The requested documents for obtaining a domain name under the ccTLD (iq):
1. Terms and definitions:
1. The Commission : it's the Iraqi CMC which was established under the Order No. 65 of 2004. It is the authorized entity responsible for registration of sub-domain names under Iraq's (.iq), which is classified according to the following: -
2. (iq.): For the three presidential institutions represented by (Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the Presidency of the Representatives Council), as well as the commissions not associated with ministries.
3. ( For Iraqi departments and ministries.
4. ( For universities, colleges, institutes and scientific institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Education, as well as for universities, colleges, educational institutes affiliated to private sector.
5. ( For Iraqi military institutions.
6. ( For companies and commercial institutions registered in the Iraqi Ministry of Trade for the public, private and mixed sectors.
7. ( For institutions and non-profit organizations which operating inside Iraq
8. ( For network-services provider entities such as companies (Internet service providers, web hosting, media companies, satellite and terrestrial broadcasters licensed by the Commission, multi-purpose commercial groups), in addition to the affiliated ministries, departments and institutions provided that these entities should obtain a written approval of the ministry concerned.
9. ( For individuals interested in obtaining their own domain name.
10. ( For the owners of small commercial businesses.
11. ( For terrestrial and satellite stations.
2. Applicant: Any entity or individual apply to the Commission for registering a new domain name or modifying the previously submitted information of a registered domain name.
1. If the applicant is a company, it must meet the following requirements:
1. shall have a local entity to represent it.
2. must carry a trade name or mark registered at the Iraqi Ministry of Trade.
3. shall be solely liable for the use of the domain name. The Commission shall not be responsible if the domain name does not carry a trademark, violates intellectual property rights, or is against the laws in force in this regard.
2. If the applicant is an individual, it must meet the following requirements:
3. Iraqi citizens, who are 18 or beyond, are eligible to apply. CMC, however, still offers its service to non-Iraqi citizens residing in Iraq, and to non-Iraqi citizens residing outside Iraq provided that they have an Iraqi representative fully authorized by the applicant.
4. A person who intends to register shall provide documents to prove that the name chosen is his own official name or surname as stated in the civil status ID.
5. A copy of the identity of the civil status or, for non-Iraqis, a copy of a valid passport shall be attached to the Application.
6. The owner of the name is fully liable for the use of the domain name.
7. The Domain Name should not be registered to any other person, nor does it represent a trademark or violates intellectual property rights and Iraq's applicable laws.
All the above-mentioned provisions apply to registering of individuals names (
1. Document: a set of rules for registering domain names in Iraq, and a package of provisions that specify the nature of the relationship between the Applicant and the Commission on registration of domain names under Iraq's top-level domain (iq).
2. Registration Request: a formal request submitted by the Applicant to the Commission for registering a new domain name or modifying the information of a previously registered one. Applications must be written on official paper signed and sealed by the official officer. Individuals who would register personal names under (name. iq) can send their letters on non-official papers. Registration requests can be sent via e-mail to the Commission.
3. Registration form: the form used for registering a new domain name or modifying a registered name. Registration Form could be obtained through the CMC's website on the Internet. Applicant shall submit a form for each name requested.
4. Request: the process of request by the applicant for registering a new domain name or modifying information of an already registered name from the Commission. This process begins with the receipt of the Commission of the request alongside with the Registration Form after fulfilling the required conditions.
5. Official Documents: copies of document sent by the Applicant to support his request such as (the Commercial Record, an official license, a registered trademark ... etc), subject to Commission's order.
6. Administrative Representative: the administrative representative person authorized by the Applicant to follow-up registration procedures and payment of fees.
7. Technical Representative: the technical representative person authorized by the Applicant to follow up the technical matters, such as registration of service providers.
8. Official Representative: the third part inside Iraq authorized by the applicant resides outside Iraq to contact the Commission, pay financial dues, and submit the requested information concerning the request for a domain name registration.
9. Domain name: a name proposed by the Applicant subject to the Commission's approval, or one which is chosen by mutual agreement of the parties. This name shall:
1. be from 2 to 63 figures as maximum, with only Latin letters "A" - "Z" and numbers "0" - "9" in addition to the dash symbol"-" on condition that it begins and ends with a letter or number only and that the name is not affected whether the letters were in capital or small.
2. Registration of a Domain name does not grant any legal rights or ownership to this name, it is a symbolic address used on the Internet.
3. Domain names of states, cities, religions, celebrities, tribes, protocols and the alike will not be registered but for the entities and commissions that represent such names officially.
4. Domain names with improper or incitement words and names shall not be approved.
5. If the name requested for registration under the domain ( is a name of a person or family, at least two digits should be added to such names. Compound names are excluded from such provision.
6. Sooner requests will have priority in registration by the Commission. Still, the Commission reserves the right to refuse or revoke a domain name registration for the public interest.
7. Chosen names shall be linked to those of Applicants and their activities and properties.
8. Registration for a domain name is not intended for the purpose of subsequent trading (whether in the form of selling or leasing), but only for the exclusive use by the body which the domain name was allocated to. The Commission will revoke all domain names given to violating entities.
