Friends of Darwen Cemetery- Management Meeting

110h October 2012

Present – Diane D, Diane W, Sue Riding, Mick & Kath Walsh, Paul Dargan, John East, Jill Marr and Rev. Terry Young

Apologies – Patrick O’Reilly, Adam Turner, Tony Foster and Rosemary Jackson.

1 &2) Minutes and matters arising – none

3) Meeting between FODC and BwD (9th October 2012) –

Present – Tony Foster, Rosemary Jackson, John East, Syed Osman, Tony Watson, Adrian Harper, Margaret Keighley, David and Karimeh Foster.

Minutes of the meeting are available. – Very positive meeting.

4) Updates –

  • Finance – Diane W – bank balance of £4349.
  • Fundraising – no progress – Heritage Bid Meeting at DVHS 11th October 2012 at 4.00.

5) Remembrance Day –

Friday Nov 9th for schools and Sunday Nov 11th for the community at 10.30

Rev Terry Young is to take the services. These are to be “child friendly” with a change of hymns and readings from previous years. Terry to research a more “child- friendly” service. Also, the laying of wreaths and pupils to put crosses on to all the War Graves. This year the crosses will have the FODC on them.

Friday’s service - to be attended by most Primary Schools and DVHS & DACA.

Sunday’s service - to be attended by Whitehall Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and approx 20 from St Josephs (with their flags). St Barnabus Guides have also been invited.

Richard (Limes Ave) and a veteran from Japan to be invited.

Risk assessment to be completed and signed by Margaret K and passed on to Adrian Harper. Also, ask if the area around the Cross of Sacrifice can be tidied up before November.

6) Any other business –

Examples of the Thank- you cards and banners from Roy Cox were shown. It was decided that Poppies on the front and the Ashton Memorial on the back would be best with the text being made more prominent.

Groundwork Trust has asked if they could help making wreaths. It was decided that Anne L likes to do this as her own individual project and FODC can ask Groundwork Trust to do a different project

Meeting with Brent – to discuss progress of the Cemeteries - Rosemary to arrange a suitable date.

The graves of V Cocker and H Haworth in Section 4B have been worked on by the CWG Commission.

Msr. Grosjean’s grave – can it be repaired? We will ask the Cemetery Office to contact the family and then proceed.

DVHS booked for next Public meeting on Nov 28th 2012 from 6.15 till 9.00 with a tour of the school at 6.30. The meeting is to start at 7.00.

Next Management meeting is on 31st October 2012.