California Department of Education
February 5, 2016
The California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System
Adequate Yearly Progress
Local Educational Agency and Schools Summary Reports
/ The purpose of this document is to provide a detailedoverview of the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Summary Report available for local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools.Overview of Summary Report
/ The CALPADS AYP LEA and School Summary Report includes aggregate numbers for enrolled, tested, valid, and proficient by student group. The LEA and School Summary Report match the 2015 AYP reports. The 2015 AYP LEA and School Reports can be accessed on DataQuest:Special Education Students
/ Any record for a Special Education student who tested at another LEA (e.g., a county office of education) is assigned back to the student’s District of Residence.Definition of Enrolled, Tested, Valid, and Proficient
/ Enrolled –The total number of students enrolled in grades three through eight and/or eleven during a school’s testing window. The Enrollment During the Testing Window is used in determining the participation rate. A school’s testing window begins when the first student at the school completes a computer-adaptive test (CAT) or performance task (PT) (in either content area) and ends on the last day of the academic year.Tested – The total number of students in grades three through eight and/or eleven who participated in the statewide assessments for a content area (ELA and mathematics). A student must have logged on to both the computer adaptive test (CAT) and performance task (PT) of each content area in order to be counted as participating. The Number of Students Tested is used in determining the participation rate.
Valid –The number of students with test results who have been continuously enrolled in the school, LEA, or student group for a content area (ELA and mathematics). Continuous enrollment is when a student is enrolled at the same school from October 2014 Fall Census Day to testing without a break in enrollment of more than 30 consecutive calendar days. Enrollment data are taken from CALPADS and the testing dates are provided by the testing vendor.
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California Department of Education
February 5, 2016
Proficient – The number of students with valid scores at or above the proficient level of performance for a content area (ELA and mathematics).For the 2015 AYP, only the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments were used for percent proficient determinations. Students who had performance results of “Standard Met” and “Standard Exceeded” were included in the count for “at or above proficient.”Enrollment and Tested Comparison
/ The number enrolled and tested on the 2015 AYP Reports matches the number enrolled and tested on the CALPADS AYP LEA and School Summary Report. The values in enrolled and tested were used to calculate the AYP participation rate.In the 2015 AYP Report table, the number of ELA enrollment (389) in the schoolwide cell matches number of enrolled (389) in the schoolwide cell from the CALPADS AYP Summary Report table.
2015 AYP Report
CALPADS AYP Summary Report
Valid Scores and Proficient Comparison
/ The number of valid scores and proficient on the 2015 AYP Reports matches the number valid and proficienton the CALPADS AYP LEA and School Summary Report.The values in valid and proficient were used to calculate the AYP percent proficient.In the 2015 AYP Report table, the number of ELA valid scores (351) in the schoolwide cell matches number of valid scores (351) in the schoolwide cell from the CALPADS AYP Summary Report table.
2015 AYP Report
CALPADS AYP Summary Report
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