9. Domain names will not be used for any activities contradict to the laws in force inside Iraq.
10. Eliminated or deleted domain names shall be available for registration again after (3) months from the date of elimination or deletion.
11. It is not permissible to transfer domain names from entity to another after being registered other than in the case of a sale or merger of the utilizing entity with another one. If an Applicant was terminated or revoked, the Commission reserves the right to cancel all domain names registered to such Applicant.
12. For the purposes of activating a reserved name, the Commission must be provided with the name and address of two DNS servers (major and minor) (DNS) connected to the Internet.
2. General Terms and Conditions:
1. Applicant shall submit a request to the Commission to obtain a domain name. The request must include information of the activities and performances of the Applicant. Requests shall be disregarded (30) days after the date of their receipt if not followed up by the Applicant's Representatives. Applicant has no right to claim for refunding.
2. Application form must be filled correctly and precisely by the Applicant, otherwise shall be disregarded. Management fees in the amount of (15000) Iraqi Dinar shall be paid by the Applicant at the initial request.
3. Institutions or companies based outside Iraq has the right to register for a domain name provided that they must have a licensed agent or representative in Iraq and a Formal Representative to represent such institution or company. The domain name will belong to that institution or company and not to such agents or representatives.
4. Administrative, Technical, and Formal authorized Representatives shall bear a suitable ID during their visits to the Commission.
5. Iraqi private companies shall submit a certified Certificate of Incorporation as of the year of submission or its renewal from the department of the Registrar of Companies in addition to the Contract of Incorporation, the First Incorporation Meeting Report, its trademark all of which should be legally certified.
6. Priority for registration shall be given to request submitted earlier to the Commission without discriminations or exceptions.
7. Technical Representative must guarantee that the request submitted by the Applicant include the names of service providers correctly and effectively pursuant to the international standards.
8. Applicant shall inform the Commission of all the changes and amendments may occur on the domain information.
9. The Commission may make available to the public some or all the information related to the domain name through its website.
10. The Commission shall inform the Applicant of acceptance or refusal of the request via the e-mail listed in the Application form.
11. This document can be changed or amended from time to time as the Commission may decide without a prior notice to the applicant. Such changes or amendment shall apply after (30) days from the date of publication in the Commission's website on the Internet. The continuousness of the use of a domain name by the Applicant constitutes an approval for the new document. If refuses to accept such changes or amendment, Applicant has the right to request to delete the domain name with an acknowledgement that this deletion is the best solution, whether at its own will or at the Commission's request.
3. Deletion of the domain name:
1. Domain names can be deleted by the Commission without notifying the Applicant in the following cases:
1. If the Commission discovered that any of the information provided by the Applicant is incorrect or inaccurate.
2. When there is a breach or violation of any of the rules in this document by the Applicant.
2. Ownership of the domain to others can be transferred according to the following conditions:
1. The original owner must confirm its desire to phase out the domain name and disclose the transfer to a new owner by an official letter.
2. The new owner shall comply with the same conditions for registration of a new domain. The Commission then has the right to refuse registration if contradicted to its conditions.
3. After the approval of the Commission, the new owner shall provide new application for the registration of the same name and moves on the procedures, as appropriate.
4. This transfer requires the payment of management fees of (15000) Iraqi Dinars.
1. Conflicts that arise from the use of a domain name:
1. The Commission shall not intervene as a third party in resolving a conflict that may arise from the (use) of a particular entity to a domain name which was granted to another entity. The Commission, however, is committed in applying the judicial order issued by the court on the conflict, and that the Commission in not obliged to stoppage or interruption that occurs during conflicts of using domain names.
2. Registration fees:
1- Governmental and commercial bodies, organizations, and other entities mentioned above in the document shall pay an Application Form fee of (15,000) I.D .The amount shall be paid at the time of submitting the request for reserving an .iq domain.
2- At the time of approval, Applicant shall pay an annual subscription fee of (75,000) I.D for governmental companies and ministries.
3- Annual Subscription fees of (50000) Iraqi Dinars on the issuance of approval for individuals.
4- Application Study Fees in the amount of (100000) Iraqi Dinars for applications submitted by a non-applying third party.
5. Renewal will be on annual basis for subscription, and the Applicant can renew for more than a year all at once.
6. A period of (30) days is given to the owner of the domain name from the annual due date to renew the subscription. If the customer does not pay within this period, the Commission would address the applicant to give out further limited time not exceeding to (15) days for the payment of fees. Otherwise the Commission will cancel the name and offer it to new beneficiary without informing the first party.
7. Paid fees are non-refundable.
8. Subscription will be automatically renewed for another new year unless the Commission receives a request for revocation by the owner of the domain name.
9. The Commission may modify the fees as circumstances may require.
Governing Law:- This document will be governed and construed under the laws of Iraq.
1. Language Used:-
Arabic shall be used for the purposes of applying, registering, and communicating. English, however, can also be used for application and correspondences. In cases of misinterpretation, the Arabic version shall prevail.