Gaston Christian Church

Where Grace, Truth & Love Abound

April 2, 2017

5339 S. New Hope Rd. Belmont, NC 28012

704-825-8252 |

Bible Classes, 9:30 am | Worship & Children’s Church, 10:30 am


·  Please complete the tear-off attendance strip of the bulletin and place it in the offering plate. Our Kidz Block Student (pre -K thru 5th grade) will be dismissed after our announcements to the Fellowship Hall for their classes.

·  Kidz Block Please be sure that you stopped at the Check In table and check in your Preschool or Elementary age students.

·  CIY DEADLINE – Middle school students must have their $50 deposit and all registration/medical forms to Ken.

·  Building Fund Offering


·  10:30 am – prayer group

·  6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, Garage Crew’s Mid-Week Meet-Up - MS/HS Bible Study @ the Osterbrook’s

THU: Prime Timers 1:00pm – 3:00 pm


·  New Series continues: At The Cross with the message, “Jesus Paid Our Ransom”


·  April 15 – Easter Extravaganza 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Come enjoy flashlight Egg Hunt, a chance to pie Ken…..we need candy, helpers, cooks, etc. Please sign up if you can help.

·  April 16, Easter Breakfast 9:15-10:15 This is an all church breakfast during our Sunday School hour. Please sign up to bring items.

THANK YOU! To all of those who come out to help with our work day. The church & grounds look great!



Communion Meditation Joseph Talluri Gary Patterson

Serve/Offering Prayer Terry Grammer Joseph Talluri

Count/Serve Mike Griggs Larry Couch

Serve Richard Henson Randy Grace

Stage Randy Grace Logan Risch

NURSERY: Amanda Coulter Annette Henson

Last Sunday: Attendance: 79 Offering: $3,248 Weekly Need: $3,675

Mar Mortgage Fund: 980 (-$220) $1,200 needed

At the Cross

Jesus Took God’s Wrath

Isaiah 53

But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.

[Isaiah 53:5, esv]

Truth 1: God is a JUST God and He MUST PUNISH sin.

Truth 2: Jesus TOOK the WRATH OF GOD that was meant FOR US.

Sin MUST be punished.

·  Sin is an absolute affront to God’s HOLINESS and CHARACTER.

·  Sin, and where it leads us, is UTTERLY EVIL.

·  For God to EXCUSE sin without consequence would make Him a LIAR.

Jesus took our PUNISHMENT; He ABSORBED God’s wrath.

·  1 John 2:2, JESUS was the propitiation; He was the OBJECT of God’s wrath, not us.

·  Isaiah 53:5, personalized:

“But he was pierced for MY transgressions;

He was crushed for MY iniquities;

upon Him was the chastisement that brought ME peace,

and with His wounds I am healed.”

If you are saved, you no longer need to worry about HELL.

If you are saved, you need to live a life that is THANKFUL, HOLY and that SEEKS to PLEASE God.

If you need salvation, Jesus made it EASY.