Total no. of periods: / 1
Topic: / Feelings
  • The students will be made aware of different feelings that they undergo.
  • To make the student feel good after knowing that he/she is liked by his/her classmates.
  • To have 100% participation of the students.

Introduction:Meeting Up:
  1. Introduction:Class and the teacher agree on some ground rules to be followed during Q.C.T session.
  • Stick thumb out to speak
  • Wait for the turn
  • Look at the person who is speaking
  • Listen well
  • Respect the opinion of others.
  1. The Name Game:The students would gently throw a ball to
someone across the circle and say their name, they
continue passing until everyone has had a turn.
Development :Warming Up:
  1. The teacher would tell the students a story through a video about a girl Ruby who is new to school. She would draw out the feelings expressed in the story through her facial expressions.
Ruby was really happy. She had just started going to a new school. She liked Miss Smile. She loved playing with all the toys. She liked break time.
When Ruby got to school she wanted to play on the snakes and ladder grid. She could see there were other students already there. She watched for a few minutes, feeling a bit scared.
The teacher would ask students“Why do you think Ruby feels scared when she looks at the children playing on the grid?”
After getting a few answers she would then say ‘Let’s see what Ruby does next, shall we?’
Ruby walked a little closer to the grid and carried on looking at the other children. Akshayturnedaround and looked at her. He didn’t smile, and he didn’t lookfriendly. Ruby felt sad and a bit scared too. She felt uncomfortable; shedidn’t like this feeling at all.She ran to the other end of the corridor where she bumped into another girl called
Samira. They bumped heads and both started to cry.
‘Oh dear’, said Miss Smile. ‘What happened here?’ Samira pointed to Ruby andRuby hid her head in her hands. She was feeling very sad now and carried oncrying, until Miss Smile gave her a cuddle and asked her if she could tell her whathappened. When Ruby had calmed down she was able to tell Miss Smile why sheran away to the other end of the corridor.
The teacher would ask “Why do you think she ran away?”
And “Why was she scared or frightened?”
Miss Smile explained to Ruby that it might have been a good idea if she had tried to talk to Akshay and the others on the grid.
Ruby was not so happy when she came to nursery the next day, because sheremembered how horrible she had felt yesterday.When she arrived she saw some exciting things on the painting table. Somechildren were already making big paint shapes on a huge piece of paper. Rubyremembered she needed an apron to do painting. She went to the hooks, but therewere no aprons left. She began to feel sad all over again. She looked around andsaw Miss Smile. She went over to her and said, ‘Please can I play here too?’ MissSmile said, ‘Wait with me until Akshay has finished, then you can have a go.’Ruby felt really pleased that she remembered what to say, so that Miss Smile knew
what she wanted. Miss Smile was very pleased with Ruby for asking in this way.She had a lovely time painting and Samira was there as well. Ruby and Samiraput their hands in the paint and made patterns. They laughed and they giggled.
The teacher would ask “How do you think Ruby will feel about coming to school again now?”
  1. Energizer: The teacher would ask the children to stand up and walk across the circle if:
  • They have ever felt scared coming to school like Ruby.
  • They have felt sad when somebody does not talk to them.
  • They have felt happy playing with their friends.
  • They have felt happy making new friends.
Opening Up
The teacher would ask:
“Who in this class are you pleased with because you have noticed
that they manage their feelings well?” i.e. they do not get scared, or sad easily etc.
The students would begin by saying:
I am pleased with ______because______.
Closing Down
A video karaoke session would be held using Microsoft Apps. /
Resources used: / Extended Activity:
Evaluation: The teacher will observe the classand will encourage the non-participants to participate.
Closure: Calming Down
The teacher would ask students to close their eyes and imagine that they are eating their favourite chocolate. Feel the taste of the chocolate in your mouth and feel good.
Lesson Plan Owner: Kovleen Middha Team Member