Village Board Meeting

May 9, 2016

Mayor Brown called the meeting to order at 7 pm with the pledge of allegiance. Trustees Hartley, Andrews, McGrath, and Tuttle were present. There was a moment of silence for former Senator Tom Libous who passed May 3rd.

Visitors: Officer in Charge Jeff Messina Karmen Harrington Shirley Girton

Electric Supt. Jeff Livingston Brian Milk Bruce G Kinney

Jason Bellis Maureen Bower

Trustee Hartley moved, seconded by Trustee Tuttle that the minutes of April 11, April 13, & Bid opening by Larson Design Group on May 4, 2016 are accepted. Ayes-all. Carried.

Motion by Trustee McGrath, seconded by Trustee Andrews, that the Treasurers, Code Enforcement, Police, and Registrar of Vital Statistics reports were received and filed. Ayes-all. Carried.

Jason Bellis from Larson Design Group discussed the bid openings from May 4, 2016:

Contract #1-Collection System Improvements-5 bids were opened

Rifenburg Construction was the apparent low bid-$1,565,450.00

All information was in order and recommends the Village of Greene accept this bid.

Contract#2-Wastewater Treatment Improvements-General Work-2 bids were opened

Streeter Associates was the apparent low bid-$4,477,000.00

Due to this bid coming in over budget, Larson Design recommends the Village of Greene re-bid. LDG feels that this contract does not give a good representation of the work to be conducted.

Contract #3-Wasatewater Treatment Plant Improvements-Electrical Work-5 bids were opened

Diekow Electric was the apparent low bid-$233,255.64

Larson Design Group recommends the Village of Greene accept this bid.

Motion by Trustee McGrath, seconded by Trustee Tuttle to accept Contracts #1 & #3. Ayes-all. Carried.

Motion by Trustee McGrath, seconded by Trustee Andrews to Rebid Contract #2. Ayes-all. Carried.

Motion by Trustee McGrath, seconded by Trustee Hartley to advertise for Contract #2 Rebid. Ayes-all. Carried.

Mayor Brown opened the Public Hearing at 7:40 pm on the Water/Sewer rate increase. The Clerk read the legal notice. No one spoke for or against the increase.

Trustee Tuttle spoke on the Firemen’s Banquet that was held recently. Firemen from Bainbridge, Chenango Forks, Brisben, Port Crane, and Coventry attended. Greene was praised for their great Mutual Aid System.

Recruit NY was held April 23, 2016 and the only person that showed up was Senator Akshar. The Fire Dept. is very worried about the empty lockers and no one to fill them. SUNY Broome has a Technical Safety Program that may be an option for new recruits. Recruit NY will pay for tuition, but the recruits would need a place to live. Chief Woerter is looking in to this option.

The Fire Dept. received another offer on the Tanker. Motion by Trustee McGrath, seconded by Trustee Andrews to refuse this offer and to get this tanker to Roy Tietsworth internet auction with a minimum bid of $2,500.00. Ayes-all. Carried.

Electric Superintendent Jeff Livingston reported that the MEUA Board is working with NYPA to extend our contract from 2025 to 2040.

Trustee Hartley moved, seconded by Trustee Tuttle for Superintendent Jeff Livingston to be the voting delegate at the NYMPA Annual Meeting May 25, 2016. Ayes-all. Carried.

Dylan Dedrick has been hired as a laborer and will start work May 23, 2016. Steve Ingraham will be attending water school May 23-26 for his “D” license.

Trustee McGrath moved, seconded by Trustee Andrews to allow the Village Clerk to expend up to $10,000 for water leak locater equipment from 64 Seconds. This is subject to a 30 day permissive referendum. Ayes-all. Carried.

MEO Bruce Kinney updated the board that new sidewalks on Mill and Jackson Streets should be completed by May 31st weather permitting. He, along with Supt. Livingston located and repaired a sewer line break on the ballflats.

Officer in Charge Jeff Messina would like to purchase a Taser that will be two shot capable along with accessories needed to carry this piece of equipment. Motion by Trustee Tuttle, seconded by Trustee Andrews to purchase a Taser with accessories not to exceed $1,500 to be taken out of the 2016-2017 budget. Ayes-all. Carried.

The police department body cameras have been purchased and are in use. The Chenango County Sheriff’s Office has purchased a $13,000 CAD system to be able to access all arrest files that are in the data system. Greene PD is allowed to use this system for free. May 24th OIC Messina and Officer Chalson will be at a Force on Force Simunitions Training.

