Welcome to Mrs. Clifford’s
4th Grade Class!
Welcome to 4th grade! I am looking forward to the opportunity to teach and work with you during the upcoming school year! 4th grade is such an exciting time for students! Utah history, science, and several field trips will enhance our learning. We will be busy with writing projects, hands-on experiments, and lots of new math! Get ready to work hard and have fun!
Mrs. Clifford
The bell rings at 8:40 a.m. each day, and attendance will be taken at this time. Your child is late if he/she is not in the classroom after the bell rings.
*ILLNESSES If your child is ill and unable to attend school, I ask that you send someone in to get the work for them. Students will be expected to keep up with ongoing work when they return, as well as make up the work they missed. There is very little time to reteach missed assignments.
*VACATION If you will be going on vacation, etc. please give me at least 24 hours notification so that I may get assignments ready. Again, students will be expected to keep up with ongoing schoolwork while they are away.
Each student will be given a supply list. Please take time to look at this list and help your child gather the supplies. Many of these items are communal so please do not label the items with your child’s name as we will them share throughout the school year. Please send these items to school with your student on the first day of school – or as soon as possible.
Homework will be sent home on Monday and due on Friday. The packet will generally (but not always) consist of the weekly spelling words, spelling practice page, two math pages, a small writing assignment, etc. Homework not turned in by Friday will be docked points each day that it is late. Homework will also be posted on my website.
Each student is expected to READ30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
Spelling lists will be sent home on Monday and tests will be given on Friday. 4th grade students have 20 spelling words plus 5 vocabulary words. We will do a small amount of spelling preparation at school but the majority of spelling practice must happen at home. Spellingcity.com is a great tool students can use to practice during the week. Other practice hints include: alphabetical order, spelling the words aloud, or tracing the words with their finger.
Math homework will be quite steady. Please expect several math homework assignments per week in addition to practicing/memorizing/mastering all addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts.
School Communication Folder
Each student will receive a homework/school communication folder. Returned assignments, notes, unfinished work, etc. will be sent home in this folder. Students are responsible for this folder and it needs to be brought to school every day.
Parents and students are welcome to bring a purchasedsnack to share with the class on their birthday! The RED class will celebrate with me and the BLUE class will celebrate with Ms. Parrish. In order to be in compliance with the Provo School District Wellness Policy please be aware of the following:
Treats shall be offered infrequently in classrooms. Snack food choices offered must be less than 300 calories and must be commercially prepared and packaged.
We will celebrate Halloween and Valentines Day in our classroom. Christmas and the Chinese New Year will be a joint celebration with Ms. Parrish’s class. We GLADLY welcome parent helpers! Please sign up at Back To School Night or during SEP’s.
Please feel free to contact me at any time! My email is .