Certificate Programme in Performing Arts (Hindustani Music)


Introduction to Hindustani Music – OMU 001


For the Academic Session July 2009 – 2010

School of Performing and Visual Arts

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Maidan Garhi, New Delhi -110068

Certificate Programme in Performing Arts (Hindustani Music)

Introduction to Hindustani Music (OMU-001)


Academic Session - 2009 - 2010

Dear Students,

You will have to do two assignments in each paper. All the assignments are tutor marked. Each Assignment carries 30 marks. Average of both the assignments will be carried forward for final assessment. The distribution of assignments is as follows:

Assignments 12 (TMA) – based on OMU 001.


The assignments questions are based on the Theory Blocks.

You have to submit two assignments in OMU 001. These are Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs).

Kindly note, you have to submit these assignments to the Coordinator of your Study Centre within the stipulated time for being eligible to appear in the term-end examination.

You must mention your Enrolment Number, Name, Address, Assignment Code and Study Centre Code on the first page of the assignment. You must obtain a receipt from the Study Centre for the assignments submitted and retain it. If possible, keep a photocopy of the assignments with you.

After evaluation, the assignments have to be returned to you by the Study Centre. Please insist on this and keep a record with you. The marks obtained by you will be sent by the Study Centre to the Student Evaluation Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.

The top of the first page of your response sheet should look like following;-

Enrolment No…………………….




Course Title………………………

Assignment No………………….. Date…………………………

Study Centre……………………..

  1. Use only foolscap size paper for your responses and tie all the pages carefully.
  2. Write the question number with each answer.
  3. You should write in your own handwriting.
  4. Submission: The completed Assignment should be sent to the Coordinator of the Study Centre allotted to you.

Note of Caution

Please do not send the answers to “SAQ” Exercises to the University for evaluation. These exercises are given to help in judging your own progress. For this purpose, we have provided the answers to these exercises at the end of each Unit.

Before dispatching your answer script, please make sure you have taken care of the following points:

  • Your roll number, name and address have been written correctly.
  • The title of the course and assignment number have been written clearly.
  • Each assignment on each course has been written on separate sheets and pinned properly.
  • All the questions in the assignments have been answered.


You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:

1)Planning: Read the assignments carefully. Go through the units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange these in a logical order.

2)Organization: Be a little more selective and analytical. Give attention to your introduction and conclusion. The introduction must offer your brief interpretation of the question and how you propose to develop it. The conclusion must summarize your response to the question.

Make sure that your answer:

a)is logical and coherent

b)has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs

c)is written correctly giving adequate consideration to your expression, style and presentation

d)does not exceed the number of words indicated in the question.

3)Presentations: Once you are satisfied with your answers, you can write down the final version for submission, writing each answer neatly and underline the points you wish to emphasize.

Course: Introduction to Hindustani Music (OMU-001)


Course Code: OMU-001

Assignment Code: OMU- 001/AST-1/TMA/10

This assignment is based on the course OMU- 001 Maximum marks:30

Theory- Introduction to Indian music Max. mks.30

Note: The assignment has very short, short and long questions.

Very Short Questions:

Here are given four alternatives.Choose the best option from the following.

Each question will carry two marks.

Q.1 The number of shudh swaras are:

a) five b) seven c) nine d) twelve

Q.2 How many saptaks do we have?

a) two b) one c) three d) four

Q.3 Which of the following talas is used to accompany Bada Kheyal?

a) Ektal b) Teentaal c) Dadra d) Keharwa

Q.4 Drut laya is generally used for:

a) Alap b) Meend c) Alankar d) Taan

Q.5 Which of the following is called Teevra swara?

a) Pa b) Dha c) Ma d) Re

Short Questions:

Attempt any five questions. Each question will carry two marks.

Q. 1 Give definition of aroh and avroh.

Q.2 Write a brief note about laya.

Q.3 ‘Tala is an instrument to measure laya’. Explain it in brief.

Q.4 Write theka of Teentala or Keherwa.

Q.5 Give the definition of sargamgeet or lakshangeet.

Q.6 Name the ten thats.

Long Questions:

Attempt one of the following. It carries ten marks.

Q.1 Throw some light on the works of Bharata or Matanga.

Q.2 Write in detail about swara and its kinds.

Q.3 Give theoretical details of one of the prescribed ragas:

Bhairav, Brindavani Sarang, Yaman, Bhupali

Course: Introduction to Hindustani Music (OMU-001)


Course Code: OMU-001

Assignment Code: OMU- 001/AST-2/TMA/10

This assignment is based on the course OMU- 001 Maximum marks: 30

Theory- Introduction to Indian music Max. mks.30

Note: The assignment has very short, short and long questions.

Very Short Questions:

Here are given four alternatives.Choose the best option from the following.

Each question will carry two marks.

Q.1 The decending order of swara is called:

a) Saptak b) Aroh c) Avroh d) Pakad

Q.2 Bharat muni is author of:

a) Sangeet Ratnakar b) Brihaddeshi c) Sangeet Parijat d) Natyashastra

Q.3 Which of the following Ved is related to music?

a) Samveda b) Rigveda c) Yajurveda d) Arthveda

Q.4 A song contained with all charaacterstics of a raga is called :

a) Sargamgeet b) Bandish c) Lakshangeet d) Chota Kheyal

Q.5 According to Bhatkhande system how many thats are recognized?

a) 7 b) 10 c) 9 d) 8

Short Questions:

Attempt any five questions. Each question will carry two marks.

Mark true or false:

1.Aroh is the ascending order of music.

2.We have four saptaks in our music.

3. Rigveda is relatedto music.

4.Matanga was first person to introduce raga in Brihaddeshi.

5. Pakad is the decending order of swara.

6. Teentala has sixteen matras.

7. Tala is to measure laya.

Long Questions:

Attempt one of the following. Each question will carry ten marks.

Q.1 Throw some light on the state of music in Vedic period.

Q.2 Write in detail about Laya and its kinds.

Q.3 Give theoretical details of one of the prescribed ragas:

Durga, Brindavani Sarang, Bhairvi, Yaman