Name ______Date ______Bell ______

Toys lab - Energy Transformations Key - I use “-” instead of arrows on these energy equations just because I don’t have a side arrow key on my computer. I make my students draw the arrows!

Title of Station / What happened? What evidence was there that energy was used? / Did this toy have any kinetic energy? If so, when? / DId this toy have any potential energy? If so, when? / Where did the energy begin to make this toy work? / Write the energy equation (transformation) for this toy
Easy Bake Oven
/ The oven heated up; the food was cooked (if you are going to let the students bake anything) / The food moved through the Easy Bake Oven / No / It was plugged in, so the energy started at the outlet source / e - t & m & r
(we put the “and” sign in instead of an arrow if the energy is given off simultaneously)
Crank Flashlight
/ The light came on; it made a noise (probably unintended) / Just the movement of you moving the crank / There is energy stored in the flashlight after you stop cranking it / With you winding it / m - r
Track Racer
/ The cars moved around the track, the helicopter flew / The moving vehicles and the ramp moving up / Yes - energy stored in the batteries / In the batteries / c - e - m & r & m
(in toys that move and make sound, there is the mechanical for movement and the mechanical for sound (which is just moving air particles that make it to your ear)
Doggie Robot
/ The doggie robot moved and barked and its eyes lit up / Yes, when the doggie moved / yes - stored in the batteries / In the batteries / c - e - m & R
& m
Any time there is a battery, it starts as c - e, because the battery acid uses a chemical reaction to release the electrons from the metal
Crank Radio
/ The radio played / Just when the handle was cranked / Yes - energy is stored in the radio after you stop cranking and it still plays / With you winding it / m(movement) - m(sound)
(some students will say that there is also radiant energy because there are some little lights that come on (the “on” light, for example). I accept this, but it is not the main function of the toy to light up.
Snow Globe
/ The globe lit up and spun and made a noise (inadvertently) / Yes - the globe spun / Yes - stored in the batteries / In the batteries / c - e - r & m & m