Introduction(Including quality assurance, child protection and equal opportunities statements) / Pages 3-5
Framework for Child Protection Training / Page 6
Course Descriptions / Pages 7-8
Level1 Training / Page 9
Level 2 Training / Page 10-11
Level 3 Training / Pages 12-27
Level 4 Training and Training under development / Page 28
Medical staff Training / Page 29
Interagency Training / Page 29
External Courses / Pages 30-35
Reference List / Pages 36-37
Request for Training Form / Page 38
Welcome to the fourthtraining portfolio produced by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Child Protection Unit. This handbook has been produced to provide a quick and easy reference guide to child protection training for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde staff. Training may at times be contracted out to other agencies. Scottish Executive guidance suggests that we should continue to use a tiered approach to training within the NHSGG and Clyde and this would include:
(Please note that titles for training have changed slightly in line with Scottish Executive Guidance).
- Level 1 – Awareness Raising / Induction
- Level 2 - Foundation Level (formerly Basic Awareness)
- Level 3 - Investigation and Assessment
Prevention of Recurrence and Recovery
- Level 4 - Managing Child Protection
Advanced or Specialist Development
Quality Assurance Statement
All training delivered by the child protection trainers will take into account the legislative framework in which we work, in particular;
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989
The Children (Scotland) Act 1995
The Human Rights Act 1998
All training will be inline with;
Inter–agency and NHSGG and Clyde Child Protection Procedures and Guidelines
Framework for Standards 2004
The Children’s Charter 2004
How Well Are Children and Young People Protected and Their Needs Met? Self Evaluation Using Quality Indicators, HMIE,
Getting it Right for Every Child 2005
All training will take into account issues of / raised by;
Anti-discriminatory practice e.g. ethnicity, diversity and cultural awareness
Data Protection
All training will be in-line with recommendations from current enquiries (for example);
For example The Laming Inquiry (2003)
The O’Brien Inquiry (2003)
An inspection into the care and protection of children in Eilean Siar (2005)
Cantrill Report (2005)
And Published Reports
For example Protecting Children, A shared responsibility (2000)
It’s everyone’s job to make sure I’m alright (2002)
Getting our Priorities Right (2003)
Hidden harm (2003)
Hidden harm – Next Steps (2006)
And finally will be;
Reviewed annually (or following significant changes)
Evaluated continually
We are committed to the delivery of a quality service. All training materials and presentations will be user led and of a professional standard. The training opportunities aim to increase the participants’ knowledge and skills in the field of child protection and related issues.
Child Protection Statement
All training provided is underpinned by the following principles;
- All children have a right to be protected from abuse and neglect.
- All adults have a responsibility to protect children from abuse and neglect.
- All training should be child centred and promote the rights of the child.
- All training is informed by current research, public inquiries, legislation, government documents, policies, procedures and principles of best practice.
- All NHSGG and Clyde staff will have access to training opportunities.
The safety of children is considered paramount. Therefore, any information discussed during training courses which indicates that a child may be at risk may require the trainer, in consultation with the individual, to take appropriate action.
Equal Opportunities Statement
We are committed to acknowledging, promoting and developing issues to recognise and meet individual differences in a supportive way. All people, especially children, are of equal worth regardless of race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation or religion and as such deserve to be treated with respect during any training course. If you require this portfolio in larger print or have any requirements regarding accessing training please let us know.
We hope that this handbook is useful and that the training it offers provides a practical base upon which to build participants own knowledge, thereby enabling continual educational and professional development.For details on what the accepted training levels are, for all members of staff within NHSGGC, please see the strategic training plan (2007).
If you have any comments or queries about the portfolio or about arranging training please contact any of the trainers
Mhairi Cavanagh, Elly Albrow, Karen Ross, , and Phyllis Orenes
Child ProtectionTrainers, 2nd floor, Medical Records Building, Yorkhill Hospital, Dalnair Street, GlasgowG3 8SJ.
Tel: 0141-201-0489 , ,
Framework for a Child Protection Training Programme (Scottish Executive 2005)
In addition to the following we can also deliver service specific training locally. Any specific request can be accommodated through contacting one of the trainers as detailed on Page 5.
Level 1 – Awareness Raising
This training is primarily organised within Induction processes for all parts of the service. It is for all staff entering, or returning to, employment within NHSGG and Clyde and provides only the most basic overview. It is intended to highlight the importance of everyone in NHSGGC having a role to play in child protection and cannot replace further, in-depth, training for many staff that came into contact with children and families either directly or indirectly. Methods of delivery include direct presentation and online.
This type of training is organised via line management systems and covers the following;
- Signposting of Roles and Responsibilities of staff in relation to child protection
- Where to access support and advice
- Brief overview of what should cause concerns
- Brief overview of legislative framework
For staff that have not previously had access to Induction material they should undertake a level one training, either online or direct presentation, by 2010.
