Portage Youth Baseball 2018 11/12U Wood Bat Tournament Rules of Play
1) Age as of August 31, 2018 will be the age determination
2) Teams MUST use wood bats provided – Teams will share bats if too many are broken
3) Players may only appear on 1 team roster
4) Little League 50/70 rules apply with the following modifications:
A) Games will consist of 6 innings with a 1 hour 35 minute time limit.
a) No new inning after 1 hour 35 minutes – CURRENT INNING WILL BE FINISHED
B) Games that are tied at the end of 6 innings/time limit will play on using California rules
California Rule: When the first extra inning begins, the visiting team will begin with
the player who was last at bat on 2nd base, there will be 1 out and the batter will have a 1 ball 1 strike count, the top half of the inning will end with 3 outs or 5 runs. the home team will begin with the player who was last at bat on 2nd base, there will be 1 out and the batter will have a 1 ball 1 strike count, the top half of the inning will end with 3 outs or 5 runs. If the game remains tied after 1 additional inning, you will keep playing with the same rules until we have a winner
5) 15 run rule after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 inning & 7 runs after 5 innings
6) Pitchers may pitch a maximum of 3 innings per game & 9 innings for the tournament
7) 1 pitch thrown during an inning constitutes an inning pitched
8) Coaches are allowed 1 mound visit per inning – Pitching change must be made on the 2nd trip
9) 5 warm up pitches after the 1st inning of play – new pitchers will get 5 pitches
10) Pitching changes must be reported to the umpire and scorekeeper
11) Each pitcher will be given 1 Balk warning
12) Leading off is allowed
13) No around the horn – Return the ball directly to the pitcher
14) Free substitution on defense except for the pitcher
15) Slash bunting is not allowed – Batters will be called out if attempted
16) Infield fly rule is in effect
17) Dropped 3rd strike rule is in effect
18) Teams MUST bat their entire roster
19) NO metal spikes allowed
20) Courtesy runners for pitchers and catchers must be used with 2 outs
21) Base runners MUST avoid contact on close plays
A) If a base runner chooses not to slide, he/she runs the risk of being called out by the umpire
22) A coin flip at home plate will determine which team is home and visitors
A) Team traveling the farthest will call the flip
23) No infield practice is allowed
24) Tie breaker format if needed for medal round
A) Head to Head
B) Total runs allowed
C) Coin flip
25) Full concessions available – Carry ins for players only