CCH – Criminal History Record (Georgia only database)

CJIS – Criminal Justice Information Services (a division of the FBI)

CTN – Charge Tracking Number

FBI # - (old individual number for persons in national criminal database – will be retained once UCN’s replace)

GCIC – Georgia Crime Information Center (a division of GBI)

III – Interstate Identification Index (Crim. Hx, Sex Offenders, Warrants, Missing Persons, KST’s)

KST – Known Suspected Terrorist

LAT – Legal Analysis Team (formerly LRAT - Legal Research & Analysis Team)

LEEP – Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (formerly Law Enforcement Online)

MSO – Multi-State Offender

NFF – National Fingerprint File

NCIC – National Crime Information Center

NFP – Not Forwarded for Prosecution

NICS – National Instant Criminal Background Check System

NICS Index – database of persons prohibited from purchasing/transporting/possessing firearms

OTN – Offender Tracking Number

PII – Personal Identification Number

RAP – Record of Arrest & Prosecution

SID – State Identification Number (terminal operator must run)

SSO – Single Source Offender

TER – Time Expired Restriction (restricts access to records without dispositions – “E” does not pull; “F” does)

UCN – Universal Control Number (new individual I.D. for use in NGI going forward) (terminal operator must run)


FBI Record Updates – (Subject line: Disposition)

Disposition Document File (DDF) Updates – (Subject Line: DDF)

NICS Legal Analysis Team –

NICS Customer Support – (844-265-6716)

LEEP Access – https://www.cjis.gov


GCIC Website - www.GCICWeb.GBI.state.ga.us. Helpline: 404-244-2770

GCIC Record Updates – (Subject line: Disposition)

GCIC Hospitalization or Guardianship/Conservatorship Updates – (404-270-8457)

GCIC Revocation Reporting – Mail to: Georgia Crime Information Center, Attn: CJIS Operations Unit, P.O. Box 370808,

Decatur, Georgia 30037-0808

Helpful Hints

Check the Purpose Code and the Attention Field to make sure “F” and your name as requester appear; if not, redo.

Check the OTN on renewals and any name based checks to see if the one whose record is reported is your guy.

A person may have two FBI #’s if the first set of prints was bad and the next one was good.

Sheriff’s Office (S.O.) or terminal operator must run the SID # as well as the FBI #/UCN.

GCIC does not disseminate or retain civil information or fingerprints.

If you see a “Convicted Felon” flag, check the Severity entries in the criminal history.

If a prosecutor (D.A. or Solicitor) amends a charge or charges after arrests, it creates new counts.

A non-fingerprintable charge is often a city ordinance or code violation; it may still be a misdemeanor.

Conditional Discharge on a drug offense or underage possession, though often called “drug first offender,” is NOT First Offender Treatment. It can either be dismissed or not successfully completed. The record should show final disposition – dismissal or conviction.

First Offender Treatment is not automatically completed upon successful completion of the sentence (as many criminal court clerks erroneously assume). It requires an Order of Discharge in order to be completed (&for GCIC to seal the arrest record); BUT the Court must revoke the First Offender status in order to have a conviction. O.C.G.A. §17-10-7(B)(2).

[Weird wrinkle: If the judge is satisfied, a person can have as many First Offender treatments as the judge wants; however, GCIC is required to change (“MODIFY”) the First Offender sentence to a “conviction” in the GCIC database if the person has received more than one First Offender treatment or if, prior to successful completion, a defendant is arrested for another crime. BUT for our purposes, since the Court must revoke the First Offender status in order to have a conviction pursuant to O.C.G.A. §17-10-7(B)(2) and since O.C.G.A. §16-11-129 defines “conviction” as an “adjudication of guilt” an Order of Discharge for a second successful First Offender probation is NOT a conviction.]

Remember that it is a federal crime to access criminal databases (III or NCIC) without authorization or beyond the scope of authority. Giving someone else your password is also a misuse.

NCIC hosts Restricted and Non-Restricted files. Restricted Files are Gang files KST files, Supervised Release, etc. Access to information from those files is governed by CJIS Security Policy and the NCIC Operating Manual.

Only purpose code “C” shows juvenile arrests. If we see an arrest record for someone when they were a minor, it means they were treated as an adult.