SACWIS Case ReviewWebinar

Wednesday March 23th, 2016

Questions and Answers


If your Agency has questions pertaining to the Case Review functionality in SACWIS, please feel free to contact:

SACWIS Helpdesk 1-800-686-1580

**A Knowledge Base (KB) Article titled Recording a Case Review including Child Protective Services (CPS) Policy Guidancewill be released soon to demonstrate how to record a Case Review. The article will be a coordinated effort between SACWIS and CPS policy on how to navigate SACWIS and the type of content to record in the Case Review record. Some questions that were asked during this webinar will be answered in this upcoming KB article.

Case Review Functionality:

Question: Explain unlinked and prior linked services. When and why would services that were previously linked or never linked be reviewed?

Answer:During a review period, a case member was unlinked from the Case Plan. Therefore, these services still fall within the review period and need to be reviewed because these services were active during the current review period.

Question: In the Service Review section, what Service Categories need a Participation Status entered?

Answer: The Service Categories that need a Participation Status are: Child Care, Counseling, Diagnostic, Education/Training, and Mental Health.

Question: How are youth, who are placed by a court on a Delinquency, addressed in a Case Review?

Answer: The Case Reviewaddresses services and activities of the Case Plan. For the Case Review, it is important to discuss the impact of services and behavioral changes during this review period.

Question: What are the requirements for the case closing review? Is it required to close a case or did the rule change.

Answer: The PCSA shall complete the JFS 01413 at the time of case closure regardless of the case category (this includes Adoption Cases). If the case is closed within thirty days after completion of the Case Review and the intent is to close the case then another Case Review/Closure type is not required per OAC rule 5101:2 38-09.

Question: If a case service has a status of needed, can the status be changed or should this be done after the review?

Answer: In order to change the status of the case service, select a case member, add a service goal, link a provider and this will update the service status. A service status update/change can be done either during the review or outside of the review through the Case Services functionality.

Question: Due to a current functional issue in SACWIS, how can a user complete a review for service that has been end dated prior to completing the service review?

Answer: Until this functional issue is fixed in SACWIS, the work around is to remove the end dated in the Case Services, complete the review of this service and then re-enter the Case Service end date.

Question: How often is a Reunification Assessment need to be completed?

Answer: For a child that is out of the home and in the temporary custody of the agency or is on an Out-of-Home Safety Plan, the Reunification Assessment is due every 180 days at the time of the SAR. This rule also applies to all Title IV-E Court as well.

Question: Does a Reunification Assessment need to be completed for a child in Permanent Custody?

Answer: No. Do to the legal status of Permanent Custody, a Reunification Assessment is not required.

Question: Do all Parties of the case have to attend the Case Review? Semiannual Administrative Review (SAR)?

Answer: Parties of the Case Review do not have to attend. The Case Review is not intended to be with parties of the case, it is the review only. The SAR is required to be with the family.

Question: Does a Caser Review and SAR both need to be completed every 180 days?

Answer: At 180 days both review tools are required to be completed. SACWIS combines both these review tools in the system. Users can generate both reports at theend of the review. Refer to the CPS manual for further details.

Question:For the Title IV-E Courts, how often does a Case Review need to be completed?

Answer: The same rules apply to the Title IV-E Courts as is does for PCSA, a Case Review must be completed every 90 days per OAC rule 5101:2-38-10.

Question: Who receives a copy of the SAR report and Case Review report?

Answer: The agency or Title IV-E Court will provide written invitation including the date, time, and place for the SAR, to the child's parent, guardian, or custodian and child, if age and developmentally appropriate, no less than seven days prior to the SAR. For in-home supportive services cases, the agency will provide a copy of the SAR summary to all parties participating in the SAR no later than seven days after completion of the SAR. A copy of the JFS 01412 or JFS 01416 shall be maintained in the case record per OAC rule 5101:2-38-10.