MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: / MEMBERS ABSENT: / STAFF:Steve Brachman / Mark Beutow / Jeffrey Polenske
Shirin Cabraal
Claude Krawczyk / GUESTS:
Dave Schlabowske / Nik Kovac
Guy Smith / Catrine Lehrer-Brey
Angie Tornes / Shea Schachameyer
Bob Trimmier / Berry Stuart
Maurice William / Tom Winter
A. Accept Minutes of October 2008 Meeting
The minutes were accepted as written.
B. Task Force Goals for 2009
1. Review and Approve Bike Plan
· Two members of TF on the Steering Committee and they report back to TF
· Formally lend support for plan to Common Council (letter to Common Council)
2. Develop Pedestrian Plan
· Identify and apply for funding in 2009 – Dave
o Include ADA elements
· Develop Common Council Support – Task Force and Dave
· Hire consultant (to be overseen by Department of Public Works)
o Task Force participates in RFP grading process and Steering Committee
3. Review Structure of Task Force
· Identify Chair (nominating process?)
· Review, identify and/or modify bylaws and mission – Task Force
o Email to Task Force with link to bylaws for February 9, 2009 meeting – Dave
4. Improve Communications & Outreach
· One annual meeting with the Mayor—Task Force
· Create communication plan for Task Force
o Proposal by next meeting – Keith & Shea
· Create “How To” brochure
o Define collaboration/partnership with other relevant government departments – DCD, Health, MPD
o Bike to Work Week
o Street Share Program
o Snow removal
o Sunday Parkways
o Update/distribute maps
o Media outreach
- Meet with editorial board of Journal Sentinel
- Outreach meeting with Cecilia Gilbert
5. Create an Office of ADA Compliance
· Establish an ADA staff coordinator – Task Force
o Create a transition plan (future ADA coordinator)
· Bring proposal before Mayor/Common Council – Task Force
o Research job description and bring info to next meeting – Shirin
6. Create Linkage & Acknowledge Bike/Ped/Transit/Ferry Partnerships
· Encourage MCTS representation at Task Force meetings and define their role – Task Force
· Support BROB roll-out
o Add BROB page to – Dave
· Targeted marketing program
o BFW & City of Milwaukee apply for funding through CMAQ in April – Dave
C. Subcommittees Ideas/Goals
Open the Hoan Bridge to bicyclists and pedestrians
More clearly marked crosswalks
Camping and shelters on state trails so visiting cyclists can lay over/camp
Complete integration of transit system and bike/ped trails
Safe accessible streets and sidewalks, especially for children and persons with disabilities
Plentiful bike parking
Good connections: to other municipalities, inter modals (bus, ferry, train), trails and roads
All bus stops completely ADA accessible
Create and implement bike/ped component on the Hoan Bridge
Improve bike lane network: longer lasting paint or begin raised bike lane network
Comprehensive network: no one, no neighborhood is “underserved”; multi-level network, everyone (every type of rider) has options on and off street
More “spoke” trails and routes bisecting circumference of Oak Leaf Trail
Hoan Bridge: bike-able and walk-able with scenic overlooks, like Brooklyn and Golden Gate bridges
Continuous off-road bike route as much as possible
Well maintained facilities that continue to be improved and developed
Kinnickinnic River Trail in use for nine years
Strong bike system linkages (especially off-road rail trail) with adjacent communities
Express transit routes connected to expanded bike trails
Backbone system of bicycle boulevards throughout the city
Complete pedestrian plan actively implemented
Information accessible to all Milwaukee residents (maps, rides, bike shops spread throughout Milwaukee)
Property owners always keep public sidewalks, alleys, river walks, etc. free of trash, grease, etc. to create more pedestrian friendly walks.
A flexible transportation system equals transportation choice (including rail travel)
ADA compliance officer for City of Milwaukee
All sidewalks (including city controlled medians, bridges, etc.) are cleared of snow and ice within 12 hours of each snow fall or earlier, if possible.
An integrated bike and transit system
Bike sharing system in place in Milwaukee
Increased year-round maintenance priorities in line with priorities of vehicular facilities year round
Motorist training in sharing the road
Bike/ped education requirement for public and private schools
Incentive for employers to provide education in the workplace
Educate the public, city and county officials on disability access issues
Most kids have been taught bike safety
Most kids walk or bike to school
Five percent of trips done by bike
Bike/ped system used widely as alternative transportation and increased physical activity
Improved perception of safety – motorist behavior, but perhaps crime too
Recognize equal rights of bikers and pedestrians with drivers
Cycling in winter is considered “normal”
All drivers routinely stop for pedestrians at crosswalks, alleys, driveways, etc.
Pedestrians can cross with confidence that cars will yield
Public perception of biking less about recreation or lifestyle; more about way to get around town
Attitudinal change towards transit/bike usage
Carrying higher percent of transportation mode
More riders: increased awareness for all; increased options for commuting – employer support
Headlines of Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Milwaukee is a top city for biking
AARP rates Milwaukee “Best Pedestrian City for Senior”. Pedestrian crash numbers for 2018 lowest in 10 years.
Extending throughout and connecting all Milwaukee neighborhoods
Biking is great, easy and safe to walk are key reasons young adults move to and stay in Milwaukee
Bike/ped transit ways paid with taxes; road improvements paid with special assessments
Representative multi-municipal task force
Bike rider-ship of Milwaukee reflects the demographics of the city
Bike tourism seen as key economic engine for Milwaukee
Fully integrate city/county bike/ped system
Milwaukee has the most bike shops for a city of its size
D. Next Meeting (Meeting Calendar for Year 2009)
The next meeting of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force is scheduled February 9, 2009 at 9:00 AM in Room 708 of the Zeidler Municipal Building.
Meeting dates for the rest of 2009 are as follows:
April 13
June 15
August 10
October 12
December 14
All meetings will be in Room 708 of the Zeidler Municipal Building.
Dave will send out an e-mail confirming these dates. Members can also check the B&PTF website for the 2009 meeting schedule and minutes from the last meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Arline M. Holliday