ME471 Syllabus, 1

ME 471 (A01) – Mechanical Engineering Design II

Winter 2008-2009, 4 Credit Hours, Call #04547

Meetings:M, T,TH, F 10:10-11:00AM, M in STKR 104; T, TH, F in STKR 103

Instructor:Dr. Greg Kremer, Stocker 253, 593-1561,

(team taught with Dr. Urieli, with machine shop assistance from Randy Mulford )

Office Hours: open door policy, call or email if you need an appointment.

Course catalog description:

This course is the second of a three course sequence that will provide a comprehensive, capstone, senior design experience for mechanical engineering majors. Course includes studies in the analytical techniques of design, as well as the design, construction, and evaluation of the performance of an actual engineering system. This course is a continuation of ME 470 and must be taken in the quarter following the successful completion of ME 470.

Course format and expectations:Continuation of the SrD experience started in ME470

Schedule and course details: See theBlackboard course website and the Course Calendar (

Grading policy:

  • This is a "professional practices" course. You will be graded on the quality of your design process, the quality of the design itself, and your ability to communicate key information regarding both the design and the process. The way you reach your design decisions and the way you present your decisions are as important as the appropriateness of the decisions themselves.
  • The grading process will follow the performance review model from industry. The performance reviews are a major part of the learning experience, not just the grading experience. There will be formative input offered near midterm from your peers that you will be encouraged to respond to in the performance review report that you submit in draft form in 8th week for some instructor feedback and in final form before your individual performance review meeting during 10th week or exam week. See the course website for additional information and instructions.
  • Because this course is focused on reinforcing behaviors and habits appropriate for an engineer (which are sometimes different than student behaviors and habits), work that goes above and beyond "being a good student" is necessary to achieve a high grade in this class. "A" and "A-" grades are reserved for individuals who support and build the skills of their team, contribute excellent project work, demonstrate initiative in determining what needs to be done and leadership in getting things done, and display a full range of professional and technical skills.

Academic dishonesty: The Ohio University Student Code of Conduct prohibits all forms of academic dishonesty.These include cheating; plagiarism; forgery; furnishing false information to the University;and alteration or misuse of University documents, records, or identification. Any course-related academic dishonesty will be viewed as an integrity violation and will be considered in your performance review – serious violations will lead to a failing grade in the course.

Attendance policy: In accord with the professional nature of this capstone experience it is expected that you will behave in a manner similar to that expected of a professional in industry. It is understood that there will be times where you must miss a class session due to job search or for other good reasons (including University approved absences), but in these cases it is expected that you inform the instructor in advance of the absence and work with members of your team to make up for anything that you missed during the class session. If you do not know of the absence in advance, please inform the instructor as soon as possible after the absence. The way that you handle class absences will be considered in your performance review.

Note:All applicable lectures, classroom activities, and materials associated with this class and developed by the instructor are copyrighted inthe name of Gregory G. Kremer on January 5th, 2009.

Course Outcomes:

[ASME/ABET-a] OU ME graduates will demonstrate an ability to apply principles of engineering, basic science, and mathematics (including multivariate calculus and differential equations) to model, analyze, design, and realize physical systems, components or processes; and work professionally in both thermal and mechanical systems areas.
a.10) An ability to model, analyze, design, and realize physical systems and components, and to work professionally in the Mechanical Systems Area[Competence; ME470/1/2; Design]
[ABET-c] OU ME graduates will demonstrate an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
c.5) The ability to select machine elements (such as bearings, gears, or fasteners) to satisfy specific functional requirements [Competence; ME471; Design]
c.6) The ability to apply useful tools for design refinement such as value engineering, design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA), or similar tools [Competence; ME471; Design]
c.7) A recognition of various methods for managing risk and quantifying and improving system reliability, and an ability to apply failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) in a design project
[Competence; ME471; Design]
c.8) An ability to deal with engineering standards and most of the following constraints in engineering design: economic, manufacturability, health and safety, environmental, sustainable, ethical, social, political. [Competence; ME470/1/2; Design; PI]
c.9) The ability to apply general project management tools such as Gantt charts, Pareto charts, and critical path analysis for planning, prioritizing, and scheduling tasks in a design project
[Competence; ME470/1/2; Design]
c.10) The ability to use basic manufacturing skills (such as machining, grinding and turning) and the ability to work with vendors / part suppliers to build and assemble prototypes of a product design [Competence; ME471/2; Design]
c.11) The ability to evaluate and use test results for design improvement and validation
[Competence; ME471/2; Design]
[ABET-d] OU ME graduates will demonstrate an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
d.1) An ability to work effectively on project teams in both member and leader roles, with team members who may have different backgrounds and technical skill levels. This may include the ability to:
a. work cooperatively with others; b. analyze ideas objectively; c. encourage active participation of others; d. build consensus; e. deal productively with conflict; f. take leadership roles as the need arises to accomplish the group’s objective. [Competence; ME470/1/2; Design, PI]
[ABET-e] OU ME graduates will demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
e.1) A working knowledge of estimation techniques, rules of thumb, and engineering heuristics
[Awareness; ME471; Design]
e.3.f) An ability to solve common engineering problems, including problems involving...The selection of materials for mechanical components based on manufacturing issues [Competence; ME471; Design]
[ABET-f] OU ME graduates will demonstrate an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
f.1) An appreciation for and an ability to promote safety and health in all aspects of the engineering profession, including safety during manufacturing and assembly, and product safety through Design For Safety or similar approaches [Mastery; ME471/2; Design; PI]
[ABET-g] OU ME graduates will demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively
g.1.a) Written and graphical communication skills appropriate to the profession of engineering, including writing and editing clear and effective engineering design reports, including technical content that is factually correct, supported with evidence, explained with sufficient detail, and properly documented [Mastery; ME471/2; Design; PI]
g.1.c) Written and graphical communication skills appropriate to the profession of engineering, including: An ability to synthesize a large project report in the form of abstracts and executive summaries[Mastery; ME470/1/2; Design; PI]
g.1.c) Written and graphical communication skills appropriate to the profession of engineering, including: Documenting project work properly in a design notebook[Mastery; ME470/1; Design; PI]
g.2.b) Oral and visual communication skills appropriate to the profession of engineering, including: The ability to participate in technical discussions [Mastery; ME471/2; Design; PI]
g.2.a) Oral and visual communication skills appropriate to the profession of engineering, including: Preparing and making clear and effective formal presentations, including the preparation of “professional quality” visual aids [PI][Mastery; ME470/1/2; Design]
[ABET-i] OU ME graduates will demonstrate a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
i.1) An ability to find, evaluate and use resources to learn independently [Competence; ME471; Design; PI]
i.2) A recognition of the need to accept personal responsibility for learning and of the importance of lifelong learning [Awareness; ME471; Design]
i.3) An ability for self evaluation, leading to improvement [Competence; ME470/1/2; Design]