Becky Allcorn

Choral Director

Montgomery 6th Grade Choir Handbook


Dear Parents,

Greetings! Welcome to a year of new beginnings. Your student has become a part of a wonderful music program and is about to embark on an educational and musical journey that will last a lifetime. Montgomery choirs are known throughout the state and the nation for their tradition of excellence.

I are very excited about the opportunities Montgomery 6th grade choir will be able to take part in this year. We have scheduledChristmas (12/10@ MHS), andEnd of the Year(5/6 @ MHS) concerts for all Montgomery 6th grade choral students.They will also be performing during our Veteran’s Day activities (11/9), and at MISD Sings Choir Festival January 24th.Additionally, we are in the process of scheduling a Rennaisance Festival trip (11/7), and a Waterpark trip (5/17) for your student to participate in if they would like to. Finally, we are scheduling socials throughout the year for your child to enjoy, including an a.m. Donut Social, a Fun Night at Incredible Pizza Company in Conroe, and a skate night for all Jr. High Choir students in Montgomery.

Life at the middle school level presents many challenges for families that are involved in extra-curricular activities. You will be given a calendar of all choral events so you can plan ahead of time. I will make every effort not to schedule events that conflict with other SCHOOL activities. Please take time to place the choir calendar in a conspicuous place (some people put it on their refrigerator).

The following handbook was put together so the student and parent would have a hard copy of what is expected on a daily basis in the choral department. It is lengthy and very detailed, but it is all important information. 6th grade choir is the time when students learn what it means to be a choir member and what is expected of them in order for them to become the best. The students will go through the information with me in class, but it is vital that you also know what is expected. Please take time to go through this material. Information is included on grading procedures, fund-raising, eligibility, and traveling.

My desire is for your child to experience success this year, and to see them grow and mature as they prepare for Junior High and beyond. I will keep you informed as to events requiring your child’s participation and events in which I may need your help. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions you may have at the following e-mail address:

Thank you,

Becky Allcorn

6th Grade Choir

Montgomery and

Oak Hills Jr. High Schools

Table of Contents


Introductory Letter …………………………………………………………………………………… 2

General Expectations ……...…………………………………………………………………………. 4

Official Class Rules ……...…………………………………………………………………………... 4

Consequences of Misbehavior……..………………………………………………………………… 4

Required Materials ……...…………………………………………………………………………... 5

Rehearsals ……...……………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Performances ……...………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Grading ……...………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

Trips ……...………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Money ……...………………………………………………………………………………………... 7

Stage Etiquette and Rules……...……………………………………………………………………... 8

Rules and Expectations

  1. General Expectations
  2. Upon entering the choir classroom, a student should retrieve the contents of their assigned choir slot, and go to their assigned seat.
  3. Students must be in their assigned seats in the choir room with their music folder and a sharpened pencil when the bell rings, or the student will be marked tardy. (This means sharpen the pencil in a previous class or before the bell rings)
  4. Students will respect all people, including themselves, and all property at all times.
  5. Remain on task and participate.
  6. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  7. Students are not allowed to play the piano without permission from the teacher.
  8. Gum, food and drink are not permitted during rehearsals or performances.
  9. Cell phones and other technology devices are to remain off and out of sight.
  10. Students are allowed to write directions (notes) on his/her music with PENCIL only. The student must purchase music damaged with pen or highlighter marks so the school can replace the music. Students may use pen or highlighter to write on Xerox worksheets.
  11. The teacher, not the bell, dismisses students.
  12. When a visitor enters the room, pride in the choir program will be demonstrated by the courteous behavior of each student.
  13. All students must adhere to the dress code.
  14. Please do not ask to go to the restroom or get a drink of water during class; take care of personal matters between classes.
  15. Only take your folder/binder and pencil to the riser. Leave everything else in the designated area.
  16. Do not brush hair, spray perfume or hairspray, apply lotions, apply nail polish, or put on make-up in the choir room.
  17. Return choir materials to assigned slot, do not leave them on the risers or about the room.
  18. Honesty, integrity, and self-discipline are a must at all times.
  1. Official Class Rules
  2. Be in your assigned seat with your folder when the bell rings.
  3. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before you speak.
  4. Follow instructions the first time they are given.
  5. Be courteous, positive, and supportive of your fellow classmates.
  6. No gum, food or drink allowed in the classroom.
  7. Unless the food and/or drink is provided by the teacher. Bottle water is Ok.
  1. Consequences of Misbehavior
  2. The Discipline Procedure established for the 6th grade choir program utilizes the school-wide standards enforced by the faculty and staff of their home campus.
  3. The Discipline Ladder containing the information here can be found in greater detail in the Campus Student Handbook.. (The Student Planner will be used as a guide and supplement to this section.)
  4. Tardy Ladder, Truancy, Minor Offenses, Major Offenses, Serious Offenses, Expellable Offenses, Misbehavior in ISS/Saturday Detention
  5. Discipline Referrals
  6. Two types of forms will be used in the choral department.
  7. Long Form: This form has space for the teacher to record three separate incidents. This form will be used for minor but persistent discipline issues. The parent will be called any time the teacher uses this form.
  8. Short Form: This form is for serious infractions that require the immediate removal of the student from the situation or classroom. The administrator will process the referral and contact the parents.
  1. Required Materials
  2. All Choir Students:
  3. Uniform: This uniform consists of a screen-printed T-shirt and a pair of nice blue jeans. Nice blue jeans do not have rips, holes, embroidery, or writing on them. Jeans are to be BLUE. Shoes should be closed-toe with a back (preferably as least distracting as possible). All choirs will wear the uniform for each concert. The choir shirts will also be worn for other choir events (i.e. parties, field trips, etc.) The T-shirt is part of the registration/supply fee that is required to be in choir. T-shirts will be delivered before the first concert.
  4. Sharpened pencil! A choir pencil is included in the supply fee paid at registration. If lost, students may purchase a new one from the choir department for $.50 or provide their own. There will be NO excuses for not having a pencil.
  5. A folder for rehearsals and concerts is included in the initial fee and will be provided to each student. This folder will contain music provided by the school. If the student loses or damages the music or the folder assigned, he/she will be held accountable for its replacement. The folder may be taken home for practice, but it should be in class everyday or the student will be unprepared for class. Being unprepared for class will result in a consequence. Our music IS our textbook. Without it, learning can be difficult.
  1. Rehearsals
  2. After school rehearsals are necessities in a choir program. They provide extra preparation time for choirs to combine and sing music together. In addition, clinicians are able to come in and rehearse the students, bringing a new perspective to the music being performed.
  3. Students receive a grade for all extra rehearsals. (See section VII)
  4. Parents are to bring/pick up their students at school on rehearsal days.
  5. The Calendar given at the beginning of the yearcontains the dates schedule for after school rehearsals.
  1. Performances
  2. As part of our TEKS, mandated by the state board of education, choir students must be provided with performance opportunities. This means that performances are a required part of the curriculum for a choir class; therefore, rehearsals and performances are graded and considered to be co-curricular, not extra-curricular. Please mark all choir performance dates on your calendar now in order to avoid conflicts.
  3. All performances are worth two test grades. (See section VII)
  4. Unexcused performance absences can result in the removal from future field trips. All absences MUST be communicated.

