedas one of the 10% of the most successful students in the year of graduation
2008:Scholarship awarded by University of Zagreb
2007:Scholarship of the Republic of Croatia
organizational skills and competences
(chronologically; organization of home and international science events)
July 7th-8th2011. Znanstveni susreti 3. vrste- organizational board
membership in science organizations and bodies
(chronologically; home and international organizations and bodies)
2010- Present member of Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers
2010- Present member of Croatian Microscopy Society
commissions, committees, boards and work groups
(chronologically;home and international)
2012- Present member of Scientific Council for Chemistry, Ruđer Bošković Institute

2010- Present member of Croatian Standards Institute, Technical Commitee for Surfactants TO 91/RG 2

(chronologically; research books, home and international research journals, home and international conference proceedings; please write their impact factor)
home and international research journals
1. Mihelj, Tea; Belščak-Cvitanović, Ana; Komes, Draženka; Horžić, Dunja; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of yellow Yinzhen tea affected by different extraction conditions. // Journal of food and nutrition research. 53 (2014) , 3; 278-290.
2. Mihelj, Tea; Popović, Jasminka; Skoko, Željko; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Thermotropic phase transitions of catanionic dodecylsulfates with multi-charged and multi-tailed quaternary ammonium centers. // Thermochimica acta. 591 (2014) ; 119-129.
3. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Amphiphilic properties of dodecylammonium chloride/sodium 4-(1-pentylheptyl) benzenesulfonate aqueous mixtures and study of the catanionic complex. // Journal of surfactants and detergents. 17 (2014) , 2; 309-321.
4. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Thermal behavior of dodecylpyridinium based surfactant salts with varied anionic constituent. // Journal of dispersion science and technology. 35 (2014) , 4; 581-592.
5. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta; Biliškov, Nikola.
18-crown-6-sodium cholate complex: thermochemistry, structure and stability. // Langmuir. 30 (2014) , 21; 6274-6285.
6. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta; Biliškov, Nikola; Liu, Feng.
Temperature-dependent IR spectroscopic and structural study of 18-crown-6 chelating ligand in the complexation with sodium surfactant salts. // Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. 124 (2014) ; 12-20.
7. Mihelj, Tea; Vojta, Danijela; Tomašić, Vlasta.
The diversity in thermal behavior of novel catanionic cholates: the dominant effect of quartenary ammonium centers. // Thermochimica acta. 584 (2014) ; 17-30.
8. Mikac, Lara; Ivanda, Mile; Gotić, Marijan; Mihelj, Tea; Horvat, Lucija.
Synthesis and characterization of silver colloidal nanoparticles with different coatings for SERS application. // Journal of nanoparticle research. 16 (2014) ; 2748-2761.
9. Tomašić, Vlasta; Mihelj, Tea; Zhang, Ruibin; Liu, Feng; Ungar, Goran.
Mesomorphism of a new series of catanionic 4-(1- pentylheptyl)benzenesulfonates. // Soft matter. 10 (2014) ; 7887-7896.
10. Tomašić, Vlasta; Biliškov, Nikola; Mihelj, Tea; Štefanić, Zoran.
Thermal Behaviour and Structural Properties of Surfactant - Picrate Compounds: the effect of the ammonium headgroup number. // Thermochimica acta. 569 (2013) ; 25-35.
11. Mihelj, Tea; Štefanić, Zoran; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Thermal and structural properties of surfactant–picrate compounds. // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry. 108 (2012) , 3; 1261-1272.
12. Tomašić; Vlasta, Mihelj; Tea.
The Review on Properties of Solid Catanionic Surfactants. Main Applications and Perspectives of New Catanionic Surfactants and Compounds with Catanionic Assisted Synthesis. // Journal of dispersion science and technology. (2016) ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION
1. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta.
The effect of surface active agents on human health, environment, and civilization. // Medicinski vjesnik. 44 (2012) , 1-4; 37-54.
2. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Importance of Investigation of Bile Salts and Their Derivatives as Building Blocks of Supramolecular Hosts for the purpose of Medication. // Medicinski vjesnik. 43 (2011), 1-4; 103-120.
3. Vlasta; Mihelj, Tea.
Morphological characterization of the catanionic amphiphiles. // Medicinski vjesnik. 42 (2010), 3-4; 151-160.
4. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta. Study of surfactants role in remediation of hydrosphere and synthesis of new materials.Medicinski vjesnik, accepted.
home and international conference proceedings
1. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Bioinspired supramolecular membranes formation by interactions of facial bioamphiphilic anion with conventional amphiphilic cations, metal cations, or chelating ligand // 2015.
2. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Bile salts and their derivatives as building blocks of supramolecular hosts // 2014.
3. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Microscopic research of lyotropic and thermotropic properties of catanionic dodecylammonium-4-(1-pentylheptyl) benzenesulfonate //2013.
4. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Polymorphism and mesomorphism of catanionics // Croatian Microscopy Symposium/ Hrvatski Mikroskopijski Simpozij / Gajović, Andreja ; Tomašić, Nenad (ur.).
Zagreb : Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2012. 91-91 (lecture,international peer-review,abstract,scientific).
5. Tea Mihelj, Nikola Biliškov, Vlasta Tomašić.
Zagreb : Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije : Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, 2012. 151-151 (poster,domestic peer-review,abstract,scientific).
6. Tomašić, Vlasta; Mihelj, Tea.
Thermotropic phase transitions of catanionic complexes // Croatian Microscopy Symposium/ Hrvatski Mikroskopijski Simpozij / Gajović, Andreja ; Tomašić, Nenad (ur.).
Zagreb : Hrvatsko mikroskopijsko društvo, 2012. 101-101 (poster,international peer-review,abstract,scientific).
7. Mihelj, Tea.
Surface active agents- analysis of their properties and interactions // Znanstveni susreti 3. vrste.(poster, scientific).
8. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta; Štefanić, Zoran.
Thermochemistry and crystal structure of different single and multi tailed picrates// XXII hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera, Knjiga sažetaka, Zagreb, 2011 / V. Tomašić, K. Maduna Valkaj (ur.).Zagreb : HDKI/Kemija u industriji, 2011. 162-162 (poster,domestic peer-review,abstract,scientific).
9. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Thermotropic Properties of Lamellar Catanionic Benzene Sulfonates // Book of Abstracts / Bolf, Nenad ; Šoljić Jerbić, Ivana (ur.).Zagreb : Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, 2010. 103-103 (poster,domestic peer-review,abstract,scientific).
10. Mihelj, Tea; Tomašić, Vlasta.
Synthesis and Properties of Various Catanionic Cholate Surfactant Salts // Book of Abstracts / Matković-Čalogović, Dubravka ; Milić, Dalibor ; Prugovečki, Biserka ; Galić, Nives (ur.). Zagreb : Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, 2010. 86-86(poster,abstract,scientific).
11. Tomašić, Vlasta; Mihelj, Tea; Matasović, Brunislav.
Microscopy of Catanionic Thermotropes // 2009 (poster,unpublished,scientific).
Conference papers
1. Mikac, Lara; Ivanda, Mile; Gotić, Marijan; Mihelj, Tea.
Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Colloidal Nanoparticles and Their Application in Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy // (poster, published paper, scientific).
1. Mihelj, Tea; Belščak-Cvitanović, Ana; Komes, Draženka; Cvrtila, Ivana; Tomašić, Vlasta. Effect of multiple extractions and water-ethanol ratio on the bioactive composition and antioxidant capacity of Yinzhen tea. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Food Properties (ICFP2014) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia(poster, published paper, scientific).
other research activities
(chronologically; chief editor or editor of research book, home and international research journals, home and international conference proceedings and other)
Reviewer in Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture


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 all information in the document should be entered chronologically–from the most recent tothe oldest