Verona High School
AP Statistics
Learning Target 4.1: Sampling and Surveys
Homework Assignment
- Required and graded homework in AP Statistics is due before we start each Learning Target (LT).
- The primary purpose of homework in AP Statistics is to you come to class familiar with and knowledgeable about what we are going to study.
- Learning Targets correlate with the chapter sections in our textbook.
- We will have approximately 30 LT homework assignments during the school year.
- Homework will account for 10% of a student’s grade each marking period.
- No late homework assignments will be accepted.
- Homework is open book and can be collaborative—study groups are acceptable/encouraged.
Name: ______Date Submitted: ______
Partners: ______
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unacknowledged aid on this assignment.”
Signature: ______
Due Date: Preferably our first class of the year—9/6.
Last date work will be accepted for credit—9/12.
All answers must be written in complete sentences.
- What’s the difference between a population and a sample?
- What is the difference between sampling and census?
- What is a “sample survey”?
- What are the three steps in planning a sample survey?
5.What is meant by the design of a sample or sample design?
6.What does it mean for a sample to be representative of a population?
7.What is a Convenience Sample? Give two examples of convenience samples.
8.Why might convenience sampling be unreliable?
9.What is Bias? Give two examples of bias in a sample.
10.Describe how the design of a study can lead to bias. Give an example showing the direction of the bias.
11.What’s a Voluntary Response Sample? Give two examples of a voluntary response sample. Is this a good method for obtaining a sample?
12.Why are voluntary response samples unreliable?
13.What does “random” mean in statistics?
14.What are two advantages of random sampling?
15.What is a Simple Random Sample (SRS)?
16.Describe three methods (not types) of how you could select items from a population.
17.What two properties of a Table of Random Digits make it a good choice for creating a simple random sample?
18.What’s the difference between sampling with replacement and sampling without replacement? Howshould you account for this difference when using a table of random digits or other random numbergenerator?
19.What is a Stratified Random Sample? How is it different than a simple random sample?
20.When is it beneficial to use a stratified random sample? What is the benefit?
21.What’s a Cluster Sample? How is it different than a stratified random sample? When would you use it over a stratified random sample or a SRS?
22.What is a Systematic Sample?
23.You are sampling the students at Verona High School for their opinions on the 2012 presidential election. Briefly describe how you take each of these samples.
- Convenience Sample
- Voluntary Response Sample
- Simple Random Sample
- Stratified Random Sample
- Cluster Sample
- Systematic Sample
24.What is a Multi-Stage Sample? Describe a situation where you might use it.
25.What is the purpose of a sample?
26.What is inference?
27.Name two reasons for using random sampling?
28.What is the Margin of Error in a sample? What affect does sample size have on the margin of error?
29.What is meant by “sampling variability”?
30.What is the Sample Frame?
31.What is Undercoverage and what problems might undercoverage cause?
32.When is a sampling method biased
33.What is Nonresponse and what problems might nonresponse cause? How is bias caused by nonresponse overcome?
34.What is Response Bias and what problems might response bias cause? How can this be overcome in a sample?
35.Explain the difference between nonresponse bias and response bias.
36.Give an example where wording can cause response bias.
37.Does the order in which questions in a survey are asked matter? How? Why?
38.Compare and contrast sampling errors with nonsampling errors.