Appleton le MoorsHistory & Archive Group

Committee Meeting7th August 2017

1) Present: Madge Allison, Sue Hush, Helen Sheard, Maggie Tebb, Jim Hall, Dave Rawlings, Gill Humphreys and Geoff Sherwin

2) Apologies:There were no apologies

3) Minutes of the meeting held 8th March 2017 were proposed by Gill Humphreys and seconded by Jim Hall as a true and accurate and approved unanimously

4) Matters arisingThere were no matters arising that are not covered by the Agenda

5) Heritage Lottery Grant: The Grant was for £3900 and to date £ 2958 has been spent. The “End Report” must arrive at HLF HQ by 30th Sept 2017. A number of projects were discussed which would fulfil the requirements of the Grant.

In order of preference

i) A wall mounted display cabinet for the Village Hall, estimated cost £500. Geoff Sherwin to investigate

ii) Additional name to be added to The War Memorial in the form of a separate stone plaque. Gill Humphreys to investigate.

iii) Purchase of spare toners for the Laser Printer.

6) Next Publication

: Jim Hall proposed the next substantial publication would be “The Life and Times of F.C.Dawson School Teacher of Appleton le Moors 1841-43”. Villagers would be asked to read Mr Dawson’s substantial diary and chose items to expand on for example “The Love Feast”, “Transport” or locations frequently mentioned such as “Yoadwath”.

To avoid the pressure of time constraints experience in producing the previous three books the intention will be to have this one in final draft form before looking for grant funding. If funding was difficult to obtain the Group would consider “self funding”

7) 2017/18 Programme.

Two talks willbe arranged one for November 2017 and a further one for February 2018.


i) Jon Finch, Jim Hall to pursue for November

ii) Mr Harrison (Harrison Collection) Maggie Tebb to peruse for February

Tea & Chat will continue with the same format and restart on 4th September 2017

8) Future Projects:

Metal Detector Event

Field Walking

Trip to Sheriff Hutton

Hire Mini Bus for a trip to The Wolds Churches, Joel Brookfield to be approached as guide.(action Jim Hall)

9) AOB:

The issue of the Roll of Honour were raised. Jim Hall is toapproach HPE get a cost for a photograph reproduction of the original art work on which the additional names could be added digitally, this would be frame and mounted below the existing.

10) Next Meeting10.30am Tuesday 14th November 2017