Name, March 2008

Template and Detailed Instructions for


List activities for January 1, 2003 through March 31, 2008

[Use this format also for reappointment, tenure, promotion, graduate faculty nomination and for past five years faculty data report for AACSB International accreditation.]

Date submitted:______

Section I. Professional Background

A. Name:

B. Department:

C. Rank and date appointed to that rank:

D. Date of appointment to graduate faculty: (as an affiliate member and/or as a full member (delete this message))

E. Office address: (department and room number (delete this message))

Phone number:


F. Area of academic discipline specialization:

G. Degrees: (List degrees, institutions conferring degrees, dates received, and fields in which received, together with honorary degrees and conferring institutions according to the following format: (delete this message))

(1) Bachelors degree:

Name of degree: (e.g., Bachelor of Science

(delete this message))

Year conferred:

Degree-granting institution:

Major field of study: (e.g., marketing, mathematics, finance, chemistry (delete this message))

(2) Masters or first professional degree:

Name of degree: (e.g., Master of Science (delete this message))

Year conferred:

Degree-granting institution:

Major field of study: (e.g., marketing, mathematics, finance, chemistry (delete this message))

Concentration/Minor if Applicable:

(2) Doctoral degree:

Name of degree: (e.g., Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Business Administration (delete this message))

Year conferred:

Principal academic unit

in which the doctoral work

was taken: (e.g., School of Business, School of Education; please do not indicate "Graduate School" and the like (delete this message))

Degree-granting institution:

Major fields of study:

Minor fields of study:

Dissertation title:

H. Professional certification: (If none, delete this entry (delete this message)):

Name of certificate:

Year conferred:

Profession or state conferring certificate:

I. Nonacademic professional experience:

· (List years, position, company; if none, delete this entry (delete this message))

J. Academic experience:

· (List years, rank, University; if none, delete this entry (delete this message))

Section II. Teaching During Last Five Years (Since January 2003):

A. Courses taught for UAH:

(Include each section for academic credit--day and evening, on and off-campus (delete this message))

Term / Course
Number / Credit
Hours / Course Title / Course
Ments / SIE
Total Global Item*
2003 / No.
Responses / Score / No. Responses / Score

Individual's 5 year Item 20 weighted average 00

Department's 5 year Item 20 weighted average 00

College's 5 year Item 20 weighted average and standard deviation 00 + 00

*Global Item: College of Administrative Science, Item 20

B. Teaching related grants and contracts (for example, curriculum development, textbooks, etc.) (If none, delete this entry (delete this message))

Investigator) / Title / Awarding
Organization / Date Submitted / Time
Of Award / Dollar Value / Status
Review, Rejected)

C. Advising and Mentoring Students Since January 2003:

·  Student advisees (give number) (If none, delete this entry (delete this message))

Year / Masters Directly Supervised / PhD Directly Supervised / Masters Committees
Other Than Chair or Directly Supervised / PhD Committees Other Than Chair or Directly Supervised

·  Theses and dissertations completed under your supervision (if none, delete this entry (delete this message))

Student’s Name / Title of Work / Department / Term Completed / Degree Awarded

D. Other Instructional Activities since January 2007: (If none, delete entry (delete this message))

· Describe your experiments and innovations this year with respect to:

(1) Programs of instruction and instructional methods

(2) Applications of new learning approaches, technologies, and equipment.

· Include publications you have authored, for example, textbooks, teaching manuals, instructional software, computer programs, books of readings, chapters in textbooks, articles in pedagogical journals and written cases with instructional material.

E. Curriculum development: (If none, delete entry (delete this message))

F. Coordination of multiple sections in an academic discipline: (If none, delete entry (delete this message))

Section III. Research,Creative, and Scholary Activity During Last Five Years (Since January 2003)

(Identify those activities that qualify for designation as a management of science and technology (T) activity. Identify each activity according to the AACSB International classification system as “L” Learning and Pedagogical Scholarship, “P” Contribution to Practice, or “D” Discipline-Based Scholarship. (delete this message))

A. Publications and Acceptances:

(Include complete citation for each. Indicate whether publications other than peer-reviewed journal articles were peer-reviewed. (delete this message))

Peer-reviewed journal articles:

· (author(s), title, journal, volume, year, pages; if none, delete this type publication (delete this message))

·  Manuscripts accepted for publications:

· (author(s), title, journal, scheduled publication date. (If none, delete this type project (delete this message))

Chapters in scholarly books:

· (author(s). "chapter title." Title of Book. edited by name of editor. publisher, year, chapter's pages. If none, delete this type publication (delete this message))

Scholarly Books:

· (author(s), title, publisher, year, pages. If none, delete this type publication (delete this


Other journal articles:

· (author(s), title, publisher, year, pages. If none, delete this type publication (delete this


Papers published in proceedings from scholarly meetings:

· (author(s), title, proceedings title, professional organization, year, pages. Abstracts are not proceedings and should be included under program presentations. If none, delete this type publication. (delete this message))

Other publications:

· (Include here other published intellectual contributions including but not limited to research monographs, textbooks, research working papers, publications in trade

journals, publications in in-house journals, and book reviews. Intellectual contributions must be publicly available, i.e., proprietary and confidential research and consulting reports do not qualify as intellectual contributions. List these later type contributions in Section IV.D. Service: Consultation and Other Service Activities. If none, delete this type publication. (delete this message))

B. Papers, presentations, performances, exhibitions, or creative achievements:

(Include here other intellectual contributions including but not limited to papers presented at academic or professional meetings that did not appear in print and papers presented at faculty research seminars. If none, delete this entry. (delete this message))

· (author(s), title, conference, year, pages.)

