
From the beginning of time there has been but one purpose in life. That is to survive. Of which the meaning is: Outlive, continue to live after death or end of or after occurrence of disaster, hardship.

The instinct of survival is in all living things. A plant will drop his seeds to survive part of it. Wild animals kill for food to survive. Humans create wars after they have killed for food, because the land may have had better prospect for the future, for survival.

Over the thousands of years there have been instances that have stood out that people have remembered from the past.

These things needed to be learned to survive the end of existence.

Progress has come along steadily; we have been preparing ourselves for this day for a long time. People have been saying that the end of the world is coming for 1000 years. We now know what we need to do in order to survive the end of the world.

The 21st Century, science and technology has enabled us to survive after the disaster of the end of the world (Earth). We have developed space craft’s that will transport us to the Future to our nearest Sister Solar System Proxima Centauri.To travel beyond the speed of light we use the gravitational energy as power. The magnetic force of Proxima Centauri and the scientific calculations by our leading Astronomers’ of the World Astronomer’s Nation (WAN) developed Anti-matter spacecrafts. This made the journey possible for us to survive the end of Earth.

The stronger species always outlive the weaker ones.

It all depends on the seeds that you plant.

Future Planet ‘Freedom’

My name is Yalta and I am an intelligent being that has been observing your planet for at least4000 years. I am going to tell you a bit about where I am from Proxima Centauri. Then I will take you on a journey that will lead you to my planet – your future planet ‘Freedom’. So that you don’t fear me I take on the shape of any being I am in contact with. We travel as matter and then appear in human or animal form whatever is needed to communicate with at the time. We communicate in your language inside your mind. We could be standing next to you and sent a thought to you if you are not sure what to do. This is what we have been doing for thousands of years trying to help the humans live a better life. It has now come to the stage where you need to get of your planet before it’s too late.

You are Born You Live You Die

The future lies in the power of your mind, live to be free.

The year is 2056 alot has changed to Earth the changes are in the choices you make. You can choose between staying on Earth and be happy with the way things are down there, or make a few sacrifices and leave Earth for planet‘Freedom’.

There is a 5 year waiting period before you can leave Earth you have to be prepared for the Planet we call Freedom. Children under the age of 5 are the only exception to the rule, because their bodies are free from toxins such as alcohol, chemicals from food, water and air. A 5 year old has minimal accumulation of the build up in their cells. Their tolerance level is that of a healthy being. The lower your level of tolerance the healthier you are. The purer a being the longer you will live.

To get into Planet Freedom you have to be pure, so you have to go through a detoxification period as well as an IQ test at the end of the 5 years. If you do not pass the IQ standard required for space you have to keep trying until you pass. Everyone is able to reach the standards required it just takes discipline. No Drinking, No Smoking, No Drugs of any kind, medical prescriptions etc. No sugar, salt, white flour or Hydrogenated Fats,coffee or tea for 5 years.

If you think that will be easy, think again. The four worst foods are in almost everything you consume. You have to eat everything grown from your own garden. Organic fruits & vegetables, free-range chickens and eggs, fish without the pollution in the river, red meat is out. There are not enough animals left on earth to eat, so if you choose to eat red meat you are not thinking about your future. If you choose to destroy your cells how do you expect to develop the brains to be able to explore the planets of other Solar Systems? You cannot be racist either. If you hate your own kind imagine how you’d feel about another being from another planet.

It all sounds very logical and it is when you think about it. Could you imagine flying with a hangover, no not in space? Have you ever been diving in the sea if you lost your goggles and your oxygen mask you would panic right? It takes a calm person to be able to handle these things and in space like in the sea, you need to be aware of what you are doing.Imagine living without wars, religion, jails, drugs and poverty, because there is no reason for crime. If you want to smoke marijuana you are free to do so. If you want to fill your bloodstream with Heroine go ahead. You will never leave planet Earth that is slowly dying, or should I say quickly coming to an end. Not by God coming down and bringing all that are good to heaven, not a meteor or comet destroying the planet by blowing it away. No, none of those things are going to happen.

