I. What is an outline

  1. A general plan of material to be presented.
  2. Shows various topics
  3. Main idea
  4. Subtopics to support main idea
  5. Supporting information to support subtopic.

II. Types of Outlines

  1. Topic Outline

1. headings or single words

2. brief phrases

  1. Sentence Outline

III. Rules for Outlining

  1. Subdivide topics by a system of numbers and letters, followed by a period.
  2. Each Main Idea and supporting ideas must have at least two parts.
  3. Be consistent.
  4. Do not mix up the two types of outlines
  5. Use either whole sentences of brief phrases, but not both.

IV. Format for outlining

  1. If there is: I. there must be a II.
  2. If there is: 1. there must be a 2.
  3. If there is: a. there must be a b.
  4. If there is: 1) there must be a 2).
  5. If there is: i) there must be a ii).

V. Basic Example Outlining Sample

  1. Main Idea

A. Subtopics

1. Supporting information

2. Supporting information

B. Subtopic

1. Supporting information

a. details

b. details

2. Supporting information

VI. Sample Outline

Topic: Choices in College and After

  1. Two decision described

A. Art history or chemistry

1. Professional consideration

2. Personal consideration

B. A third year of French?

1. Practical advantages

2. Intellectual advantages

3. The issue of necessity

II. Definition of the problem

A. Decisions about occupation

B. Decisions about a kind of life to lead

III. Temporary resolution of the problem

A. To hold open a professional possibility

1. Chemistry

2. French

B. To take advantage of cultural gains already made.

1. Chemistry

2. French

Sample Outlines:

Title: “The Benefits of Running”

I. Introduction

A. Popular sport for all ages

B. Great form of exercise

II. Benefits of Running

A.  Weight Control

1.  Aids self-control

2.  Burns calories

3.  Encourages a healthy diet

4.  Suppresses appetite

B.  Muscular Development

1.  Improves tone

2.  Increases strength

3.  Improves endurance

III. Conclusion

A.  Benefits make it excellent exercise

B.  Consider running to improve health

Title: The First Cultures

I. Early People

A. People of the Old Stone Age



B. Stone Tools



C. More Complex Skills

1. Ancient Caves



2. Using the Environment

Assignment due Tuesday, Oct. 25

Outline pages 31-33.