St. Johns United Church of Christ

Consistory Minutes

March17, 2014

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St. Johns United Church of Christ

Consistory Meeting Minutes

March 17, 2014

Meeting was called to order by Cory McQuate at 7 pm.

Attendance: Charlotte Brady, Pastor David Brumbaugh, Trinell Fichthorn, Andy Gehman, Dina Hornberger, Cory McQuate, Allan Meckley,Matt Paul, Andy Terry

Opening Devotion: Pastor David

Secretary’s Report

Minutes of February’s Consistory meeting were distributed for review.

Allan Meckley motioned to approve minutes as amended; 2nd by Matt Paul, motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report Trinell Fichthorn (Attached)

  • Snow removal budget was exceeded this year due to the snow season.
  • No funds have yet been transferred from Foundation to cover excess expenditures.

Andy Gehman motioned to approve Treasurer’s report, 2nd by Dina Hornberger, and passed.

Executive CommitteeAndy Terry

  • PDC said all estimate work should wrap up by end of April, and an official quote will be issued. Awaiting Rettew Engineering work to be completed.
  • Rettew Associated has been digging holes on the property, without prior notification to the church office. Cory is attempting to contact PDC to get more information. Pastor Dave informed Rettew of the policy requiring prior approval through Office Manager. Office Manager will work with proper parties to get approval and schedule work within 3 days.
  • Discussed need to write up policy and provide to all contractors and property staff. Pastor Dave will work with Andy Terry to write up procedure.
  • Andy discussed local thefts are on the rise, indicating the need to review policies.
  • Andy Terry received a quote for lighting in fellowship hall and kitchen, providing low to mid-grade lighting for approximately $3300.

Cocalico Care Center:Charlotte Brady (Attached)

Receiving summer calls and preschool for Fall 2014. Will be placing ad in paper for fall preschool enrollment. Bus program is currently working well; and in process of evaluating next year’s needs.

Reiterated the need for communication when work is being performed during care center hours. (Prior week, Rettew staff was outside digging without any notification.)

Pastor’s ReportPastor David (Attached)

Cory gave Amy the “go ahead” to purchase lyrics of hymnal songs to project on screens for member convenience. This is a $50 expense.

Committee Reports:

Worship Team:Cory McQuate

  • Visual Enhancement system is working well.
  • Looking to add a few more trainees to work system on Sundays.

Capital Campaign/St. Johns Foundation:No Report


  • Andy Gehman would like to have a Foundation Recognition Sunday honoring those that have contributed in the past. Looking to schedule this in Fall.

Christian Ed:No Report

Children’s Church is going well with Marcy Donmoyer as coordinator.

Property:No Report

Evangelism: Cory McQuate

Cory discussed the third event with members. This event is a dinner and a movie at Penn Cinema and a nearby grill. Event is scheduled for March 22.

Website is working well. Upcoming picnic is a great idea to post.

Mission and Stewardship:No Report

Governance and NominatingAndy Terry

Effective immediately, Andy Terry motioned to add Matt Paul as a Deacon, 2nd by Allan Meckley, motion passed.

IS:Cory McQuate

  • Cory is reviewing a WIFI proposal but is suggesting installing wiring for stronger internet access.
  • Two computers have recently been purchased totaling $1,000.
  • Cory identified an existing laptop to use for Sunday’s projecting, so a purchase is currently not necessary.

Having no further business, meeting concluded at8:45pm. Next Consistory meeting will be held on Monday, April 21, at 6:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Dina Hornberger