6th Annual Conference of INEBRIA

"Breaking New Ground”

October 8-9th, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art,

Newcastle/Gateshead, UK


INEBRIA invites applications to present oral presentations, posters and symposia at its 6th Annual Conference which will take place at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Newcastle/Gateshead, UK on 8th-9th October, 2009.

Instructions for Preparation of Abstracts

Oral and poster presentations and symposia should be submitted by 12th June, 2009.

Abstract must be submitted online at . Once your application is submitted you will receive an instant notification of receipt.

Abstracts will be assessed by the appointed Scientific Committee.

Abstracts will be published online on the conference website as well as in a Book of Abstracts.

Please keep in mind that the conference aims to break new ground in the area of screening and brief interventions (SBI) for alcohol use disorders and that there are several topics we particularly wish to address in the conference. Although relevant abstracts falling outside these areas are welcome, you are encouraged to choose from the following topics:

  1. Theory of brief interventions
  2. Methodological issues in research on SBI
  3. Optimal forms of screening in various settings
  4. SBI in the criminal justice setting
  5. Brief interventions and internet
  6. SBI and young people
  7. Application of SBI to minority ethnic groups
  8. Innovative ways of routinely implementing SBI
  9. Strategies for integrating SBI in government policy
  10. A global perspective on SBI

Select the type of presentation you would prefer - oral presentation, poster presentation or symposium.

A. Oral or poster presentations

Oral presentations are usually allocated a 20 minute slot divided as follows: 15 minutes talk, 5 minutes discussion. However, the author(s) of the best submitted oral presentation, in the opinion of the Scientific Committee, will be invited to present a Keynote Address at the conference.

Poster presentations will be displayed throughout the two days of the conference at the conference venue. There will be a prize of £100 for the best poster in the opinion of the Scientific Committee.

Abstracts for an oral or poster presentation should include:

Title. Provide a title of 15 words or less

Author(s) details: Name and affiliation (maximum six authors)

The body of the text should be no longer than 250 words and include: Background, Methods, Findings, Discussion, as appropriate.

B. Symposia.

Symposia provide an opportunity for focused presentations on a particular topic. A symposium at the conference is scheduled to last 90 minutes and to consist of between three and five oral presentations from different speakers on a related theme. You can, if you wish, include a discussant to provide an overview of the main issues after the presentations. Please leave time for an audience discussion of five minutes after each presentation and a general audience discussion of about ten minutes at the end of the symposium.

The symposium abstract must be submitted by the symposium convenor and should include:

Title. Provide a title of 15 words or less.

Convenor details: Name and affiliation

Symposium overview abstract (maximum 250 words) including:

  • Aims: four or five points summarising what you expect the symposium to achieve.
  • Rationale: explaining why it is important to discuss this issue at this year’s conference.
  • Summary:outlining the symposium as a whole and integrating the individual contributions.
  • An abstract for each presentation (maximum 6 authors each). The body of each text should be no longer than 250 words and include: Background, Methods, Findings, Discussion, as appropriate.

If you have any queries about abstract submission for the 6th Annual Conference of INEBRIA, please contact Kat Jackson at