Tuesday, September 8, 2009

9:00 a.m.

PKP Room, Memorial Union


Members present:

Connie Baumgardner, Donna Breshears, Sandy Crofoot (for Patty Delmott), Debbie Eagan, Kim Gaines, Taime Pitchford, Karla Rodgers, Shari Scribner, Karen Weatherholt and Kara Wolford.

Members absent:

Patty Delmott, Jackie Lutz, and Mike Mercer.

Called to Order Donna Breshears

Approval of August 11, 2009 minutes - approved as read


Human Resources (Donna Breshears shared information provided by Judy Anderson)

• Group Health Insurance for Calendar Year 2010 - More information will be

forthcoming, but we know there are only a few changes in the health insurance,

as well as a slight increase in premiums. Again this year during open enrollment

all non-tobacco users must enroll online and complete the tobacco certification

to get the discount. Open enrollment is during the month of October with

information meetings being held Friday, October 16, at 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

in the Heritage Room of the Memorial Union.

• Performance Management System - Information is being prepared for supervisors

of classified employees and will soon be sent to them. The new system launches

on October 1.

Newsletter - No report.

Membership - All positions are currently filled.

Seminar - Mike Mercer and Karla Rogers have met with Peter Brodie and are

hoping to bring the local legislators to campus in November.

Campus Affairs - Working on new ideas for the Kansas Day celebration.

Legislative Affairs - No activity.

Scholarship - No activity anticipated until after the first of the year.

New Performance Evaluation handout (Donna Breshears)

Donna distributed the ESU Foundation’s policy regarding the new Performance

Evaluation System.

Shared Governance Update (Donna Breshears and Taime Pitchford)

Representatives from Classified Assembly, Faculty Senate, Associated Student Government,

and other ESU leadership personnel will meet once per semester. The first meeting will be

held September 29, 2009.

CSSC and KBOR upcoming meetings (Donna Breshears and Taime Pitchford)

• The Classified and Support Staff Council will meet at KU on September 16 to

finalize the FY2011 position paper and plan for the September 17 Kansas Board

of Regents meeting. (The Classified and Support Staff Council addresses the

Kansas Board of Regents during their September and January meetings.)

• A paper was distributed in which Mike Mercer submitted additional ideas for

inclusion in the FY 2011 position paper. All of the items were discussed, with some

being identified as local issues that didn't need to be addressed state-wide. Some

of the ideas generated by the discussion may be brought up by Donna and Taime

at next week’s CSSC meeting and in the Shared Governance meeting on

September 29.


H1N1 Update (Jaque Schmidt, Director of Student Wellness, ESU)

• There has been one confirmed case of H1N1 on campus since the beginning of

the semester. KDHE will test 2 cases/week for each designated site.

• Reliable sources for flu information are:

cdc.gov (Centers for Disease Control) - see social media link for handouts

kdheks.gov (Kansas Department of Health and Environment)

ESU updates are available online via a link on the university’s home page and

via telephone from a hotline: 620-341-6867.

• Informational flyers are being distributed around campus. All persons experiencing

flu-like symptoms are asked to stay home until fever-free without medication for

24 hours, and to consult a physician.

• Flu shots will be available September 21 and 22 in the Memorial Union, or from

the county health service on October 6 at the fairgrounds.


Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 13, 9:00 a.m., PKP Room of the Memorial Union