Music In 21st Century Christian Worship Services


Last 2 wks I have surveyed music in the OT and the NT. Discsnovr music age old isu e 3 stories 1. Drums … 2. Paid choir Ft Meyer… 3. Hymn This is My Fathers…Others

Churches have always had issues with music

Isaac Watts lived fm 1674-1748, grew up a ‘dissenter’, era only sang psalms

Cmplndabthrtlss sing pslms 2his fthr,=> challenged him to write something bttr

Watts wrote 1 a week for 2 years, total of 600 in lifetime, 14 in hymn 87, 42, 68…

Watts hymns called ‘too worldly’ for they were not based on the psalms

Complaints ‘shut out divinely inspired ps..taken Watts flights of fancy’

Rv Adam Rankin May 1789 rode fm KY to Phil object adopt use Watts…

John Piper said he would go to his grave w/o resolve issues of music in church

Cntrvrsyovr music in thchrch is nthng nw. I cannot rslve all issues today btwldlk 2hlp

Our Hymnal

The Christian Praise Hymnal – published 1992, ~650 hymns

Blend of hymns w emphasis on 19th cent Hymns begin w letter ‘W’ 74 in our hymnal

FYI 819 Cyber Hymnal, not include 31 W’s in our hymnal

9 - 20th cent; 30 19th cent; 3 – 18th cent; 1 – 16th cent => ntsr if propor rep hymnal

Some old: 126 – 820; 60 – 6thcnt; 76 – 710; 527-12th cnt;34-1400; 27-13thcnt 80-5thcnt

Doxology – 253, Thomas Ken, smcnsdrd sinful & blasphemous, Ken spcified 4use in rm

Three 10+:F.Crosby 17[4,62] 8K ttl; C.Wesley 16[147,148]6Kttl; I.Watts 14[42,68] 6Cttl

Four music 10+:MBlankenship 18[3,111];CGabriel 10[65,151];LMason 13[11,40];BMcKinney 16[238,244]

There are lots of hymnals and no idea how many Christian hymns, songs, spiritual songs

Biblical Principles for Music in 21st Century Christian Worship Services

Like to share w U some principles for Christian music in the 21st century church i.e FBC

  1. The Bible should be the ‘ruler’ by which you measure lyrics and tunes of music for and in church services. 2 Timothy 3:16; 1Th 5:21
  2. When you sing or play an instrument or listen or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. Music/song fm th heart glorifies God. It is gd to sing. 1Co103Ro1136Lk 645 Ps1471
  3. The lack of specific guidance on song and music for the church in worship in the New Testament infers liberty and latitude for musical style and song. Liberty and latitude require discernment or they may become license. Matthew 9:16, 17, Hebrews 5:14
  4. Music in church must never be thought of as: a ‘performance’ or ‘gig’; or as something to draw attention to someone’s vocal or musical abilities. The heart attitude is always important. Training and practice B4 public worship help to play skillfully and develop artistic excellence and maturity. Mt 61,5 Ps333
  5. When you sing or play a musical instrument in a church worship service, your part is important, but it is not more important than the part of others. 1 Co 12:12-27
  6. Unity in the church includes diversity in musical tastes. Sometimes this diversity is seen in musical interests corresponding to age of the believers. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
  7. Each blvrnds2Bcnsdrt of echothrblvr. We mst think nt only of rslvsbt of othrs. Prsnlprfrncs in msic are ok btrcgnzthm as tht and thtothrblvrs may hv diff prsnlprfrncs. Whtvrurprsnlprfrncs they mstnt b morimprtntthnur lv4 one anthr Ro14:1-13, Ro13:8
  8. No musical instrument is ‘evil’ by nature. Romans 14:14
  9. Music is important in Christian worship because it can help you:express praise to God; awaken your emotions to God; and, get you in a spiritual frame of mind. Psalm 100, Acts 16:25, Ephesians 5:18-21, Hebrews 13:15
  10. Be careful of using the word ‘worship’ when you mean music. Music is one element of worship but it also includes other things. John 4:23,24; 2Ti 4:2


I like a wide variety of music. Music adds to worship, helps me to emotionally connect.

I recognize that your preferences may be different than mine.

My preference is a blend of traditional and contemporary. Traditional gives long view

and builds on foundation of many godly Christians. Contemporary gives renewed focus on Scripture to song with joyful tunes. Fresh springs of living water

The church is the body of Christ, room for diversity, love for each other accept all.