New Fire for Christ

PO Box 6171Norfolk, VA 23508

(757) 624-9001



PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS and return to the above address. Enclose a resume with facts on education and previous employment along with a photo.

Position Applied for:______

Please type or printDate ____/____/____





Miss ______


Present address ______

Street Number

______(_____) ______

CityStateZip CodeTelephone Number

Permanent address ______

Street Number

______(_____) ______

CityStateZip CodeTelephone Number

Date of birth______Height______Weight______

Do you have a visa? ______

Yes No

Visa classification and number ______

Name and address of parents or person to be notified in case of an accident or emergency.

______(_____) ______

NameTelephone Number


Street NumberCityStateZip Code

Marital Status (check one): Married______How many years? ______

Single_____ Divorced_____

If divorced, please state grounds for divorce briefly: ______

Number of Children: _____

List Name(s) and Age(s):

  1. ______5.______
  1. ______6.______
  1. ______7.______
  1. ______8.______

Church Background/SPIRITUAL Background

  1. When did you become a Christian? ______/______

Month Year

  1. Denomination of church of which you are a member ______

Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone#: ______

  1. How long have you been a member of this particular church? ______
  1. Name, address, and denomination of church you are now attending (if different from that of membership) ______

E. Frequency and amount of time spent with the Lord ______




F. Describe your time spent with the Lord ______




G. How do you respond to someone in authority? ______




H. What leadership positions have you held in ministry or other extracurricular activities?




  1. Have you been the leader of a discipleship group? ____/____
  2. How many other people were involved? ______Yes No


1) How would you describe yourself?

A) Strengths: 1)______



B) Areas to be developed:

1) ______

2) ______

3) ______

On a separate sheet, please answer all four (4) of the following questions in a total of 400-500 words or less.

1)Tell how and when you became a Christian, your growth in Christ and what He means to you (this is an extension of your story of your life in ministry in addition to the testimony which is normally submitted with the resume).

2)Explain any Christian service you have rendered and your experience in personal and group evangelism, Bible teaching, discipleship, or Christian leadership, including results (have you led others to Christ, discipled them, etc.?).

3)If married or engaged, please describe your relationship with your spouse (or fiancé).

4)What do you know about New Fire for Christ?


1.General Health ______


2.List any illnesses, injuries, disabilities or any other physical conditions you have which (occasionally or regularly) require medical treatment, prescription drugs, or other special attention, or which may limit you physically in any way. ______







Art WorkLandscapingShorthand ___wpm

Athletic CoachingPhotographyTeacher

CarpentryPlumbingTyping ___wpm

ClericalPublic Relations

Data EntryRadio, TV & Film Prod

Computer ______Medical Skills ______

(specify) (specify)

Data Processing ______Musical Skills ______

(specify) (specify)

Other ______


Do you have language abilities other than English? _____/______If so, please specify.

Yes No

Have you ever served in the armed forces? _____/______

Yes No


School Name & Location / Number of Years / Degree Earned / Major
High School

Are you interested in pursuing more education? If yes, are you willing to commit at least three years to full-time work with New Fire for Christ before continuing that education?______


Please give names, addresses, and phone numbers of five references who have known you for a minimum of one year who may be contacted. If any of the categories do not apply, please substitute an additional name. Please do not include relatives or fiancé (e).

1.Former Employer

Company Name______Length of Acquaintance______

Name of Supervisor:

Address______Phone (_____)______



Name______Length of Acquaintance______

Address______Phone (_____)______


3.Current Spiritual Leader if other than Pastor (e.g. Bible Study leader)

Name______Length of Acquaintance______

Address______Phone (_____)______



Name______Length of Acquaintance______

Address______Phone (_____)______


5.Other (Mentor, Professor, etc.)

Name______Length of Acquaintance______

Address______Phone (_____)______


Previous Employment: Please list your last four employers starting with most recent.

(To be completed if this information has not been provided on your resume.)

Name of Company: Name of Supervisor:


Phone Number: Time of employment: From: To:

Reason for leaving:

Name of Company: Name of Supervisor:


Phone Number: Time of employment: From: To:

Reason for leaving:

Name of Company: Name of Supervisor:


Phone Number: Time of employment: From: To:

Reason for leaving:

Name of Company: Name of Supervisor:


Phone Number: Time of employment: From: To:

Reason for leaving:

I give New Fire for Christ permission to contact any of my previous employers.


Signature of ApplicantDate

Statement of Faith of New Fire for Christ

We agree on those areas of doctrinal teaching on which there has been agreement among the branches of the great historic Christian faiths. Because we minister with a wide spectrum of the body of Christ in our evangelistic campaigns and discipleship, we leave room for freedom of conviction on lesser doctrinal matters, provided that no such interpretation hinders our unity in the ministry to which God has called us. We explicitly adhere to the following basic Biblical teachings:

  1. There is one eternal God, who exists in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  2. Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He is fully man and fully God, united in one person forever. Jesus Christ lived a sinless life, died for our sins on the cross, was buried, and rose bodily from the dead after three days, after which He appeared to many witnesses. Christ ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.
  3. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, imparts new life to those who put their faith in Christ, baptizes them (I Cor. 12:13), indwells them and seals them, and glorifies Christ. He fills and empowers them who yield their lives to Him by faith. The Holy Spirit gives various gifts to the body of Christ, to build up the body for God’s glory.
  4. The bible is God’s Word, infallible and inerrant in the original manuscripts, composed of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is the supreme and final authority on all matters about which it speaks.
  5. Man (i.e., man & woman) was created in the image of God. Through his sin and rebellion against God, he was brought under God’s judgment and the sentence of death. Because of man’s sin, he is corrupt and unable to please God. Every man is lost apart from God’s saving grace through Jesus Christ.
  6. Man is saved by faith (trust) in Jesus Christ, not on the basis of human works or goodness (Eph. 2:8-9). Those who are saved are “born again” into the kingdom of God (John 3:3-7), and become new creatures (II Cor. 5:17).
  7. Jesus Christ is the head of the church, which is made up of all those who have been redeemed through faith in Him. The church is not a physical building, but the body of believersin whom Christ dwells through the Holy Spirit. This church is manifested locally in congregations of believers who meet together as Christ commands, to “consider one another to provoke (each other) to love and good works” (Heb. 10:24)
  8. At his physical death, the believer enters into eternal fellowship with the Lord in heaven, while the unbeliever is judged and enters into eternal separation from God.
  9. Jesus Christ will return to earth personally and bodily to reign over the world at the end of time.
  10. The Lord Jesus Christ commanded all believers to be witnesses to Him (Act 1:8), and to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19-20). The fulfillment of the Great Commission requires that all personal ambitions be surrendered in a total commitment to Jesus Christ and His work in the world.

Without mental reservation, I adhere to the above statements and give myself to glorify Christ and help fulfill the Great Commission in my generation, in dependence on the power of the Holy Sprit. (If you have any difference, please write these out below.)


Signature Date

______Printed Name