Restructuring the Postwar World SGQ

Sections 4-5 only (pp. 548-557)-Garratt

The Cold War Divides the World: Section 4 (pp. 548-553)

  1. How were Third World nations different from the First and Second World nations?
  2. What were some of the problems that newly developing nations faced?
  3. What techniques did the superpowers use to gain influence in the Third World?
  4. What were the goals of the Bandung Conference?
  5. Why did the US order an embargo against Cuba?
  6. What was the purpose and result of the Bay of Pigs invasion?
  7. What actions did the US take to prevent nuclear weapons from reaching Cuba?
  8. How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved?
  9. When and why did the Soviet Union stop supplying aid to Cuba?
  10. What led to cultural conflict in Iran?
  11. How did Iranian Prime Minister Mossadeq alienate the West (Britain and the US)?
  12. What was the Shah’s vision for Iran?
  13. Which group(s) opposed the Shah and why?
  14. How did the exiled Ayatollah Khomeini communicate with his followers in Iran?
  15. Why did the Ayatollah hate the US?
  16. How might the Hostage Crisis ended earlier?
  17. What role did Khomeini expect Muslim radicals to play?
  18. What factors explain why the Iran-Iraq broke out?
  19. What unusual stance did the US take on the Iran-Iraq War and why?
  20. Why did the US boycott the 1980 Olympics?
  21. What led to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?
  22. What did Soviet involvement in Afghanistan share in common with US involvement in Vietnam?
  23. What American interests were threatened as a result of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?
  24. What role did the mujahideen play in the crisis?
  25. Are there any lessons that the US should have learned from Soviet involvement in Afghanistan?

The Cold War Thaws: Section 5 (pp. 554-557)

  1. What was the relationship between the Eastern European and Soviet economies?
  2. Why do you think Nikita Khrushchev, Stalin’s successor, launched the policy of destalinization?
  3. What was the first Soviet satellite nation to revolt against the Soviets?
  4. Why did Hungarian leader, Imre Nagy, form a new government and what did he promise?
  5. What was the result of the Hungarian Revolution?
  6. Why was the arrest of dissident, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, consistent with Leonid Brezhnev’s domestic policies?
  7. How did the Czech leader, Alexander Dubcek, challenge Soviet communism?
  8. How did the Soviets respond to the Prague Spring and socialism with a human face?
  9. What led to the collapse of the Sino-Soviet 30-year Treaty of Friendship?
  10. How did the Soviets attempt to punish China?
  11. Why did détente replace brinkmanship as US foreign policy?
  12. How did Realpolitik made détente possible?
  13. Many view Richard Nixon as the perfect president to have been the first to visit Communist China. Why is that?
  14. Why was China important to American foreign policy?
  15. What impact, if any, did the new relationship with China have on the Strategic Arms and Limitations Talks (SALT) Treaty?
  16. How did the Helsinki Accords stabilize international relations?
  17. Why do you think that relations with the Soviets deteriorated during the presidency of Jimmy Carter?
  18. Why did the Senate refuse to ratify the SALT II treaty?
  19. How would you characterize US-Soviet relations under the Reagan administration?