

Securing memories for years to come / INVOICE #567
Date: September 18, 2018
10050 Glovers Lake Rd., Bear Lake, MI 49614-9626
Phone (231)736-4317
/ eXPIRATION dATE:May 20, 2008


/ Please fill in the invoice based on your individual preferences. We have included a detailed sheet on our prices and DVD options.
handled by / job / shipping method / shipping terms / delivery date / payment terms / due date
Tony Barberini / DVD conversion / USPS / NA / NA / Check/MO / NA
qty / item # / description / Fee / discount / line total
BDVDF / DVD-F Base (up to 6 hours) / $10 / NA
BDVDG / DVD-G Quality (up to 4 hours) / $10 / NA
BDVDX / DVD-X Quality (limit up to 2 hours per DVD) / $10 / NA
DCOP / Duplicate DVD copy / $7 each / NA
DCASE / DVD Cases / Free / NA
LAB / Label / Free / NA
Sent to: / Total discount
Vintage VHS / Subtotal
10050 Glovers Lake Road
Bear Lake, MI 49614 / Total
Quotation prepared by:Tony Barberini______
This is a quotation on the goods named, subject to the conditions noted below: (Describe any conditions pertaining to these prices and any additional terms of the agreement. You may want to include contingencies that will affect the quotation.)
To accept this quotation, sign here and return: ______
Thank you for your business!

Explanation on prices and services

DVD-X (up to 2 hours)

This is the best quality of DVD we offer, and is playable in ANY DVD player and DVD-drive computer drive. The differing amounts of time are due to the amount of data on the DVD for each quality level. The same principle is in play with every single full-feature movie we purchase from the store; if they are over 2-hours, odds are it’s going to be a 2-DVD set.

DVD-G (up to 4 hours)

This offers great quality for up to 4-hours per DVD. It plays on just about any DVD player.

DVD-F (6-8 hours)

This is our cheapest conversion rate, it has fair quality picture which will play on most any DVD player, and ALL computer DVD-drives.

DVD duplicate

The cost to make an exact replica of your converted DVD is much cheaper than the source DVD converted. The conversion is the hard part, the duplication is nothing in comparison, which is why the duplicate is so much cheaper. Duplicates make for great gifts to send friends/family away from home, and are a great way to secure the safety of your precious videos.

Filling out the invoice

Simply check by the number of services you want in each price category and times it by the price, deduct for your shipping fee, and fill it in for the total. If you are unsure on what service is right for you, or if you need help figuring the costs out still, please give us a call.


All payment should be included with your video tapes and made payable to and sent to:


10050 Glovers Lake Road

Bear Lake, MI 49614