Suicide prevention

We’ve been sent guidelines from public health England. We’ve been trying to promote them with the council here for young people and we’ve asked how they’re going to implement them within the council/framework.

The Sutton Adult Safeguarding Board – user members

Alan is meeting Dug tomorrow. Dug is finding it too stressful being on the board on his own. Alan will go on the board with him as an interim measure until someone else is found. We’ve never talked about who is going to support service user representatives. There is a Learning Forum next May in Merton. These issues will be raised there.

Making Safeguarding Personal project status and updates

People can send comments to Patrick directly- positive or negative.

Richard Edgeworth, a manager at the Trust, is looking at violence and aggression over the whole Trust. They’re wondering how it all joins up and they have booked a day with Patrick and Vijay to look at this.

Someone on Ward 3 recently witnessed a woman being restrained and the nurse who restrained the woman told her she was possessed by the devil. Alan feels this is unacceptable as people shouldn’t bring their religious views into work, and for someone who is suffering from mental health problems being told you are possessed by the devil is very frightening.

Patrick will make sure all the peer support workers know what to do if they have concerns.

There needs to be a space for people to talk about their experiences. A two-way dialogue. We could set up a peer reconciliation group and the nurses could say what has happened from their point of view.

Any other business

Carol Anne and Siobhan went to the Acute Care Forum meeting last Friday and found out that other boroughs have representatives who visit their home wards. The manager of ward 3 confirmed that a representative from Sutton would be welcome to attend the community meetings on the ward.


  • Give any ideas on Time to Talk Day to Alan
  • Send everyone a copy of the draft Mental Health Act review letter.
  • Have a follow-up meeting with Healthwatch
  • Dug and Alan to meet with Mike Hever to discuss what is involved in being on the Adult Safeguarding Board.
  • Alan to bring up support for service users at the Learning Forum in May.
  • Collect a copy of the MSP policy from Jane or Alan.
  • Send comments on the MSP policy to Patrick directly.
  • Decide how we can work with Vijay.
  • Lee Hanken to do a poster on restraint.
  • Patrick will write to the ward manager, Andy Plumb.
  • Alan and other 1 in 4 members to attend the Trust Strategy meeting on 11th December.
  • Alan to write to Andy Plumb about attending community meetings at Springfield.