Wednesday, August 27, 2008

202 1st Ave. SW

Dayton, IA 50530

Mayor Richard Travis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call-Present: Council members Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, and Vegors. Absent: Gallentine. Also present: Staci Blair, Tim Blair, Randy Danielson, and Brian Kenny.

AGENDA: Council member Breitsprecher moved to approve the agenda as printed. Second by Diehl. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

MINUTES: Council member Vegors moved to direct the Clerk to include more specific information on why items are tabled, and contingent upon more specific information being added to the August 13 regular meeting minutes, to approve the minutes of the August 13 regular meeting. Second by Benson. Ayes: Benson, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: Breitsprecher. Motion carried.

HOUSING BILLS: Council member Vegors moved to approve Requisition #15, consisting of: final rehabilitation to Huisenga Construction of $ 4,893.00; general administration to MIDAS of $ 1,312.00; and technical administration to MIDAS of $ 537.00. All funds are from CDBG. Second by Breitsprecher. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

BILLS: Following discussion of clubhouse operation over Labor Day weekend, Council member Vegors moved to approve the bills as presented. Second by Breitsprecher. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

ORDINANCE 228: Council member Diehl introduced Ordinance 228, “An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dayton, Iowa, 2005, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Water Well Protection”, and moved to pass the first reading. Second by Vegors. Roll call vote. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. First reading passed. Council member Breitsprecher moved to suspend the rule requiring three meetings for passage of an ordinance. Second by Diehl. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried. Council member Vegors moved to pass the second reading. Second by Diehl. Roll call vote. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Second reading passed. Council member Diehl moved to pass the third and final reading. Second by Vegors. Roll call vote. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Third reading passed.

UTILITY FUNDS TRANSFER: Following review of information from the City Attorney, Council member Breitsprecher moved to transfer funds from the sewer utility to the water utility in order to retire existing revenue bonds prior to issuing bonds for the water project financing. Second by Vegors. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

PROPERTY TRANSFER: City Engineer Brian Kenny reported on several golf course property boundary issues. Following discussion, Council member Diehl introduced Resolution 2008-23, “Resolution of Intent to Dispose of an Interest in Real Estate and the Setting of a Public Hearing Thereof”, and moved its adoption. Second by Breitsprecher. Roll call vote. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl. Nays: none. Abstain: Vegors. Resolution adopted. The hearing will be held on September 10th.

TREE TRIMMING: Following lengthy discussion, Council member Benson moved to hire PG & E Services to perform the following work on trees located on the City parking area: remove one tree at 503 1st Street NE, trim two trees at 104 4th Street SW, and estimate trimming or removal of two trees at 108 5th Street NE. Second by Breitsprecher. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried. Council member Benson will supervise the trimming. The Council also agreed to ask the Light Board to assist with the costs.

TRAILER PURCHASE: Following review of an estimate for a flatbed trailer, the Council agreed to accept Greg Campbell’s offer to allow the City to use his trailer when needed.

GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS: The Council reviewed current golf course financial information. They were informed that the course would be open during most of Labor Day weekend, but would be closed during rodeo performances.

FAIRWAY SEEDING: Council member Diehl moved to approve the addition of dirt and seeding of an area of golf course #9 fairway damaged by summer flooding. Second by Breitsprecher. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

LANDFILL CHARGES: Tim and Staci Blair informed the Council of probable increased future landfill charges. They also stated that Dayton’s solid waste collection would likely need to be reduced to once per week. Mayor Travis and Council member Benson will attend the next Regional Landfill Board meeting, and the matter will be discussed by the City Council again at their October 8 regular meeting.

COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR: The Council agreed to allow Express Yourself to use two East Skillet Avenue parking spots to display merchandise over Labor Day weekend. Council member Diehl stated that one citizen had disconnected a sump pump from the sanitary sewer system. The Council also reviewed and discussed a letter received from Sticks and Stones regarding concert items.

ADJOURN: Council member Benson moved to adjourn. Second by Diehl. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m.


Mayor Richard Travis Attest