Long Beach Eagles--Newsletter
R. Todd Carper, Principal
Volume 2, Issue 6 / February 4, 2013
Each month Mr. Carper will send home information in this newsletter. It is sent via e-mail to all parents and interested parties who have given us their e-mail address. For parents and interested parties that either don’t have an e-mail address or just prefer a paper copy, a paper copy will be sent home in Monday Folders. Please notify the office if you would like the “paper copy” option.
Benefit for Mikey 1
New Safety Procedures 1
Coffee with the Principal 2
Box Tops Pay Off 2
Friendship is the Theme 2
Upcoming Events 2
Action Plan Surveys 3
Additional Information 3

Benefit for Mikey

A week ago our entire school was able to sing Happy Birthday to Mikey Shedore via Skype. It was a wonderful moment for Mikey as well as our school. I’m sure that most of you know that Mikey has been in the hospital battling Leukemia. It was great to see Mikey and while the intent was to lift Mikey’s spirits, he lifted our spirits as well. Mikey’s entire class was also able to spend a little time with Mikey on Skype and say hello.
We hope you will all be able to attend the Benefit and Auction for the Shedore family on February 23 at 5:00 PM at the Chinook School. If you would like more information, please contact Mr. Carper.

New Safety Procedures

Effective immediately all staff at Long Beach Elementary School will be wearing identification badges when they are at the school from 8:35 to 3:05 and at all school related events. Parents, volunteers, and community members that visit our school during school hours will need to sign in in the office and wear a visitor’s badge if they will be going down any of the wings of our school. Parents who wish to eat lunch or breakfast with their child in the cafeteria will also need to sign in with the office and wear a visitors’ badge. When we have an assembly in the gym, parents do not need to check in with the office unless they plan to go down the wings of our school for some reason.

Coffee with the Principal

Please note the changes in the days and times of this month’s Coffee with the Principal.
This month’s Coffee with the Principal will be on Wednesday, February 13 at 8:30 AM at Long Beach Coffee Roasters. There will not be an evening Coffee with the Principal this month because of the extended Presidents Day vacation. However if you would like to meet with Mr. Carper about the topics discussed or another topic just call the school and set up a time that is more convenient to you. The topics that will be covered are:
1.  School Action Plan and Upcoming Surveys
2.  Parent Concerns and Questions
This is a great time to get a cup of coffee on the principal and ask him about anything that relates to Long Beach Elementary School in a very informal setting.

Box Tops Pay Off

Thank you to everyone that has donated Box Tops for Education to our school. We recently received a check from the Box Tops people in the amount of $511.60. This money goes directly to the students in the form of field trips and assemblies. Please keep collecting the Box Tops and turn them into our office. It is a great way to support our school and our kids.

Friendship is the Theme

Each month we will have a school wide theme that will coincide with our anti-bullying curriculum and our health curriculums. This month the theme is “Friendship”. We will have many activities in each classroom around this theme. In health, our K-3 will be reviewing an earlier section on friendship. Our 4-6 grade students will have lessons on friendship this month also. We will continue with our anti-bullying curriculums, Second Step and Steps to Respect. If you would like more information about these lessons, please let your child’s teacher or Mr. Carper know.

Upcoming Events

The following events are on our calendar for the upcoming month. They are subject to change, so please check our web page at www.ocean.k12.wa.us for any changes and check your child’s Monday Folder for updates.
Month of February—Math-a-Thon for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital
February 5 @ 8:15 AM—Three Strikes, You’re Awesome (Anti-Bullying) Assembly
February 6 & 8 @ 9:45 AM—5th Grade Swimming Lessons at the Dune’s Pool
February 12 @ 10:10 AM—AR Assembly & Principal’s Choice Art Awards
February 13—Class Picture Day
February 13 @ 8:30 AM—Coffee with the Principal @ Long Beach Coffee Roasters
February 14-February 18—No School for Extended Presidents Day Vacation
February 22 @ 8:10 AM—LBSM Assembly and Young Authors’ Assembly
February 23 @ 5:00 PM—Benefit & Auction for the Shedore Family at the Chinook School
February 25 @ 7:00 PM—Ocean Beach School District Board Meeting
Reminder: Every Friday is early release. We begin excusing students at 12:50 PM.
For daily updates on what is happening at our school please “Like” us on facebook at facebook.com/longbeacheagles.

Action Plan Surveys

A couple of years ago Long Beach Elementary School created action plans around our four vision and mission statements based on a comprehensive survey given to parents, staff and students. Over the last two years we have implemented many new programs based on those plans. Our intention is to give a portion of the survey each year to see how we are doing and make adjustments to our plans as needed. Sometime this month you will be receiving the survey in your child’s Monday Folder and I will also send it out over e-mail. We ask that you please take a moment to complete the survey and return it to your child’s teacher or the office by the due date listed on the survey.

Additional Information

If you have any questions about anything in this newsletter, please contact Principal Todd Carper at 642.3242 or .
The Ocean Beach School District No. 101 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, creed, religion, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identy, disability, age, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator/Athletic Director/PO Box F/Ilwaco, WA 98624/360.642.3731, Section 504/ADA Coordinator/Superintendent/PO Box 778/Long Beach, WA 98631/360.642.3739.