Parent Meeting Minutes: 9/1/2016

First off, thank you to all of the parents, players and coaches that attended!

Sabercat Diamond Booster Club:

President-- Mike Kelly

Vice President-- Bobby Windham

Treasurer-- Erica Rieber

Secretary-- Kresta Lancaster


Please go to the website to subscribe to our email feed!! We have had issues keeping the distribution list up to date. This subscription is free to you. If at any time you no longer wish to get our emails it is easy to unsubscribe.

Recap of the 2016 Summer Program:

It was our first year building a summer program. Amongst the 17U and 18U teams 85 games were played. The program was complimented numerous times for the players’ behavior on and off the field, and for the facilities which couldn’t have happened without all of our parents help in the concession stand, scorekeeping and announcing. Thank you to all of the parents that contributed their time and resources!

The coaches feel that the program was a success! While the 18U team was in California (for a tournament that had 50 teams participating) they impressed the tournament hosts so much that they were invited to play in a tournament in Seattle.

We were only able to financially have 2 summer teams through the Sabercat Diamond Club. We would like to continue to get the players as much competition as possible. Playing in the out of state tournaments will also put the players in front of scouts. At one of the 18U games there were 7 scouts. Travel costs for summer were $42,000, which did not include the tournament fees for in state.

Thank you to Coach Josh Hathcock and Coach Brad Blacker for coaching a 16U and 15U team through Sandlot this summer. This was the club that provided the players with a season at the same cost, or less than the CV summer program.

For the Summer 2017 season, we should know what travel tournaments the teams will be attending much sooner, and that will help with our communication to you.

Parents Expectations:

Number 1 rule is DO NOT talk about another player’s performance. You will be asked to leave the field. If you have an issue, coach will be available to sit down and discuss those issues.

Please let the coach’s coach, let them do their job.

The players have enough pressure, let them breathe and fight their battles. They will grow and learn so much when they have had to do it on their own.

We need A LOT more help from our parents. We continue to have the same parents volunteering over and over. Even an hour or two will help tremendously!


We will be participating in the following programs again this year. We felt like they were our biggest earners. The dollar amount is what we earned last spring, before the district’s percentage.

Rockies tickets-- $20,400

SnapRaise-- $17,000

Banners-- $7,600

Sabercat Diamond Club is also a charity that can be selected for the 11th Annual Shopping Extravaganza at the Castle Rock Outlets. Tickets are $25, $12.50 of that goes to us. If we can sell more than 100 tickets, we will earn significantly more money. The ticket gets each person a goodie bag, coupons, raffle tickets, catered lunch and live music. We would appreciate if 2 tickets could be purchased per player.

Go to

Choose the event tab and pick Sabercat Diamond Club as your charity to support.

Fall 2016:

Workouts will start after the Labor Day weekend.

It will not be held against your player if they are already playing for another fall baseball program, playing a fall sport, or taking some time off. These workouts are strictly voluntary!

During our Spring and Summer seasons we found that our player’s baseball IQ is BAD! Too many base running errors. For the Varsity team, many of the games they lost were due to an average of 2 errors per game (1 mental, 1 physical). We will be working on the player’s baseball IQ, hitting and conditioning this fall. We are still trying to secure a time in the weight room after school.

Fall workout schedule:

The first week will be different due to the holiday weekend:

Tuesday 9/6 and Thursday 9/8 from 3:30-5:30/6:00

The normal fall workout schedule will start the following week. M/W/F from 3:30-5:30/6:00 (Monday 9/12, etc…)

Winter 2016/2017:

We are working on securing the GameDay facility December-February. This facility can provide indoor and outdoor work. The price is being negotiated. It will be 2-3 days/week for 2.5 hours. The coaches will be working on defense and conditioning.

Spring 2017:

Everyone is a pitcher! CHSAA has put forth new rules for pitching, so we will need everyone to be ready to work on pitching.

Manny Corpas may be able to come back again this spring and work with the players. He was a tremendous help with our pitchers this past spring.

The fee to register for Spring baseball, as with all other CV sports, has increased from $150 to $185.

The teams are based on our tryout system. We have 8 coaches watching all stages of tryouts. We feel that it is a fair system. Positions are based on how your player performed at tryouts.


·  New Varsity uniforms-- $7000

·  Hats for entire program -- $3500

·  Field: The dirt and grass need to be replaced in the infield. Current quote was $22,000. We would like to at least get the dirt replaced. There is a specific dirt that does not erode as quickly. (only 1” annually, current dirt erodes 4-5” per storm)

·  Wood floors in the dugouts—Safer for the players to be on wood than concrete with metal cleats.

·  Bathrooms

·  Working on new batting nets that are college grade

·  Help building a shed for field maintenance equipment

·  Kabota or something similar to help with hauling dirt and trash removal

·  Home team bleacher canopy

·  Bubble for indoor batting

·  Help removing 9ft strip of grass along backstop to prevent weed growth in the grass

We will be planting a tree in Marc Strickler’s honor. This will be behind our home bleachers. We plan to have a larger concrete pad poured around it that could hold a few picnic benches.

This is a lot of information. Most of it will be repeated throughout the monthly parent meetings, or can be found on the website under the links tab.