Captain’s Meeting Minutes

Devaney’s on Campus

Sept 18th, 2016


Executive Members: President - Sandra Milne, Vice President - Shannon Wilson, Treasurer - Sandi Orr, Draw Master – Michelle Rae, Secretary - Melissa Kimmitt

1.  Call To Order – 11:07am

2.  Opening Roll Call – All teams present

3.  Adoption of Agenda – Moved by: Corey McLeod

Seconded by: Darryll Walsh; Carried

4.  Approval of Minutes From Last Meeting – Moved by: Corey McLeod

Seconded by: Les Miller; Carried

5.  Executive Reports:

a)  Presidents Report

Welcome back to the returning captains and welcome to new team captains. The executive would like to offer its condolences to the Opus Socia-bulls for the recent passing of one of their team members. Last season’s banquet was a success. Good luck to all teams in the upcoming season.

b)  Vice Presidents Report

All three leagues (TAME, City, & Pub) had a combined banquet for the first time last year. It was great fun and went over well with all we spoke to for feedback.

c)  Treasurer’s Report

The financial statements are currently just a draft copy. There are some things missing, such as bank charges. Also, TAME is still owed money from the other leagues from the combined league banquet last year so the banquet expenses will reduce. The three leagues (TAME, City, & Pub) together purchased some banners to try and advertise and create additional interest and membership in the different leagues, for which the three leagues shared the cost. We have not yet received the invoice from City League. You’ll notice a couple of differences from last year, one of them being that we did not record any Winter Banquet Sales. Under the expenses, we recorded the Winter Banquet Meals, Prizes, DJ as the net cost (income less expenses). The Education & Training expenses relate to a dart conference being put on by Darts Alberta. The league has paid for three members of the executive to attend the conference.

d)  Drawmaster’s Report

This year we have 19 teams (three more than last year). Once the seeding round is over, we will have 4 divisions (3 divisions of 5 teams and 1 division of 4 teams). Please ensure that you submit your scoresheets to me no later than midnight Wednesday or I will have to apply penalty points.

-  Would the team captains prefer 3 or 4 rounds of play this season? 4 rounds

-  Would the team captains be in favor of rotating the division of 4 teams (i.e. Round 1 division D would have 4 teams, Round 2 Division C would have 4 teams, etc)? YES

-  Would the team captains be in favor of playing Jan 2, 2017, which, in previous years, we have had as a night off? YES

-  Would the team captains be in favor of playing or holding AGM on Easter Monday? YES (based on vote, AGM will be held Easter Monday)

6.  Old Business

Proposed format change – The TAME executive posted a survey link on our Facebook page regarding a proposed format change due to some members being concerned that the nights were going long at times. Only about 25% of this year’s members completed the survey, which was a little disappointing. Of the members who completed the survey, the majority (40%) said that the nights ran long sometimes. As an option, the majority (36%) said they would really like to leave the start time the same (7:30pm) and 30% said they would really like to start 15 minutes earlier (7:15pm). Perhaps teams could try to begin early for the seeding round and then we can re-evaluate at the next captains meeting? If all players from both teams are present prior to the set start time, feel free to begin play.

Start times & forfeits clarification – According to the rules of play, the team game is to begin at 7:30pm. If a team does not have a female present at start time, the offending team forfeits the team game and the first doubles match must begin at 7:45pm. If a female is not present by 8:00pm, the offending team forfeits all doubles games where a female is required along with the female singles game.

Clarification on AGM motion – There was a motion brought forward at the AGM to allow players to play in a higher division for ALL special events, if they wish and not just in the singles event. As laid out in the rules of play, “in the singles event, any member can opt to play in “A” division to compete for the bye into the Darts Alberta Provincial Championship”. On this basis, we would like the team captains to take back to their players if they would like to have the option to play in a higher division (D can play in C, C can play in B, etc) or if they are ok with just applying the same principle that is in the singles event to all of the special events (doubles, mixed doubles) and we will discuss it further at the next captains’ meeting.

7.  New Business

Would team captains like to continue to have copies of schedules for each of their team members printed or would you be ok with only receiving a copy for the captain and co-captain and having your team members print their own copies from the TAME website, if they wish to have a copy? Majority happy with receiving copy for captain and co-captain

The scoresheet has been updated in the doubles section to provide further clarification on the doubles matches that require a female player. It now reads: “doubles (minimum 1 female)”. Hopefully this clears up any confusion or misunderstanding of the previous wording of “mixed doubles”.

8.  Closing Roll Call – All teams present

9.  Motion To Adjourn – Moved by: Corey McLeod

Seconded by: Darcy Daigle; Carried

10.  Meeting adjourned – 11:50am