Meeting of Corringham, Fobbing and Homesteads Forum

Held on13th February 2017 at 7.30pm in Corringham Library


Danni TateDTChairperson

Penny PartridgePPJoint Secretary

Judith AcremanJAJoint secretary/ Dpt Chair

Bill DawsonBDTreasurer

Jenny MeadsJM

Pam TatePT

Roy JonesRJCouncillor TBC

Jack DuffinJD " "

Dave PlantDP

John FoxJF

Rita DawsonRD

Derrick ParkerDKP

Tony SharpTS

Peter O’RourkePOFrost Est Association

Brenda ScottBS

Alex RidleyAR

1 Apologies for absence

Lynn Fox and Hazel Parr

2 Minutes (to approve the minutes of previous meeting)

The minutes were approved.

3 Matters arising

S8 correction of councillors name Roy Jones not Roy North

Item 1 re lighting TBC has replied and said it is not their issue. What do we do now? TS observed that council workmen had been observed inspecting the lights last week. DT pointed out that councils disclaimer does not hold good as the company that has installed the lights no longer exists and so the council has a wider duty of care to check them. Jenny suggested that we reply to TBC and point out that they are in error, it was the winter fayre company which no longer exists. DT will do this.

TS - report on Meeting re Forum funding which he attended. Mixed messages. However council decision is to keep arrangements for forums as they are re website and admin funding, but there will be scrutiny of how we spend any monies, and if we do not use them in any year they will be reduced.

Manorway - Dave Plant. Recently met with Anne Ostler and Matthew Agreed speed cameras and additional signage. Also agreed they will come to the Forum every 3 months from July, with a meeting a month before with subcommittee to identify key issues so they can be prepared. Lorry park due on stream from this summer now delayed in planning so signs still on slip roads to deter. Lorry parking def still needed. Looking at doing newsletter to communicate with local residents. Looking at creating cycle / pedestrian path through Frost estate down central ave down to Corringham town centre to avoid people in Old Corringham having to go around by road. Consult with Sustrans confirms this.

Concern re number of lorries being encouraged to the area when impact of diesel fumes now being widely understood. In London concern about air quality. DKP has been pointing out for years that there are 2 incompatible agendas - increase industry and HGV and improved air quality

4 Treasurers report

. presented by BD, copies available

AGM - chaired by Cllr Roy Jones

Danni Tate, Pam Tate, Bill Dawson Penny Partridge,, Jenny Meads and Roy Jones elected to committee. So we are quorate as committee as needs to be at least 5 people. Malcolm Knight not present tonight no apologies so not re elected. Judith Acreman resigned due to other commitments on a Monday evening. She was thanked for her service to the forum over many years. She encouraged other regular attendees to stand, but none were willing. It is important that the council see we have strong membership and attendance.

Danni willing to stand again as chair although work commitmentsincreasingly onerous. Penny to be secretary and Bill as treasurer. All agreed.

5 Public forum

This Wednesday (12th), Roger Hurst police and crime commissioner is at Corringham village hall. 6.30 - 8pm.

Minutes of TRUG

No response from council re letter re suggested use of old police station as community venue.

JA asked about accident Black spot at crossing of Springhouse and Giffards Cross Rd where there was another serious accident last night? RJ will take it back to highways.

Thanks to Brenda Scott and her husband for getting compost from Homebase and planting up the planters. Chair has written to manager of Homebase and thanked them. Brenda has obtained quotes from Little Lodge for shrubs. Would cost about £500. Voted by forum as yes

6 Ward Councillors' reports

Ward councillors report

Roy Jones. Thanks for all who participated in petition re police station. Given to PCC. Please attend the meeting with him this Wednesday.

Morrisons - ongoing meetings re pallets spread across car park.

State of walkways - subject to bi monthly inspections anyway.

Lighting in town centre to be changed to LED v soon.

Resurfacing of St John's way and Gardner ave coming soon.

7Any other business

Response to question - Office block in Grover walk being turned into flats. Garages being knocked down.

11.11. 2018 100th anniversary of armistice of WW2 so likely big celebrations. Would be good for Forum to prepare some involvement.

Next meeting 8th May 2017