The Earth itself is life and as every living creature upon the Earth needing air, water and nutrition to survive, so does your Planet you live on.

Earth has had too much taken from it and not enough given back in trying to preserve it. She has run out of time like every ageing thing. Earth is dying and has only 50 years to live before the lights go out. The year 2106 sees the end of Earth. So if you want to die with the ship and end life as we know it go ahead.But if you use your brains you will do what you can to survive.

We are happy with who we are, we don’t need artificial stimulants to make us feel good. We are not bothered with other people’s problems unless they seek our advice. While thousands of men and women are implanting waste products into their body to make them appear more beautiful, we see the beauty within. Just the way you are.

There is no downgrading of the opposite sex, we are all striving to achieve the same goals, and to laugh at your partner is to laugh at yourself. You are creating new life together all the time. That was the sole purpose of living on Earth, to create new life.

The new laws to become parents on Earth passed in 2020 were that you had to cleanse your body first, so that the child would not bring any impurities to the Future Planet. As you are aware today children are born with diseases this comes from the toxins in the parent’s body. And while the trend in the early 21st Century was to have children later in life, that set those children up for a bad start due to the drug, alcohol and every day toxins consumed in food and air by the parents. Parents wondered why their kids were born sick. Those children would have been better off if their parents had them in their early 20’s before all of the toxic build up. We the intelligent beings have been watching the people on Earth destroy themselves and their children. We couldn’t step in until now as the end of Earth approaches.

21st Century

In the later years of the 20th Century people stopped caring about anyone and anything. If you saw a girl parked in the middle of the road needing help with car troubles nobody would stop in fear of being attached by her hidden accomplice. Even if the girl was genuinely in trouble people didn’t want to take the risk. Animals were being bread out because of attacking people for instance the American Pitt Bull terrier was bred as a killer and now not bred at all. Prisoners were being set up as escapee’s just so the ward attendant’s could beat them to boost their egos.

Police were the centre of the drug dealings, taking drugs them self thinking it would not harm anyone. It was hard to find a descent cop these day’s so what did the kids look up to. Where was the respect for law enforcements, they were getting paid 3 times as much being corrupt than being straight and judges were being bought to let the criminals out on the street anyway so what difference did it make to them. This was the age of the 21st Century where the biggest crooks were the Drug companies and politicians. Together they ruled the world with money and power they could buy anyone and fix it so someone else got the blame. Respect for your elders was lost in the 21st Century there was no respect from above for the people in the world. With the help of computer games kids were rebelling for not spending the time with them playing ordinary board games like monopoly, memory, drafts. Teenagers would listen with their IPods’ to songs with the words kill, hate, death repeating these over and over what hope do those teenagers have. The power of words not only that was spoken but listened to by them made them very aggressive, uncontrollable and disliked by elders.

The old were living longer by being kept alive with medication, putting them in old care homes for a lot longer than needed. Their ungrateful children made deals with the care takers to give them a little extra morphine in the next lot of meds to inherit their fortune a little sooner.

No wonder the ‘Intelligent Beings’ had to step in to put an end to this.

World Peace Project

Before the end of Earth a hand full of People around world who included, scientists, veterinarians, zoologists art doctorates, philosophers, sports nutritionists a couple of retired pensioners, volunteers, musicians and homeless people. All got together to try to do something about the crises we had on our hands.

Kids were being born with criminal minds carried on from their corrupt parents. So by the age of 8 you had a murderer on your hands. This is something that was not foreseen as it was believed that you became what your surroundings made you. Not true. Children were being born to kill, deal drugs and steel out of the parents that passed this though to their children while hearing about it in the mother’s womb.

The World Adviser J.W.L. the oldest living man on Earth who has been fighting for peace for half a century already started the organization World Peace Project (WPP).

Slowly but surely he found people around the world who had the same interest as he did that is to save others.

He was an energetic young man in his day, using imagery to achieve everything in life. A fine athlete he could out run, outskate and perform a triple summersault by the age of 7. He had the gift of achieving the unachievable by power of the mind.

He lived a humble live not wanting anymore that necessary called it dust collectors if someone had too much. He ate one good meal a day and made his own bread and health cakes, full of fruits, whole meal flour, no butter or milk. They were delicious; he would have as snacks as well as fruits. He had no desire to leave Earth but he wanted to help the rest of mankind escape or those that would listen. He had been part of the Earth for so long, watching the spiders and ants fight for survival he wanted to die with the ship.

He had travelled the world in search of the perfect place and settled in Australia in a place called Cronulla it has all you could ask for. Although it had changed in the past 50 years what you don’t associate with won’t hurt you. His offspring told him of the troubles that occurred so he knew all about the drugs etc. What prompted him to do something about the whole ordeal was that his 15 grand children who he loved dearly were growing up and he did not want to see their Children corrupt or in the wrong hands.

His wife Gallia had always fed their 7 children the right nutrients they needed to develop healthy brains and become strong stock. She never used a microwave knowing that the enzymes in the food would be destroyed as soon as you ‘buzzed’ your greens, leaving no nutrients in the food left to eat. Also you must eat raw food for the development of teeth and gums and to secrete bile into the digestive system to help digest food.

She planted her own seeds and took care of her family from the goodness of her unselfish heart. If any of her children needed help she would give to them before herself. Nothing was a problem for her, she could turn one dollar into two and there was always enough to go round when she made dinner from scratch for the whole family. She did want to leave Earth and became the teacher of making the best of what you put in your body. She was a natural had never ate McDonalds in her life and looked more like she was in her 50’s than in her 70’s when it was time to leave for Planet Freedom.

These two people were invaluable and played a big part in structuring the future. You can’t improve on the most natural process; common sense has always been effective and the least expensive means of dealing with our problems. Their 7 children played important parts in the development of WPP. Their daughter Tatjana was a teacher at the Training Centre.

Our new Solar System – Proxima Centauri

Proxima Centauri’s Solar System which is 4.2 light years away from our sun is balanced by 2 planets opposite each other on the same belt at ½ a year apart. We use both of the 2 belt planets making travel very interesting. 1 year on Planet Freedom is 392 days and a day takes 27 hours to complete. This gives us more time on our planets.

So let’s take a look at the planet of the future, which was chosen by an intelligent breed of beings. Life has become perfect for the first time of its existence. This is why we have set such strict rules to get off Earth and into the future.

There are no dumb people in the future you can choose to use your brains or stay on Earth.

There are no figureheads, no presidents, no Gods. Just leaders of groups of people nominated by the group but we are all equal we just have different roles. Because we can all read each other’s minds, intelligence is merely by whom you associate with. Like a computer disk going into the hard drive. So you can absorb information from your peers with brain waves.

People left on Earth drink, smoke, fight and don’t really think that much of themselves, they prefer man made artificial foods that slowly destroys their bodies, instead of a nutritional protein supplement a couple of food source vitamins and plenty of fresh fruit & vegetables, freshly squeezed juice instead of coffee or tea.

For the mature race who live in different solar systems and have the power to use all of their brains, not just 1-10%. To communicate with my daughter I close my eyes think of her visualize her face and call her name. She receives my message through telepathy and no telephone is needed.

We don’t get sick so we don’t breakdown, we don’t get old because our bodies are fed the fuel it needs to repair itself. If your tissues are constantly being repaired your cells are reproduced every 7 years. So your tissues and organs are only 7 years old. What does age is the computer we call the brain. We become wiser by being fed more information to be stored for later use. Also like a computer operator your brain disregards unnecessary information by wiping it of the computer. The brains neurons take care of this automatically.

Have you ever read a book and had déjà vu. It’s because you already know everything and have seen it all before it’s just a matter of tapping into your stored memory bank to open the next subject. There is no man made computer that comes close to our brain capacity.

Sometimes you can press your thumb and middle finger together to get a visual of what the Earthlings are up to and how childish they really are. You can switch from country to country, living room to room for a soapy that’s real life. These are the reminders of what you choose to get away from and although we can laugh about it here on Planet Freedom, on Earth they still haven’t got a clue.