C. Sponsored activities:

(Investigators (identify principal investigator), title, awarding organization, date submitted, time period of grant or contract, dollar value, status: (awarded, under review, rejected) (If none, delete this entry (delete this message))

investigator) / Title / Awarding
Organization / Date
Submitted / Time
of Grant
or Contract / Dollar Value / Status:
(Awarded, Under Review,

D. Projects submitted or under preparation:

·  Manuscripts submitted for review to a journal:

· (author(s), title, journal, date of submission. (If none, delete this type project (delete this message))

·  Other completed research papers:

· (author(s) title, date completed. (If none, delete this type project (delete this message))

E. Other Research, Creative and Scholarly Activities: ( Include here other intellectual contributions including written cases with instructional materials, instructional software, and other publicly available materials describing the design and implementation of new curricula or courses. If none, delete this entry. (delete this message))

IV. Service During Last Five Years (Since January 2003)

A. Service to the Institution (Department, College, and University): (If none, delete this entry (delete this message))

Committee's Name/Activity / Institutional
Level / Period of Service / Your Role

B. Service to the Discipline (Professional Organizations and Scholarly Societies): (If none, delete this entry (delete this message))

Position Held/Activity
(e.g. officer, session chair, speaker, discussant, reviewer, membership) / Name of Professional Organization / Period of Service

C. Professional Service to the Public: (If none, delete this entry (delete this message))

·  Service grants or contracts as principal investigator

(Identify Principal
Investigator) / Title / Awarding
Organization / Date
Submitted / Time
of Grant
or Contract / Dollar Value / Status:
(Awarded, Under Review, or Rejected)

·  Services provided through a Research Unit (Institutes, Laboratories, Centers

and Consortia)

Investigator) / Project Title / Research Unit / Time
Project / Dollar Value / Funding

·  Other public service activities

Organization / Type Activity* / Time Period of Activity

*For example, clinical practice, continuing education teaching, public policy guidance, public presentations, economic development activities, and studies for governments, other public institutions, companies.

D. Consultation and other service activities:

(Include personal consulting activities, extramural activities, business activities, and conflict of interest reporting, etc.)

Section V. Honors, Awards, and Other Forms of Special Recognition

(such as commendations that have been received in the execution of teaching, scholarly activities, and service (delete this message))

Section VI. Professional Development

Involvement in professional meetings, professional development program, executive development programs, extension (include any planned activities):

Name of Organization / Date of Meeting

Section VII. Other Activities

Section VIII. Self Evaluation

(Refer to Section 7.7.2 of the Faculty Handbook. Reference in specific terms goals stated in the previous year’s section on "personal goals for the coming year" in teaching, research and service paragraphs. Provide a self-appraisal and explanation as well as evidence of accomplishments and explanations for problems. The self-assessment essay should cover classroom procedures, enthusiasm for teaching, knowledge of subject matter, stimulation of student learning, relations with students, research activities, research recognition, contribution to the department, work with colleagues and professional activities. (delete this message))

Section IX. Personal Goals for the Coming Year

(Discuss goals in teaching, research, service and professional development.)

(Refer to Section 7.7.2 of the Faculty Handbook. Should identify in specific terms the faculty member’s goals, the plan to achieve each goal and any departmental funds needed to achieve the goals. This essay should set forth the direction for professional development and the specifics for outcomes assessment. The faculty member and the department chair should discuss these goals before the faculty member reports them.

The paragraph on teaching should list the anticipated courses to be taught the next year and which, if any, are new preparations. This section should identify any planned teaching innovations such as plans for the development of new courses, computer software to aid teaching, revision of existing courses, development of new instruction or evaluation methods, etc. This section should identify any anticipated non-credit programs.

The paragraph on research should identify ongoing research projects, new research projects, anticipated submissions, anticipated presentations including dates, and anticipated research contract or grant applications.

The service paragraph should identify anticipated committee participation, including level and position; for example, College’s Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, member; other University service, for example, departmental student organization advisor; professional service, for example, professional program participation, paper presentation; and anticipated service contracts. (delete this message))

Section X. Current Faculty Curriculum Vita (attach copy)

Cumulative Curriculum Vita Accompanying

Faculty Activity Report/Self Evaluation

I. Professional Background


Rank and Year Appointed to that Rank:

Year of Appointment to Graduate Faculty if applicable:


Office Address:

Academic Specialty (ies):

Degrees (include all degrees: bachelors, masters, and doctorate), (include title of degree, year awarded, institution, major, minor, and dissertation title):

Professional certification: (If none, delete this entry): (Include certificate name, year, source):

Nonacademic professional experience: (If none, delete this entry): (List years, position, organization)

Academic experience: (If non, delete this entry): (List years, rank, university)

II. Teaching Activities: Summary list of courses taught, theses advised

III. Research, Creative, and Scholarly Activity:

(List publications chronologically, by category, including authors, title, journal, volume, page, year published)

·  Books:

·  Refereed Journal Articles:

·  Abstracts and Papers Delivered at Professional Meetings:

·  Other Publications:

·  Performances:

·  Exhibitions:

·  Invited Colloquia, Seminars and Presentations:

·  Research grants and Contracts Received: (include agency or foundation, title, dollar amount, time period)

IV. Service Activities (include service to institution, profession, discipline, other):

V. Honors, Awards, and Special Recognitions: