9 August 2017 19
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
The President takes the Chair at 9.30 a.m.
orders of the day
2 CRIMES AMENDMENT (RAMMING OF POLICE VEHICLES) BILL 2017 — (Mr O’Donohue) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (MsSymes).
446[*]MRRICH-PHILLIPS — To move —
That —
(1) in accordance with Standing Order 11.01, this House requires the Leader of the Government to table in the Council by 12 noon on Monday, 4 September 2017 the following documents relating to the Attorney-General’s decision not to make a reference pursuant to Section 327 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009 in relation to the conviction of Jason Roberts —
(a) all legal advice relied upon by the Attorney-General in making the decision;
(b) all briefs within the Department of Justice and Regulation or Department of Premier and Cabinet relating to the Roberts case or the Attorney-General’s decision;
(c) all file notes relating to consultations, meetings, interviews, telephone discussions and other events concerning the review of the Roberts case or the Attorney-General’s decision;
(d) all correspondence concerning the review of the Roberts case or the Attorney-General’s decision; and
(2) any response should conform with Standing Orders 11.02(3) and 11.03(1)(a).
[Notice given on 8 August 2017 — Listed for 1 day]
447*MSPENNICUIK — To move —
That, pursuant to Sessional Order 6, this House requires the Legal and Social Issues Committee to inquire into, consider and report, no later than20 March2018, on the Victorian Government’s plan to sell off a majority of public land for private development on existing public housing estatesunder the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Public Housing Renewal Program (PHRP), and, in particular the Committee should consider —
(1) the adequacy of a proposed 10 per cent increase in public housing(or 1,100 public units)on the redeveloped sites given the size of the waiting list for public housing;
(2) the ability to cater for all demographics including families, couples and singles with the proposed housing mix;
(3) the effects on current public housing tenants, including:
(a) whether they will be moved to accommodation that is secure, stable and fit for purpose;
(b) whether they will be moved to accommodation that is close to existing social support networks, educational, health and welfare services;
(c) whether current tenants will be able to return to the estates;
(4) the allocation of the better parts of the sites to the proposed new private housing units (on designs made public);
(5) the lack of transparent condition assessments of the estates or alternative options such as refurbishment of all or part of the existing housing units;
(6) the proposed significant increase in density and heights, loss of open space and mature vegetation and any other local environmental impacts;
(7) the removal of planning controls from local councils, and planning implications on the surrounding communities including existing neighbourhood character, traffic flow and provisions of services;
(8) the proposed loss of third party appeal rights;
(9) the transparency and genuine community consultation with affected residents, neighbouring communities and the broader Victorian community regarding the short, medium and long term implications of the PHRP model as currently proposed;
(10) previous Victorian public housing renewal projects, including but not limited to the Kensington, Carlton and Prahran public housing estates;
(11) best practice models for the provision of public housing from within Australia and overseas;
and any other matters the Committee considers relevant.
[Notice given on 8 August 2017 — Listed for 1 day]
438 MS FITZHERBERT — To move —
That this House —
(1) notes that —
(a) the Legal and Social Issues Committee requested a copy of the Muir Report from the Minister for Families and Children in writing in February and this was refused on the grounds of executive privilege;
(b) the Community and Public Sector Union gave evidence to the Committee on 30 May 2017 that it was provided with a copy of the Muir Report by the Department of Health and Human Services;
(c) on 8 June 2017 the Committee served a summons on the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, requiring her to provide a copy of the report to the Committee by Friday, 16 June 2017;
(d) the Secretary has advised she was directed by the Attorney-General not to comply with the summons, in a letter dated 16 June 2017;
(e) the Muir Report is integral to the current inquiry into youth justice that is being undertaken by the Committee; and
(2) in accordance with Standing Order 11.01, requires the Minister for Families and Children to table in the Council by 12 noon on Thursday, 10 August 2017 a copy of the Muir Report and any response should conform with Standing Orders 11.02(3) and 11.03(1)(a).
[Notice given on 22 June 2017 — Listed for 3 days]
442 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —
That —
(1) in accordancewith Standing Order 11.01,this House requiresthe Minister for Corrections to table in the Councilby9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 10August 2017 a copy of the Office of Correctional Services Review into the Brighton siege; and
(2) any response should conform with Standing Orders 11.02(3) and 11.03(1)(a).
[Notice given on 23 June 2017 — Listed for 2 days]
449*MRDAVIS — To move —
That, given the 22.4 per cent increase in crime in the City of Stonnington under the Andrews Labor Government, the general disorder, attacks and threats to residents and traders in particular in Chapel Street, Greville Street and Toorak Road and the lack of local police resources, this House calls upon the Andrews Labor Government in consultation with Victoria Police to —
(1) act to immediately increase available police resources at the Prahran Police Station, including the provision of an additional available police car;
(2) commit to the provision of expanded CCTV capacity in Chapel Street, Greville Street and Toorak Road;
(3) immediately re-open the police cells at the Prahran Police Station closed by the current government in June 2015;
(4) commit to a local policing policy where additional police are available on the beat in Chapel Street, Greville Street, and Commercial and Toorak Roads and in the surrounding residential streets; and
calls upon the Minister for Corrections, as the Minister representing the Minister for Police, to report to the House in detail on the Government’s response to this motion within 60 days of its passage.
[Notice given on 8 August 2017 — Listed for 1 day]
378 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —
That this House notes the contempt and arrogance of more than 20 Labor Members of Parliament who refuse to live in the electorates they purport to represent.
[Notice given on 7 March 2017 — Listed for 20 days]
380 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —
That this House condemns the Andrews Labor Government for its failure to keep police stations open and serving the community, and notes —
(1) the Whitfield police station has been closed for more than two years, despite the promise of then Police Minister Noonan that all single member stations would remain open;
(2) the temporary three month cut in opening hours to the Endeavour Hills police station now appears to be ongoing;
(3) the closure of the Balmoral police station for the last nine months; and
(4) the recent reduction of services from the Clayton police station because of its dilapidated condition.
[Notice given on 7 March 2017 — Listed for 20 days]
382 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —
That this House notes that under Premier Daniel Andrews —
(1) the number of preliminary breath tests was cut by 773,587 from November 2014 to November 2015;
(2) the number of evidentiary tests was cut by 2,746 from November 2014 to November 2015;
(3) the month of November 2015 saw a 50.3 per cent cut to the number of preliminary tests compared to November 2014;
(4) the Chief Commissioner of Police, Graham Ashton, AM, confirmed at the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee Hearing on 15 February 2017 that the number of police per capita was cut in 2015–16; and
(5) the road toll in 2016 increased by an alarming 15 per cent or 39 deaths.
[Notice given on 7 March 2017 — Listed for 20 days]
383 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —
That this House notes —
(1) page 1 of the Heidelberg Leader on 7 March 2017, which states ‘vandals have once again graffitied the abandoned Heidelberg West police station which has stood empty now for nearly ten years’;
(2) that ten years ago Labor was in Government and Steve Bracks was Premier;
(3) the hypocrisy of the now Premier Daniel Andrews, Mr Anthony Carbines, the Member for Ivanhoe in the other place, Ms Danielle Green, the Member for Yan Yean in the other place and Ms Jenny Mikakos, the Member for Northern Metropolitan Region, for campaigning for the reopening of the Heidelberg West police station while in Opposition, but now remaining silent while the police station remains closed;
(4) that the members of the Government listed in paragraph (3) are silent despite crime in the Heidelberg West postcode, up 26.2 per cent;
(5) that criminals last week were so emboldened as to attack and deface the Heidelberg West police station;
(6) nothing says more about the Andrews Government community safety failures than the attacks on our hard working police and police stations;
and calls on Premier Daniel Andrews to make a clear and unequivocal statement about his intentions for the future of the Heidelberg West police station.
[Notice given on 8 March 2017 — Listed for 19 days]
388 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —
That this House notes the —
(1) preamble to the 2014 Labor platform which states ‘Every Victorian has the right to feel safe – in their homes, on the streets, in schools and workplaces and online… Only Labor will rebuild our society, create a safer community, and put in place the programs that can actually reduce crime’;
(2) crime statistics for the year ended 31 December 2016:
(a) justice procedures offences (up 51.6 per cent from 9,158 to 13,883);
(b) transport regulation offences (up 43.3 per cent from 487 to 698);
(c) robbery (up 24.4 per cent from 2,572 to 3,200);
(d) dangerous and negligent acts endangering people (up 22.3 per cent from 4,795 to 5,863);
(e) theft offences (up 15.9 per cent from 165,466 to 191,717);
(f) assault and related offences (up 11.8 per cent from 38,881 to 43,478);
(g) breaches of orders (up 10.6 per cent from 52,928 to 58,563);
(h) burglary/break and enter (up 10.1 per cent from 49,722 to 54,745);
(i) drug use and possession offences (up 6.9 per cent from 23,010 to 24,594);
and condemns the Premier, Daniel Andrews, for failing to deliver on his clear and unequivocal promise, with Victoria becoming much less safe since he became Premier with crime up over 20 per cent in the last two years.
[Notice given on 21 March 2017 — Listed for 17 days]
389 MS CROZIER— To move —
That this House notes that —
(1) the Andrews’ Government reassure the Victorian Community that 15 hour kindergarten funding would be provided; and
(2) the Minister for Families and Children provide that assurance to the Victorian community so that certainty for the kindergarten community will be provided.
[Notice given on 21 March 2017 — Listed for 17 days]
390 MR O’DONOHUE — To move —
That this House condemns the Premier, Daniel Andrews, for failing to fight for Gippsland jobs.
[Notice given on 21 March 2017 — Listed for 17 days]
391 MS PENNICUIK — To move —
That, in accordance with Standing Order 11.01, the Leader of the Government table in the Council by 12 noon on Tuesday, 2 May 2017 —
(1) the contract, in full, signed by the Napthine Government to host the F1 Grand Prix in Melbourne from 2016 to 2020;
(2) the contract, in full, signed by the Andrews Government to host the F1 Grand Prix in Melbourne from 2021 to 2023;
and any response should conform with Standing Orders 11.02(3) and 11.03(1)(a).
[Notice given on 23 March 2017 — Listed for 15 days]
392 MS WOOLDRIDGE— To move —
That this House notes the 11,100 Victorians who, within 24 hours, have signed the Neil Mitchell and 3AW online petition, which —
(1) calls on the Member for Melton, Mr Don Nardella, to repay the amount claimed through his second residence allowance and be required to resign from Parliament at once;
(2) notes the Member for Tarneit, Mr Telmo Languiller, having agreed to repay, should at this stage serve out his term but retire at the next election;
(3) asserts that the Victorian Parliament and its Members should stand for decency, transparency and act always in the public interest; and