~Please note that if a student is not picked up at the designated time, the Director must wait until the student has transportation. Please be courteous and insure that your child has prompt transportation after rehearsals and performances.~

  1. Grading
  2. Students earn grades in several ways:
  3. Being prepared for class
  4. Music folder
  5. Pencil
  6. Journaling/Warm-up/Studying sight-reading upon arrival to the classroom
  7. Participation
  8. Using hand-signs during sight-reading
  9. Sitting/Standing with correct choir posture
  10. Listening
  11. Computer lab assignments
  12. Individual/Group singing assessments
  13. Extra Rehearsals
  14. All extra rehearsals are graded!!!
  15. Extra rehearsals are like steps in the process of a major project. Each step is important; therefore, skipping a rehearsal is like not turning in a portion of a project
  16. Performances
  17. Every concert is the culmination of weeks of hard work, much like a research paper or major project in an academic class; therefore, not attending a performance is like not turning in a major project in another class.
  18. Each performance is weighted at least twice (i.e. 2 test grades)
  19. Punctuality and Proper Attire: Students will receive one grade for being on time and wearing the correct uniform.
  20. Performance and Concert Etiquette: Students receive one grade for doing what they are supposed to do and when. (See Section XII)
  21. Make-up work will be assigned for excused absences.
  22. Like extra rehearsals, you are expected to be on time.
  23. Written Work
  24. Vocabulary
  25. Music reading
  26. Solfege (do, re, mi, fa, etc.)
  27. Key signatures
  28. Tests that pertain to music being prepared for performance or theory
  29. Late Work
  30. All work not returned by the due date will result in a grade cut.
  31. In most cases, each day late will be 10 points off. For example, an assignment that is one day late would be 10 points off, but an assignment that is 3 days late would be 30 points off.

~The director must receive a written excuse BEFORE the day of the missed rehearsal/performance.

  1. Trips
  2. According to state regulations, students must be passing all classes with a minimum grade of 70 on their report card in order to participate in and go on school-sponsored trips. If a student is failing one or more classes at the six-weeks mark, they may regain eligibility after the waiting period of three weeks. In order to regain eligibility, ALL classes must be 70 or better on the progress report. If a student is unable to attend a prepaid trip due to ineligibility, ALL fees paid will be forfeited. I must pay trip companies in installments; therefore, I do not have the money in my possession. It is imperative that each student sustains passing grades if he/she plans to participate in extra-curricular activities. We will bring back a ticket from the event – to be used at a later date.
  3. Behavior ineligibility: inappropriate behaviors demonstrated by a student on a consistent basis will be grounds for dismissal from a trip, social, etc. The choir director has discretion over this matter
  1. Money

~No money is to be given to the director or left on the director’s desk!!!


  1. Stage Etiquette and Rules
  2. Do not talk when walking on or off the stage, including while sitting in the audience.
  3. Do not talk to the person next to you, behind you, or in front of you while on stage.
  4. Keep your hands straight down at your sides during the entire performance, whether you are singing or not. Choreographed moves are the exception.
  5. Keep your eyes on the director at all times.
  6. NO gum allowed!!! (The decision to chew gum can result in a lowering of your conduct grade.)
  7. No Cell Phones or MP3 players allowed. If a student has one, it must remain off and out of sight.
  8. Violation of any of the above will constitute removal from the stage and your grade will be affected.