The Village has chosen to recall the Fire Station & Electric Substation Bonds in order to refinance the remaining debt of $1,410,000 at a lower interest rate. Trustee Hartley moved, seconded by Trustee Andrews to recall the Fire Station & Electric Substation Bonds. Ayes-all. Carried.

Trustee Hartley moved, seconded by Trustee McGrath to write off electric bad debt in the amount of $8,798.54. Ayes-all. Carried.

Trustee McGrath moved, seconded by Trustee Hartley to enter into a lease agreement with First Niagara Leasing Inc. for a Jet Cleaner with a total price of $59,791. Ayes-all. Carried.

Motion by Trustee McGrath, seconded by Trustee Hartley to dispose of old Payroll checks 9144-9249. Ayes-all. Carried.

Motion by Trustee McGrath, seconded by Trustee Hartley to close the public hearing on the water/sewer rate increase. Ayes-all. Carried.

Motion by Trustee McGrath, seconded by Trustee Andrews to adopted the water/sewer rate increase to take effect June 2016. Ayes-all. Carried.

Trustee Tuttle moved, seconded by Trustee Hartley that the following audited claims be paid, in total $364,128.71.

General Fund $ 105,482.92 Electric Fund $ 143,460.12 Capital Fund $45,554.84

Water Fund 21,688.25 Sewer Fund 47,942.58

Ayes-all. Carried.

Trustee Tuttle moved, seconded by Trustee McGrath to authorize the following budget amendments:

A.3120.140 Police Stop DWI + 95.84

A.3120.100 Police-full time +2,728.40

A.3120.414 Police-Gasoline -2,824.24

A.3410.431 Fire Dept. Insurance +3,087.00

A.3410.446 Fire Dept-Safety Support -2,000.00

A.3410.415 Fire Dept-Postage - 350.00

A.3410.448 Fire Dept-Misc - 737.00

A.4020.000 Registrar of Vital Statistics + 90.00

A.0911.000 Fund Balance - 90.00

A.5110.411 Street Maint Utilities +302.21

A.5110.420 Street Maint-Vehicle Maint +287.17

A.5110.414 Street Maint-Gasoline - 589.38

A.9950.918 Transfer to Capital FD Trucks + .25

A.0911.000 Fund Balance - .25

F.8340.120 Trans/Dist Double Time + 34.24

F.8340.110 Trans/Dist-OT - 34.24

G.8130.457 Treatment Plant Chemicals + 431.00

G.8130.459 Treatment Plant Fit Test/physicals +123.00

G.8130.422 Treatment Plant Equip Repairs -554.00

Ayes-all. Carried.

The Floor was opened to visitors:

No one spoke.

Trustee Hartley and Electric Supt. Livingston surveyed trees that needed attention and have placed them on the work schedule. Many trees that have been taken down in the last few years need stumps removed. This will be brought to the attention of the highway dept. There is a Ballflats Meeting May 11th at 5 pm.

Trustee McGrath and Mayor Brown met with the resident on the corner of Franklin St. and Willard St. to find a better solution to keep large vehicles off from the sidewalk and grass on his property. The Village will place 2-3 ft yellow poles on both corners.

Trustee Andrews reported that the bases are in at the ball field on the Ballflats. Letters have gone out to the remaining Springline customers reminding them that the water will no longer be supplied by the Village after August 1, 2016.

Keep Greene Clean Day is May 14th.

Shirley Girton was thanked and a round of applause was given for cleaning up the grounds in front of the village and town office buildings. It is apparent that she loves her hometown.

Marcia Miller sent a note thanking the Village of Greene for lowering the Flag to ½ staff in honor of the death of former Senator Libous.

The Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year dinner will be May 19th.

Motion by Trustee McGrath, seconded by Trustee Hartley to declare the old Jet sprayer surplus. Ayes-all. Carried.

Trustee Andrews moved, seconded by Trustee Tuttle to enter into executive session on personnel and legal at 8:55 p.m. Ayes-all. Carried.

Trustee McGrath moved, seconded by Trustee Hartley to end executive session and enter into regular session. Ayes-all. Carried.

Motion by Trustee McGrath, seconded by Trustee Andrews to promote MEO Bruce Kinney to Working Supervisor with a $1.25 raise effective May 14, 2016. Ayes-all. Carried.

Trustee Tuttle moved, seconded by Trustee Hartley to adjourn the board meeting at 9:25 p.m. Ayes-all. Carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Teresa Thurston

Village Clerk