Cortachy Parent Council


Minutes of the Cortachy Parent Council meeting held in school on Tuesday 27 January 2015.


Miss Smith, Head Teacher

Mrs D Simmonds

Mrs R White

Mrs P Colvin

Mrs H Hood

Mrs Wilkie-Chamberlain


Mrs L Watt

Mrs B Walker

Mrs H Hyland

1. Apologies & welcome
Mrs White opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Apologies were noted as above.
2. Minutes of last meeting
The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed with the exception of the inclusion of Mrs Hood within the attendance twice.
3. Election of Office Bearers
Some parents present at the meeting felt that election of Office Bearers could not be completed as the meeting was not an Annual General Meeting (AGM). Therefore a temporary arrangement was made for Mrs Hood to stand in as Chair in replacement of Mrs White up until the next AGM when the arrangement will be reviewed and officer bearers elected in the usual manner. Mrs Hood also wished to remain the treasurer up until the next AGM.
The parent council would like to thank Mrs White for all her commitment and efforts as Chair.
Mrs Colvin is still happy to remain in the role of Secretary.
Mrs Colvin reminded those present of the rules imposed for Office Bearers, namely that the position of Chair Person is required to be filled by a parent at the School. Other positions are more flexible in that they can be held by parents or their relatives e.g. grandparent.
Mrs Whyte felt the month of May would be more appropriate for an AGM, which would have new Office Bearers in place for the new school year. Those present at the meeting agreed. Further enquiries to be made.
ACTION / Mrs Colvin to research the rules of the parent council constitution to verify whether or not the AGM can be brought forward from October to May.
4. Matters Arising
Times for future meetings – Mrs Hood suggested Parent Council meetings to be held in the mornings to provide opportunities to parents of nursery children to attend. It was agreed to evenly alternate the meetings between morning and evening meetings. Therefore the next meeting will be held in the morning and the one thereafter the evening and so on.
Parent Council Funds – Mrs Hood informed the Parent Council of money raised. The Parent Council currently has approximately £3700 in the bank having raised £1545 over the past year.
Costs to the Parent Council amounted to £680. This includes cost for flowers, raffle tickets, lottery licence, hall hire, and school pantomime trip.
The raffle ticket sales alone generated £970. Also, the Parent Council has received an average of £40-£50 per month from The Drovers Inn Chips Initiative; the Christmas Eve Service generated £274 from its collection. There were also monies raised from both Memus and Tannadice Xmas Fairs.
Mrs Hood informed the Parent Council of Easy Fundraising website which generates money for the school via purchases made with companies such as Amazon, Argos etc.
Since the meeting Mrs Colvin has suggested to Miss Smith that some of the funds raised could go towards a recognised school sports strip for children to wear when taking part in sport tournaments i.e. basketball, netball tournaments. This can be discussed at the next meeting
Photographs taken by family – Mrs Hood raised the subject of parents being able to take photos or films of their children at school concerts, sports day etc.
Miss Smith informed the Parent Council of the Angus School strict policy of not permitting photographs or video footage of children when at school events. She suggested the possibility of parents signing an agreement to allow photos and videos to be taken however it would require all parents to agree and for the agreement to be taken to the Council for this to be allowed.
Mrs Whyte mentioned the practice in place at her children’s previous school, which entailed the school videoing the event, and downloading the footage onto DVDs that were made available to parents for a small fee. This raised funds for the school.
Mrs Wilkie-Chamberlain suggested the DVDs could be locked and therefore could not be downloaded onto any computers.
Miss Smith will check details of the Council and school Policy and share this with parents.
Gardening Club –Mrs Hood queried if there was anything happening with regards the Gardening Club.
Miss Smith informed the Parent Council that Mirren McFarlane (ex-pupil) has approached the school asking if she could run the Gardening club for her Duke of Edinburgh Award. This is to be done with families on a Saturday morning. This includes Mirren having to manage a budget for plants etc, provide a plan, building communities etc. Date will be circulated when known.
Mrs Whyte mentioned a school in Argyll, which had decorated their fencing with plastic bottles with a Christmas theme. Miss Smith said she would speak to Mrs Crosbie to see if it was feasible to do this with the Children. It will be also open to families to come into school and help. Tea and Coffee will be provided.
Mrs Hood – suggested the need for the parent council to generate more ideas for fundraising with the idea of holding a Silent Auction as an option. Memus Hall is holding one in March.
Mrs Wilkie-Chamberlin suggested the parent council apply to the Lottery Fund for a grant to be used for improvements to the school. This can be done every year as long as requests are for different things. The school is currently missing out on available grants.
Year Books – Mrs Hood raised this topic. Refunds are to be given to those parents who paid for Year Books that were not published.
Miss Smith mentioned the books that were given to school leavers last year as being a success.
Miss Smith and Mrs Bell will start collating pictures for this year’s school leavers’ books.
Graduation – 10 kids caps to be ordered along with homework bags in time for the end of term.
ACTIONS / Hazel Hood – Compose information sheet to be sent to parents with details of Easy Fundraising website.
Miss Smith – check School Policy with regards Videos and Photos of pupils taken by parents.
Miss Smith – speak to Mrs Crosbie regarding decorating fence.
Mrs White – Order Cortachy Caps and Homework bags from Fingerprint
Fund-raising events
Mr Hood- raised the topic of parents helping out at fundraising events. The parent Council requires to be more organised and not leaving arrangements to the last minute, as this is not enjoyable for anyone involved. There needs to be more organisation around making arrangements for the making of crafts and managing any events. It requires to be noted in the minutes if the parent council is to go ahead with any fundraising event such as the Memus Fairs with details of which parents wish to be involved.
Parent Concerns
Miss Smith wished to clarify that should any parent have any concerns with regards to the school she would welcome them into the school to discuss the matter with a view to resolving any concerns. The school operates an open door policy and she would not want any parents to feel they could not discuss things in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
Date of next meeting
Please note change of date and time from school calendar***
9 am on Wednesday 25th March