Date: September 27, 2017

Subject: PSLARA Meeting Minutes

Meeting Called to Order: President Paul Horner (W4ISZ) called the meeting to order at 1931 ET.

Pledge to the Flag.

Introductions: Members present were asked to introduce themselves by name and call sign. 16 members and one XYL.

Previous meeting minutes: Minutes of the August ‘17 meeting were read aloud by the Secretary. Approved as read by a motion by Jody (W4SLD) and seconded by Kelton (4IND). WO.

Treasurer Report: Jody (W4SLD) reported that we have $420 in Petty Cash and a Checking Account balance of $6508.37. Motion to approve the Treasurer report was made by Greg (KB4VVE) and seconded by Ken (WA2ABR). WO.


Program: President Paul (W4ISZ) announced that the program this evening will be a roundtable on how we survived the storm.

Technical: Ernie (AJ4BP) reported that the Repeaters are OK and EchoLink will be working as sone as he gets the antennas back up.

Social: Paul (W4ISZ) reported that the next club breakfast will be on Oct. 7th. Notice was made of our nets and meetings. Christmas party will be December 17, a Sunday, at Buffalo Chop House from 2 to 5PM. Fall picnic will be 21 October at Oak Hamock.

Testing and Education: Bob (KJ4UXS) reported that no testing was held on Sept 10th due to Irma. Next is in November. There is a Tech course being taught at Lake Forrest in the evenings.

Club Relations: Sherwin (KA9COD) reported that the newspaper ad didn’t run and he needs someone to take over club hats and shirts.

Membership: No report.

Nominating: Kelton (W4IND) reports difficulty in finding candidates for Club positions.

ARES: Paul (W4ISZ) reports next ARES meeting Oct 18th at the EOC. ARES net is 1st Wed at 7:30 PM. Shelter discussion.

Old Business: None

NEW Business: none

Adjournment: There being no further business to conduct, a motion was made by Greg (KB4VVE) to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 2015 ET.

Respectfully submitted,

Greg Bunting (KB4VVE) Secretary