Français IV et V
Oneonta High School – Madame Labroo
Bienvenue aux cours de français IV et V. Français IV et V is a combined course of advanced French language and francophone cultures. This class is an elective therefore; you must be motivated to work at a rigorous level. Speaking English in this class will not be tolerated, except for clarification purposes.
Studying a second language is now more critical than ever as it is the first step in connecting you with a broader world that can prepare you for global engagement. Due to the social nature of language, France’s rich history and many interesting francophone cultures, our class is dynamic in bridging the past, the present and your future.
The focus of this class will be on authentic functional language use, the integration of francophone culture and the continued development of the four linguistic skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. French is a performance-based subject, in which you progress by doing classwork and homework. As in the past, you will have two chances to get your homework correct. Classwork is based on your effort to use French in any form.
We will continue to use Google Voice that will help me analyze your speaking progress. Please enter the following number into your phone’s contact list or keep the number handy: 607-301-0713. Your ticket to success comes from “tuning in” during class and involving yourself in the lesson.
La construction de la tour Eiffel par Boyer Viollet - 1889
Goals: By the end of this course, you should be able to:
1. converse about everyday things in various time contexts.
2. improve your pronunciation and comprehension of authentic French.
3. read simple texts and short stories written for general audiences.
4. write basic and practical compositions.
5. better understand a francophone person’s perspective of the world.
Supplies: You are required to have the following items.
· A 3-ring binder (2” works the best)
· Loose-leaf paper
· Black or blue pens or pencils
· Pink and blue highlighters
· A Jump drive or some type of removable storage device
Missing class: If you have been absent, you can find a copy of the notes and homework with your name on it in the absentee notebook on the counter. If you have missed a quiz or test, you will need to see me to schedule a time to take it. All illegal absences result in a zero for that day. Remember, 28 absences result in automatic failure of the course.
Grades: The breakdown of your grade for each quarter will be as follows:
Participation and Classwork 30%
Homework 10%
Projects and Quizzes 35%
Tests 25%
Final Grade: Q1 + Q2 + midterm exam + Q3 + Q4 + final exam ÷ 6
Oneonta High School is providing you with the option of taking this class for university credit through SUNY-Delhi for a nominal fee. Last year the cost was $157.00 for a three-credit course. You must obtain an 80 or higher to receive the SUNY credit.
You can have fun and work hard at the same time. I’m looking forward to a great year with you!
**Parents after you have read this introductory letter please sign and date it below.** Then have your child return it to me. A copy of this letter is available on my web-site on the French IV and V page. If you have questions, contact me at
þYes, I have read the introductory letter for my child’s French IV or V class and I understand what is expected of my child this year.
Signature of Parent or Guardian Date