Level 2 – Foundation Level (formerly Basic Awareness)
Afull day session that will provide foundation training for those who may progress onto step 3 training or for staff working within NHSGGC who do not work directly with children/families on a regular basis. Step 1 training is looked at in a great deal more detail and there is additional input on;
- National agenda and its implications for local practice
- Discussion around attitudes and values that underpin practice
- Detailed presentations and discussions in relation to what should cause concerns for staff
- Interactive session with case studies and group work
- Confidentiality and Information sharing
- Referral process
- Definitions of abuse
- Categories of registration
- Signs and symptoms
- Roles and responsibilities
Level 3 – Investigation and Assessment
These sessions will run on a modular basis, they will be available to all staff within NHSGG and Clyde who works regularly with children and families.
- Record keeping and report writing.
- Child Protection Conferences and Introduction to Court Skills (including giving evidence in court)
- Child protection and parental substance misuse
- Child protection – the impact of parental mental health
- Working with black and minority ethnic families in child protection
- Sexual Abuse Module
- Introduction to Risk Assessment
- Parental learning disability and child protection
- Children with complex care needs – child protection issues
- Child Protection - Emergency Department specific module
- Working with hostile and unco-operative families
- Supervision Module
Level 3 – Prevention of Recurrence and Recovery
These sessions again will run on a modular basis and will be available to all staff within NHSGG and Clyde who works regularly with children and families.
- Introduction to parenting and attachment
- Child Protection and Domestic Abuse
- Neglect
- Learning from Inquiries
Level 4 – Management and Advanced and Specialist Development
This training will be aimed at staff that provide expert advice, training or opinions in child protection matters. This training would also be useful for staff that are involved in therapeutic support of children who have experienced abuse or neglect. It is anticipated that this level of training will be delivered by Child ProtectionAdvisors, External Consultants and Universities and may include:
- Certificate in Child Protection Studies
- Diploma/ MSc in Child protection Studies
- Training for Child ProtectionTrainers Course
- Comprehensive Medical Assessment/Forensic Examination Training for medical staff
- Advanced Court Skills for medical staff.
- The West of Scotland Managed Clinical Network for Child Protection is currently exploring the training needs of medical staff. Updates will follow in future portfolios
Course Details
Course Aims
This training provides staff with a very basic introduction to child protection
Course Objectives
By the end of this session the delegate will have /be able to:
- Clarity regarding the responsibilities of all NHSGG and Clyde staff.
- A basic knowledge of where to go for advice and support
- A basic knowledge of procedures and guidelines and where to access them
- Access further child protection training as appropriate
Target audience
This session is designed for all members of staff who:
- Are joining NHSGG and Clyde
- Are returning to employment within NHSGG and Clyde
- For currently employed staff with minimal contact with children this level of training can be accessed online separate to the Induction Programme
Number of delegatesArranged through NHSGG and Clyde Induction Programme
Course facilitator:Child Protection Trainers or online
Course DetailsFor Input less than 1 Hour session
Date:As required throughout the year.
Please contact Line Manager for access to Induction Programme or, for those already employed by NHSGGC and wishing to complete online training this is can be accessed at: or contact the Trainers to arrange area specific delivery of training (see page 5).
Course Details
Course Aims
The aim of this training is to ensure that course members have an up-to-date awareness of Child Protection procedures and guidelines along with an awareness of their responsibilities. It will also provide a foundation for the next level of training.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course the delegate will have / be able to:
- An awareness of child protection issues they may encounter.
- An understanding of their responsibilities towards children who need protection.
- An increased knowledge of child protection in context.
- Be aware of the Principles, guidelines and legislative framework
- An improved knowledge of factors that are harmful to children and in assessing vulnerability.
- An understanding of how to identify vulnerable young people
- Know what to do if they have concerns, the procedures involved and how to make referrals
- An awareness of behaviours, attitudes, and values that may impact on their understanding of child protection.
- An awareness of the national agenda and how this impacts on practice
- Raise child protection concerns using the procedures and make referrals.
Target Audience
This course is designed for members of staff who:
- Have regular contact with children, young people and their families
- Staff working in key adult areas for example addictions, learning disability, homelessness, brain injury and mental health difficulties.
- Staff working with children and their families e.g. Health Visitors, G.P.'s, child and adolescent services, A&E Staff, Obstetric/Midwifery staff etc.
Number of delegates:Maximum 20
Course Facilitator:Child ProtectionTrainers
Course Details:Duration: 1 day Time 9.30--- 4. 30pm
Venue: T.B.C.
Date:As programmed through the year.
This training can be delivered in a full day session or by completion of a CD Rom followed by a half day session. This would be arranged for individual units/departments.
For some staff a half day foundation or CDRom would be sufficient as per Strategic Training Plan. This can be organised via the trainers.
This training will also soon be available online and guidance on this will follow
For more details please contact Trainers as detailed on Page 5.
