© drops design
Surprise jacket like pattern
DROPS jacket in garter stin ”Fabel” and pants in rib in ”Alpaca”. " - Elegant jacket for the elegant baby boy!"
Size: 1/3 - 6/9 - 12/18 months (2 - 3/4) years
Finished measures:
Bust: 52-56-64 (68-72) cm [20½”-22”-25¼” (26¾”-28 3/8”)]
Full length: 27-29-33 (35-38) cm [10 5/8”-11 3/8”-13” (13¾”-15”)]
JACKET: DROPS FABEL from Garnstudio
150-150-200 (200-250) g color no 910, sea mist
PANTS: DROPS ALPACA from Garnstudio
100-100-150 (150-150) g color no 0100, off-white
DROPS CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm [32’’]) size 3 mm [US 2or3] – or size needed to get 24 sts x 48 rows in garter st = 10 x 10 cm [4’’ x 4’’].
DROPS WOODEN BUTTON no 511: 3-4-4 (5-5) pcs.
DROPS DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (40 cm [16’’]) size 3 mm [US 2or3] – or size needed to get 24 sts x 32 rows in stockinettest = 10 x 10 cm [4’’ x 4’’].
Max prices as of 21.01.2010:
DROPS FABEL - 4.55 USD per 50 gr skein
DROPS ALPACA - 5.95 USD per 50 gr skein
Remember - the DROPS collection is always «Best in Price», up to 25-35% lower than other similar yarn brands.
...AND remember that every time you buy a skein of the original DROPS / GARNSTUDIO yarn, not only you will be guaranteed the best result, but you have also made an important contribution to our designers and our development to make to an even better net place.
Note: This pattern is written in American English.
All measurements in charts are in cms and inches between brackets [ ] .
There are different terms for crocheting in British and American English.
INCREASING TIP: Inc 1 st on each side of st with marker by making 1 YO.
On return row work YO into back of st in order to avoid a hole.
Worked from side to side from sleeve towards the middle of jacket, in 2 pieces sewn tog mid back afterwards.
Worked back and forth on circular needle in garter st.
Cast on 36-38-40 (40-42) sts on circular needle size 3 mm [US 2or3] with Fabel and work garter st.
When piece measures 6-6-5 (5-6) cm [2 3/8”-2 3/8”-2” (2”-2 3/8”)]
inc 1 st each side and repeat the inc on every 8th row a total of 6-7-9 (11-13) times = 48-52-58 (62-68) sts.
Continue until piece measures 17-19-20 (25-29) cm [6¾”-7½”-8” (9¾”-11 3/8”)] – adjust so that next row is from RS.
BODY PIECE: K 1 row from RS, at the end of row cast on 41-43-50 (53-58) sts (= towards back piece) = 89-95-108 (115-126) sts.
Work return row. Insert a marker from RS in the second st on row (= right side of piece) and continue in garter st,
AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st on each side of st with marker on every other row a total of 38-40-46 (48-50) times – SEE INCREASING TIP. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 8½-9-10½ (11-12) cm [3¼”-3½”-4¼” (4 3/8”-4¾”)]
continue on the last 60-65-74 (79-86) sts only on the left side of piece as seen from the RS (= back piece).
Slip remaining sts on a stitch holder.
BACK PIECE: Continue until piece measures 13-14-16 (17-18) cm [5 1/8”-5½”-6¼” (6¾”-7”)]
(from where sts were cast on for back piece), and bind off.
FRONT PIECE: Slip sts from stitch holder back on needle, but leave 9-10-10 (10-12) sts towards back piece on stitch holder for neckline. Continue to inc on every other row, AT THE SAME TIME bind off 1 st towards neckline on every 4th row a total of 6-7-7 (7-7) times.
AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 14-15-17 (18-19) cm [5½”-6”-6¾” (7”-7½”)]
(from where inc for front pieces beg) bind off for 3-4-4 (5-5) buttonholes as follows (from neckline, i.e. from WS):
work 2 sts, bind off 2 sts, * work 12-9-11 (9-10) sts, bind off 2 sts *,
repeat from *-* a total of 2-3-3 (4-4) times, and then work remaining sts on row.
On return row cast on 2 new sts over the bind off sts.
After dec and inc are complete there are 90-93-109 (115-121) sts on row.
Now bind off 51-52-62 (66-70) sts from WS from neckline and down along front band = 39-41-47 (49-51) sts left on row.
Continue in garter st back and forth on these sts for approx 1-1-2 (2-3) cm [3/8”-3/8”-3/4” (3/4”-1 1/8”)]
(fold piece double by shoulder to measure front piece to back piece) and bind off.
Like right half, but without buttonholes – this half is assembled with WS out.
Place the 2 halves towards each other and sew tog mid back – edge to edge in order to avoid a chunky seam. Fold jacket double and sew under arm and side seams in outer loops of sts. Sew on buttons.
Pick up 55 to 75 sts (incl sts on stitch holders) round neckline on circular needle size 3 mm [US 2or3] with Fabel.
Work 3 rows garter st back and forth on needle and bind off.
Inc 1 st on each side of the 2 K sts mid back (marker sits between these 2 sts).
Inc by working 2 sts in 1 st and incorporate inc sts in rib as you go along.
Dec 1 st on each side of marker mid front. Dec as follows before marker: K2 tog.
Dec as follows after marker: slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso.
Worked in the round on double pointed needles.
Cast on 56-60-64 (68-72) sts on double pointed needles size 3 mm [US 2or3] with Alpaca.
Insert a marker at beg of round = inside of leg.
Continue as follows: K1, * P2 / K2 *, repeat from *-* and finish with P2 and K1.
When piece measures 4 cm [1½”]
inc 1 st on each side of marker by K 2 sts in 1 st on every 5-6-8 (9-12) round a total of 8 times = 72-76-80 (84-88) sts.
When leg measures 16-20-23 (25-33) cm [6¼”-8”-9” (9¾”-13”)] divide the piece by marker
and continue back and forth on needle (to make it easier to slip both legs on the same circular needle afterwards),
AT THE SAME TIME cast on 1 new st each side for seam = 74-78-82 (86-90) sts.
When piece measures 18-22-25 (27-35) cm [7”-8¾”-9¾” (10 5/8”-13¾”)] bind off 5 sts each side
(= 1 edge st, K1, P2 and K1) = 64-68-72 (76-80) sts.
Put piece aside and knit the other leg in the same way.
Slip both legs on the same circular needle size 3 mm [US 2or3] = 128-136-144 (152-160) sts.
Insert 1 marker mid front and 1 marker mid back (both markers should sit between 2 K sts).
Continue in rib, K2 / P2, AT THE SAME TIME inc mid back and dec mid front as follows:
Repeat the inc on every 4th round a total of 4 times.
Repeat the dec on every 4th round a total of 8 times.
After all inc and dec are complete there are 120-128-136 (144-152) sts on round.
Continue in rib until piece measures 38-42-47 (52-60) cm [15”-16½”-18½” (20½”-23 5/8”)], bind off.
Sew inside of legs at the top inside 1 edge st. Sew opening between legs, front of leg towards back of leg.
Explanation to pattern diagram = knitting direction
All measurements in charts are in cms. All measures are from side to side.
BabyDROPS number 18-25
We take pride in providing knitting and crochet patterns that are correct and easy to understand. All patterns are translated from Norwegian and you can always check the original pattern for measurements and calculations.
All patterns are carefully reviewed, but we make reservation for possible mistakes. In the case of discrepancies please post your remark in "knitting help" or contact your local Garnstudio retailer.
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