Course Details
Course Aims
The aim of this training is to provide an opportunity for those members of staff who are likely to be invited to a Child Protection Case Conferences and / or cited for Sheriff Court(to give professional evidence) to develop a basic understanding of the processes involved. Participants will develop skills and techniques in preparation and presentation of evidence in court and develop an understanding of the legal system in Scotland
Course Objectives
By the end of this course the delegate will have /be able to:
- Clarification of what a child protection conference is and why they are necessary
- An understanding of the different types of conferences and the Hearing System
- An understanding of when and how to make a referral
- An overview of emergency measures taken to protect children
- Improved professional credibility
- An understanding the role of the reporter
- Understand the legal framework underpinning case conferences / court
- Share best practice
- Improve the outcomes for children
- An awareness of the court function and procedures
- Prepare for court
- An appreciation of the required skills in preparing to give evidence
- Develop skills in presenting evidence
- A basic understanding of the court process
- Guidance for preparing to give evidence, including precognitions and other statements.
- Opportunity to participate in court case simulation
Target Audience
This course is designed for members of staff who could potentially be invited to a Child Protection Case Conference or cited for Sheriff Court in a child protection case e.g. Health Visitors, Community Psychiatric Nurses, School Nurse, Midwives, Psychologists, Paediatricians and General Practitioners. Participation is not limited only to staff working directly with children but also to those in key adult areas e.g. mental health, learning disability, addictions, homelessness and brain injury.
Number of delegates: Maximum 20
Course Facilitator:Child ProtectionTrainers
Course Details:Duration: Full day Time 9.30-4.30
Date:As programmed through the year.
For more details please contact Trainers as detailed on Page 5.
Course Aims
The aim of this training is to examine the role and importance of record keeping and report writing and to raise awareness of the need for effective record keeping and report writing and its impact on life of children and their families.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course the delegate will have /be able to:
- An awareness of the need for effective record keeping and report writing and their impact on the life of children and families
- Understand the difference between fact, opinion and judgment
- Identify the legal and professional implication of record keeping
- Set goals to improve their record keeping skills
- An understanding of the importance of assessment of children’s needs.
Target Audience
This course is designed for members of staff who:
- May record Child Protection issues in their case notes
- Contribute to Child Protection Reports, Conference Reports or to Reports for the Reporter to the Children’s Hearing System.
Participation is not limited only to staff working directly with children but also to those in key adult areas e.g. mental health, learning disability, addictions, homelessness and brain injury.
Number of delegatesMaximum 20
Course Facilitator:Child Protection Trainer Course
Details:Duration 1 day Time 9.30-1.30
Date:As per programme
For more details please contact Trainers as detailed on Page 5.
Course Aims:
The aim of this short introductory course is to raise awareness of Child Protection issues that may be associated with parental substance misuse and staff’s responsibilities to children in families where these problems exist. The focus of this course is not on the adult e.g. treatment options but instead on the interface between child protection and parental substance misuse.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this session the delegates will be able to/have:
- Raised awareness of child protection issues in relation to working with families where there is substance misuse by parents.
- An understanding of your responsibilities to children within these families.
- An understanding of the prevalence of the problem.
- An understanding of the legislative and policy framework.
- An improved knowledge of issues relating to families where there is substance misuse.
- An understanding of the possible effects on parenting capacity and therefore on the child
- Identify links between substance abuse and child protection
- Increased awareness of the importance of assessment including the Integrated Assessment Framework
- Have a greater knowledge of the issues in relation to working in partnership with families
Target Audience:
This course is designed for members of staff who have already completed a foundation course or are experienced in child protection and who may have direct contact with children and/or their carers where substance misuse may be an issue.
Number of delegates:Maximum 20
Course Facilitator:Child Protection Trainer
Course Details:Duration 1/2 day Time 9.30-1.30 or 12.30-4.30
Date:As per programme
For more details please contact Trainers as detailed on Page 5.
Course Aims:
The aim of this short course is to raise awareness of Child Protection issues that may be associated with parental mental health problems and staff’s responsibilities to children in families where these problems exist. The focus of this course is not on the adult but instead on the possible impact of these problems on the child.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this session the delegates will be able to/have:
- Raised awareness of the impact of parental mental health on child development, health and welfare.
- An understanding of your responsibilities to children whose families use your service.
- A refreshed knowledge of the legislative framework underpinning child protection.
- A clear understanding of the possible short and long term effects on children.
- Ensure that the children of your patients/clients are included in you assessment of clients.
- Understand the importance of sharing information and co-operating with other agencies.
- An awareness of the referral process.
Target Audience:
This course is designed for members of staff who have already completed a foundation course or are experienced in child protection. Delegates should work directly with children or with adults who have mental health problems.
Number of delegates:Maximum 20
Course Facilitator:Child Protection Trainer